2018. június 13., szerda

What happened at Futrinka during week 8?

At our Pointer Rescue Group the week passed quietly, however, some bad news spoilt the week.

Back in 2015 Ted joined us as a pup with his mother and siblings, and now, unfortunately, he came back to us.


Two dogs were sterilized: Manga and Soma papa

Our Dachshund Rescue Group had a busy week. Some dogs arrived and some could move to families.
Ingrid, the 4-year-old wire-haired girl is also a very nice dog and now we are looking for her dream family.


Hanta Mackó, the Bajorhegy and wire-haired mixed boy had been walking around in a small village near Komárom for days.

A local hunter asked us for help and did his best to help the dog to come to us. Thank you very much for the help.
He is an absolutely calm and friendly dog and everybody fell in love with him immediately.


Csele, the 4-year-old wire-haired boy came from an ex-owner.  He was almost always on the street and nobody cared about him. It quickly turned out, however, that that he is open and happy, friendly and playful. And he loves being in the focus of attention.


Szarvasi Virsli is one of the dogs who could move to a new family. He moved to a young couple and he will go to work with them.


Bekény had to wait for a long time to find a partner. Now he is spending his time in his new home and is going to school soon.


Moka, the pretty brown dachshund boy moved to the city centre and has also started work to help his owner at his workplace.

2018. június 5., kedd

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 9. héten?

Egy igen mozgalmas hetet tudhatunk most is magunk mögött, jó sok érkezővel, de szerencsére gazdisodásokkal is.

Vizsla fajtamentő csoportunknál az érkezőké volt a főszerep, számszerint nyolcan kerültek gondozásunkba egyetlen hét leforgása alatt.

Enzo, a 8 éves magyar vizsla fiú korábbi tulajdonosaitól került a gondozásunkba. A probléma a kisgyerekkel volt, akihez Enzo képtelen volt hozzászokni, nagyon tartott tőle, pedig mindent megtettek annak érdekében, hogy javuljon a köztük lévő viszony. Végül nem maradt más hátra, minthogy a segítségünkkel Enzonak új családot keressünk.


Zénó, a 4 éves magyar vizsla fiú korábbi tulajdonosától került a gondozásunkba, oltási programját megkezdtük.


Ella mama, a 10+ éves drótos német vizsla egy romániai menelyről érkezett a gondozásunkba. Korábban daganattal operálták, így szükséges lesz kontroll vizsgálatra, röntgenre és szövettanra is. Sajnos nem ez az egyetlen problémája, a gerince és a hátsó lábai nagyon rozogák. Önállóan egyáltalán nem is tud felállni, mindenképpen szükséges lesz az MR vizsgálat.


A debreceni állatvédőktől került a gondozásunkba Csillagvirág és 6 napos babája, Csillagbaba. A helyi gyepmesteri telepről vették át, ahol világra hozta picijét és a segítségünket kérték.


Keltike, a 6 hónapos vizsla fiú korábbi tulajdonosától került a gondozásunkba.


Hann és Hannsi, a 7 hónapos magyar vizsla fiú testvérpár is korábbi tulajdonosától került hozzánk.

Egyetlen gazdisodónk volt a héten, Nifi megkezdte új életetét gazdája és négylábú társa oldalán.


Alaptevékenységi csoportunknál a héten egy gazdisodónk volt, Mylo végleges családjához költözött.


A tacskó fajtamentő csoportnál ismét voltak érkezőink.

Ajna, a fiatal 1 éves szálkás szőrű szukát vidéken találták. Gazdi nem lett meg így most már az álom gazdi érkezést várja.


Sajtost, a fiatal rövid szőrű tacskó keverék szuka szintén vidékről érkezett, kedves, barátságos kislány, akivel nagyon jól fog járni valaki.


Mammut hosszú idő után elmondhatja magáról, hogy gazdis kutya lett. Belvárosi kutya lett, van még mit tanulnia, de a gazdi elszánt és imádja őt.


What happened at Futrinka during week 5?

At our vizsla rescue group after a relatively quiet  previous week, we had over an active week. We had more arriving dog, but luckily one of our dogs found an owner.

Kócos Alex, the cirka 10 years old vizsla papa came into our care, because the house was sold, where he lived. He was very distrustful of the people. He dreaded from every move. As far as we know, it was not easy for him. He has been a harrowing past, which fortunately we have not experienced so far. He does not know the leash or collar, he freezes, gets stiff, he still has to do a lot of practices.


Nifi was the another arrival of the week, who come into our care from her previous owner.


Pamacs Petra arrived from Nagykáta’s dog yard into our care at the weekend, after they requested hep from us. Unfortunately, those elder people, who found her and her temporar hosts could not take care of her in the long term. She popped into the garden, as a found dog and the original owner did not apply for her.


Leonie changed temporary host to be ready for her recovery. She will be go over another surgery soon again.


Last week Fityke has been castrated, so he could move to his family.


Princess's eyes had to be remove because of tumor. Fortunately, despite of her old age, she could bear well the surgery. The tumor was in operating condition, so we've been sent to histology and are looking forward to the results. We've been thinking for a long time, what would be the best decision for Princess, but we can breathe now because we know we've made a good decision.


In the dachshund group, unfortunately the week spent with returned dogs. We tried to do everything, that our dogs find right places and families. Always sad and hard to say but we always have some dogs, whoes returned back from owners.

Brutus came back into our care in this week. Our little boy is looking forever home and owner again.


Uno also came back to us. Inspite of we tried to help at the beginings for the owner, unfortunately if the rules are not followed then problems can occur. So it was now. The problems disappeared as soon as he arrived back to us. We hope he  will be much luckier next time as before.


Same situation happened with Ficak. When he arrived to his host, he almost said „I am at home now” you missed me. Now he is also waiting to find his dream owner.


Tea arrived into our care in this week,who is a so kind and lovely girl. She was injured, when a big dog attacked her. Lucky she feels better now and she really hope could be a part of a family soon.


2018. június 1., péntek

What happened at Futrinka during week 3?

The new year has just started and we have already had a rather difficult week.

Our Basic Activity Group has had a very active week. Quite a lot of dogs have been adopted and new ones have also arrived.

Fagyöngy was the first adopted dog of the year.


Following sterilization Grincs also moved to the new family home.


At the weekend PiciKeksz started life as an adopted dog.


With the help of our foreign partner organization H4P Drótos Vitéz has travelled abroad.


Suddenly in one day on Saturday we had 6 new dogs.
Gesztenyés Tóbiás came to us from his ex-owner and moved to a temporary caretaker.


From the Edelény dog station five dogs came to us around Christmas time. Four of them joined the Basic Activity Group. When our volunteers visited Edelény, they found a pregnant mother and could not forget about this. In the meantime the mother had her baby puppies and our volunteers started to organize the work and arrange their place and at the weekend they came to us. The rescuers gave the name Gida to the mother, the girl is called Gubanc and the boy is called Gubacs.

The ex-kennel partner of Exel, Sydney also arrived to us from the Karcag shelter.


Mylo came to us from the Battonya dog station. His story is not a typical one: his owner hanged him. Luckily he was found very fast and the police were called. For hanging Mylo he got 1.5 years suspended.


Our Pointer Rescue Group has also had an active week. We had visits to the vet, adopted dogs and new arrivals also.
Zorak came to us from his ex-owners. 


Animal rescuers in the countryside asked us to help Szatmári Vilma. And we were contacted by the owner of Pizsi/ ex-Byron, who became her temporary caretaker. The two dogs get on very well and so no surprise that they wanted her to become a permanent member of the family. Now Vilma is officially adopted and the adoption papers have been signed.

The old owner of Soma papa died and he became an orphan at the age of 11. 


Aya and Csokis Süti had negative heartworm tests and were both sterilized.

Manga had a new blood test to see if the results are better now.


RiziBiziLizi came to us from her ex-owners. The reason why she joined us is that she bites people. German pointers require consequential behavior and confidence and her owner was not like that. That is why RiziBiziLizi liked testing the borders.


Bellala joined us coming from the Nyíregyháza Animal Foundation.  She was found earlier and when the owner was found with the chip, they did not want her.


After a long time Cash found an owner and he will get lots of love and an active life.


With the help of our foreign partner, Hands4Paws some dogs left for a better life: Ceglédi Lüszi, Ronja, Ella and with the pups, Lizka and from the pups Január, Március, Április, Május, November.

The Dachshund Group has had a quiet week again.

Lagarder arrived from Battonya. A very shy mixed one-year-old boy with short hair.


This week Ficak moved to a new family. At his arrival everything went very well and we are waiting for news now.


Cupk, the 4-year-old black and brown boy came to us from the ex-owner. At the moment a trainer is dealing with him as he became the manager at home.
He is not easy but we are doing our best to solve the problem.
