2017. szeptember 8., péntek

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 35. héten?

Szeptember 2-án Veszprémben jártunk a III. Tacskó találkozón, immár másodszor kaptunk meghívást a rendezvényre. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat ezen a csodálatos helyszínen, ahol találkozhattunk érdeklődőkkel, támogatóinkkal, sok örökbefogadott kutyánkkal és a gazdikkal. Eltölthettünk egy nagyon jó hangulatú napot együtt. az előző évhez képest sokkal többen jöttek el, jó volt látni a sok apró sparhelt lábút szaladgálni boldogan, akikhez csatlakozott néhány nagyobb kutya is, például vizslák.
Az idő és a szervezés remek volt, amit külön köszönünk Csaba Eszternek, aki minden évben sokat dolgozik azon, hogy minden rendben és jól sikerüljön. Még szerencsénk is volt volt, mert az eső csak késő délután kezdett rá.

Ficakról valóban kiderült, hogy minden kutyának nekimegy, verekszik és ha valami nem tetszik neki, akkor harap. Miután ezt meg kell oldanunk, ezért tréner segítségét kellett igénybe venni, Így Ficak elköltözött, tanul, az első hírek szerint valóban szükség volt erre a lépésre, hamarosan jövünk friss hírekkel.


Gyöngy Németországba költözött egy magyar hölgyhöz. Némi szervezés kellett ahhoz, hogy új lakhelyére megérkezzen, a Moser partjánál fog élni. Szerencsére sikerült megszervezni egy örökbefogadónk segítségével, hogy hosszú út után megérkezzen új otthonába, ahol már nagyon várták. Happy and a beszögelt sufniból, csont soványan, egy boldog életbe csöppent, öröm ez számunkra.


A Futrinka Egyesület csapata, a Futrinka Falka szeptember 2-án ismét rajthoz állt a Hard Dog Race kutyás futóversenyén, ez alkalommal a 12 km-t és a 22 akadályt teljesítették nagyon szép eredménnyel. Gratulálunk mindenkinek, hősök vagytok!

Vizsla fajtamentő csoportunknál Samina a hét elején végleges családra talált, ám kutyatársa nem fogadta őt kitörő örömmel. Felmerült, hogy visszakerül a gondozásunkba, de gazdái szeretnék megoldani a problémát, kutyaiskolába fognak járni.


Zsüli rutin szívféreg tesztje negatív lett, így átesett az ivartalanításon.


Alex apó 2014-ben került a gondozásunkba, egyik ideiglenes befogadótól kellett költöznie a másikhoz, gazdisodott is, de végül visszakerült a gondozásunkba. Ám a története happy enddel zárult, megtaláltuk számára a tökéletes családot. Legalábbis ezt gondoltuk. Most két év elteltével hidegzuhanyként ért bennünket a hír, hogy szeretnék visszaadni. Alex apó így ismét gazdikereső lett, panziós befogadónknál került elhelyezésre.


Csipa opciós ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött, ha minden jól alakul és szépen beilleszkedik a családba, akkor szeretnék véglegesen örökbefogadni.


Jóda szeme szinte mindig csipás amiatt, hogy a szempillái karcolják és irritálják a szemgolyóját. Folyamatos cseppentgetés mellett most nem okoz neki fájdalmat, sokkal felszabadultabb és nyugodtabb. A laboros vérvétel eredményei jók, így a héten sor került a szemhéjplasztikára, reméljük végleg megszűnik a probléma.


Annyi támogatás és harc után Muminmami csütörtök este váratlanul átkelt a szivárványhídon. Hiába küzdöttünk a megviselt, idős, ősz pofiért, hiába töltött órákat az infúzió mellett ideiglenes befogadójával, Muminka tragikus hirtelenséggel ment el. Semmit nem tudtunk tenni érte. Az már biztos, hogy ez nem a mi évünk, egy újabb veszteség, megint letört egy darab a szívünkből.


Hintaló, az 1 év körüli ivartalan magyar vizsla fiúcska hétvégén a nyíregyházi Állatbarát Alapítványtól került a gondozásunkba. Érkezésekor maga alá húzott farokkal, félszegen szemlélte hova is került, de kutyátársai segítettek neki, teljesen kinyílt, olyan, mint ha mindig is ott lakott volna.

Katának és Monorockynak szombaton több szempontból is izgalmas volt a HDR: sikeresen teljesítették a versenyt, a célban pedig aláírták az örökbefogadói szerződését, amiről ő mit sem sejtett, párja a tudtunkkal szervezte a meglepetést.


Bármi drótszőrű magyar vizsla anyuka és ismeretlen apuka gyerekeként látta meg a világot 4 hónappal ezelőtt. Tipikus hisztis pasi, aki hangot is ad akaratának. S bár még csak rövid ideje van a gondozásunkban, nem meglepő módon hamarosan látogatót fogad. Reméljük, hogy minden rendben lesz a találkozón.

Noki érkezőink táborát erősíti, különlegesen jó kutya, így bízunk benne, hogy hamar végleges családra fog találni.

Augusztus hónapot 49 védenccel nyitottuk, 17 új és 1 volt védencünk került a gondozásunkba, 14-en gazdisodtak belföldön illetve külföldön egyaránt, sajnos 2 védencünk átkelt a szivárványhídon... és 2 kutyának megtaláltuk az eredeti gazdáját. A nyár utolsó hónapja mozgalmasan telt, az nem vitás, de az oroszlán része még csak most következik, hiszen ki kell fizetnünk a költségeinket, amelynek legmeghatározóbb hányadát az orvosi és a panziós költségek teszik ki.
Kérjük, ha tehetitek, járuljatok hozzá védenceink lakhatásához!
Futrinka utca Kutyavédő és Kutyás Szabadidősport Egyesület
K&H Bank
Megjegyzés: Vizsla lakhatás

Alaptevékenységi csoportunknál Noruz múlt héten állatorvosnál járt, vettek tőle vért a laborhoz, hogy lássuk bódítható e. A héten ismét vizsgálaton járt, a csípőjét és a lábát röntgenezték. Sajnos nem kaptunk jó híreket, komoly fájdalmai vannak, s kiderült, hogy ez okozza nála a lábrágást is. A továbbiakban sajnos vár rá egy MR vizsgálat és egy műtét, hogy fájdalmait enyhíthessük.


Szeptember 9-én, szombaton szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt a Kertemben 11 órától 15 óráig a Futrinka Piknikre.

Szeptember 17-én, vasárnap 10 és 17 óra között IV. SugárZoo Piknik és Hivatalos Tacskó Találkozó kerül megrendezésre a Pillangó parkban.

Október 1-én, vasárnap 10 órától jótékonysági adománygyűjtő sétára invitáljuk az érdeklődőket Vajdával és Deménnyel.

2017. szeptember 7., csütörtök

What happened at Futrinka during week 34?

Even during the peak of the summer, we did not pause in rescuing dogs in need. We had several medical urgencies to tend to, we said good bye to dogs that found forever homes and of course, as always, we had new arrivals as well. 

The protégé of our Vizsla Breed Rescue Group, Kapi tested negative for Heartworm Disease, so he could be neutered.


On Monday night, we received a German Vizsla girl, Dobra, that was found in Monostorpályi. She received a microchip, got vaccinated, worm-cured and her blood was drawn for further tests. Currently, she needs to take painkillers, because her hind thigh bone was broken before and healed poorly. She does not use this leg properly and whines from the pain. The vets advised surgery, which`s date will be set after we receive the results of the blood test. Dobra is an endlessly kind and friendly dog that is compatible both with dogs and cats.

On Tuesday, a 3-month-old male Vizsla was found in the 15th district of Budapest, whom we named Kenobi. Unfortunately, he did not have a chip but we managed to find his original master and they could be re-united.

This week, three puppies of the “Abádszalók-litter” found forever homes. The lucky ones were: Atom, Ami and Ajsa.
Several more of our dogs found forever homes over the weekend. We wish all of them a very happy and long life in their new families.

Csia was adopted by a family that previously adopted from our Great Dane Breed Rescue Group.


Sima Sári came into our care with her companions, all of whom were adopted. Sári could move to her new home after a series of necessary surgeries.


With the help of our foreign partner organization, the Hands4Paws, Túró Rudi, Bektyök Berci and Felina travelled abroad to move in with their new permanent and temporary families.

Saul, the protégé of our Chanceless Mix Breed Rescue Group was neutered and we can happily report that the procedure went without any problem. He still needs to get used to the cone and not to bump into everything, which will only take a few days. After he completely recovered, the cone can be removed. Saul is available for adoption. Now we need to focus on finding the perfect family for him. 

There was a tissue growth in Lappancs` mouth, which had once been removed before, but it grew back again, and therefore he needed a new surgery. The procedure was successful and the doctors did not need to remove any teeth. Although, because a deep incision was made, Lappancs needs to be on painmedication. It would mean all the difference for Lappancs to recover in either a temporary fostering home or a forever home. If you feel that you could give Lappancs a home either for the duration of this period or for good, please take contact with us on info@futrinkautca.hu.

Noruz visited the vet, where his blood was drawn to test whether he can be put under anaesthesia. If the tests came back with good results, he will go under hip- and leg surgeries next week. In addition, his tumour needs constant control and unfortunately, his legs do not improve either. As soon as he can lose the cone, he begins to chew the legs. We tried to give him hypoallergenic food, hoping for improvement, but it seems that something else is causing these symptoms, which we are trying to figure out. If you would like to contribute to Noruz`s medical expenses, you can make a donation using the following bank details: Futrinka Egyesület, K&H Bank, bank account nr: 10404089-49575251-57561000. Please enter “Noruz” in the message box.

This week, Bogyó, our miniature Wirehaired Dachshund boy was rehomed. He was adopted by a young couple that prepared for his receival with love and excitement. After arriving in his new home, he laid down on the couch beside his new master and fell asleep. We received news that everything goes well with Bogyó, he even has a ramp installed to make the couch easier accessible for him.


Due to relocation, Kökény, the 6-year-old black and tan mix female was given to a new family that did not take good care of her, and she often ended up wandering the streets. The local residents asked for help, and later the owners were located as well. Finally, she found shelter at Futrinka where we are working on finding her a forever home where she will be loved and taken care of. Hopefully she will not have to wait for long.


Raduj is a 2-year-old black and tan male who was found wandering the streets. He did not have a microchip and because his family did not turn up, we are looking for a loving home for him, where the playful little Raduj will be appreciated and loved.

What happened at Futrinka during week 32?

The week In the Vizsla rescue group primarly spends medical examinations, but we had lucky dogs whos found final home. Makk  is over the his routine medical examination. Unfortunatelly. we got bad news from several point of view. His Dirofilaria test was positive. Basically this would not be a problem, as with our slower, but safer treatment, several of our proteege had a negative test. There is an alteration in Makk’s prostate that should be remove as soon as possible, but the anesthesia of the positive heartworm dogs is very dangerous. We have started treating his heart worms, we trust the test will be negative soon.

Dilara and Delia were puppy, when come to us, now they have grown up. After the routine examinations, they gone trought their castration.

Even though Csipike is still very young, she growing up with honor his own and adopted puppies. The time has come for Csipike to be castrated. As for all of our proteege case, we consider it important to preserve them from illnesses and the birth of unwanted litters. She still suffers a bit, but she will gather herself in a few days and be the same jumping girl she was. She is ready to find a final home and owner, but we still have to find the perfect family.


Hermina went through her castration and the huge tumor was removed from her leg. She got infusion, but she has pains. We are still waiting for the histology results, we hope we get good news.


After an unsuccessful owner finding, Zsivány moved to his final family on the weekend. His companion is none other than our former proteege, Solymari Bátor. We wish him long and happy years in his life at his family!

Romhányi Füles, the small little puppy, who was left in the woods, did not have to wait long to find the final family. We wish him long and happy years in his life at his family!

In the dachshund group this week spent quiet. Two of our dogs could move to their owners. Fürt, the 1 years old dachshund girl has been a resident of Buda, where she can go  her owner's workplace. Immediately after her moving, she took possession of the apartment where every good thing await her. We wish her happy years in her life at her family!


Kacat also found final home. They already fall in love, when they visited him, so he could move soon to his final family. They had been waiting for him and he was happy to know he was coming home.


Ficak, a two-year-old, short-haired dachshund, handed over to the euthanasia as his owner was bitten by him. The veterinarians asked for help from us. Ficak is kind until he want it. It's true that he does not come out with other dogs and he tends to bite. We would like if he also find a final home, so a dog trainer treat him now. We will come back with fresh news.


2017. szeptember 3., vasárnap

What happened at Futrinka during week 31?

Our last week went by peacefully.
We had only one newcomer, a 12 week-old black and tan male Dachshund mixture who ended up in our care by his owners. He is Balhé, whose vaccination schedule has been started.

Unfortunately, our Vizsla Rescue Group lost a battle again this week. Tuesday dawn, after the death of his sibling, Ragnar crossed the river of death as well. His tiny, fragile body couldn’t defeat the disingenuous illness. Their temporary mom, Gabi and her family did everything for these little viking warriors who were fighting till their last breaths. We are unutterably thankful. The babies were adopted by their temporary family, thus they closed their eyes forever as dogs with an owner. We are sorry for not being able to do more for them.


Although, Csia gave birth to her babies a couple of weeks ago at the age of 10, her owners thought the healthy newborns were useless and they were put to sleep. Csia was straying when the animal protectors found her and the owners decided to give up on her, thus she ended up in our nursing. She has also been spayed this week: her uterus had to be taken out, it was full of cysts; she was turned out to have not three but five babies (the number of placentas sticked up to the wall of the uterus could be seen). One of her breasts had to be removed as well because it was tumorous. A surgical drain has been placed into the wound, it has to be washed on a daily basis as well. She has to take antibiotics and painkillers because she is in sever pain.


Sima Sári’s eye had to be operated due to corneal injury. After several weeks of recovery, she was pronounced healthy this week and the recovery collar could be removed.


Romhányi Füles was found by the merest chance in a forest located inbetween two villages. He was discovered by his crying sounds.


We have taken Brendon into our care from his previous owner. He is a gorgeous male Hungarian Vizsla, however, he still doesn’t understand what is happening to him. He is anxious and confused, though he is getting better and better. Although, he gets on well with his dog peers, he is flustered around people and can snatch at them quite roughly. We still have a long way to go with him but we are positive about it.

Out of the three orphaned babies Csili was able to gain an owner first while Csigusz, who is still waiting for the owner of his dreams, moved to his temporary home.

Csoda was the second member of the family to find a permanent home. We wish her long and happy years as an adopted dog!

We were asked to help a vizsla found at Csillaghegy who was taken to Bogáncs Shelter. We took him into our care and placed him at a temporary owner. Luckily, we were able to find his original owner.

The Wirehaired German Vizsla female, Füzike’s first encounter with her owner happened to be so successful she was immediately moved to her new home. We wish her long and happy years as an adopted dog!

The abandoned tiny tots, found in the forest at Abádszalók, arrived last weekend. They are extremely thin and their swollen abdomens are probably caused by intestinal parasites. They were infested with an incredibly huge amount of fleas, running all over the place under the fur. The babies could spend the evening and the night in a safe, air-conditioned place: the hot weather doesn’t do good for their fragile, weakened bodies. There are 8 of them, 4 girls and the same number of boys.
Their nursing means a new burden for us since, at this current state, they are permitted to eat only premium food in order to gain back their nomal weight and to be healthy again.
Your donations can be sent to the following account number 10404089-49575251-57561000 kept at K&H Bank with the comment ’Abádszalóki babák’.

Hermina was taken into our care at the weekend. She is untrained and doesn’t listen to anything, however, she is enthusiastic and is happy about everything new. Otherwise, she is a benevolent dog who just needs socialization. A blood sample was taken from her due to the massive tumor hangin on one of her legs. Currently, we are waiting for the laboratory values and if they are satisfactory, she will be operated.