This week we have often felt that human carelessness and
ruthlessness are simply incredible…Are there really people who just can do
anything and then still can sleep well?
We went to collect a dog and finally we brought four… Kincső
came to us from the ex-owner but
when we were there, it turned out that there were three puppies with serious
skin diseases….We just could not leave them there even though they did not
want to give them first. Did not they see their conditions?
Maggie, Moira, Manon
This week in addition to the three Hungarian pointer puppies
with mycosis a Weimar pointer mixture
litter also joined us. And they are also in a bad condition.
Nagy Remény was also in an awful condition. His neck was
pressed by a very tight chain and had oedema. When the tight object pressing
his neck was removed and he was disinfected, his condition started to get
better immediately. This dog lived somewhere before… Nobody cared that he was
rotting away alive?
We also carried out the regular rescue operations. Solymári Bátor came this way. He is
extremely thin.
Danka’s owners moved from a
detached house into a flat and thought that this could be too bad for the dog.
Our experience is that it is usually too bad for the owner having to live
together with a dog… However, there is no obligation to keep a dog and there
are several ways to keep the garden and the house safe or there are also
options if somebody wants to go walking. It is possible to visit a shelter and
walk the dogs. Danka now moved to a temporary caretaker with a flat and she did
not mind it at all. On the contrary!
For a short time we had a Hungarian pointer boy, Laborc, found in the streets. Fortunately, the original owner was
also found and now he got the missing chip as well.
Through our German partner organization many of our dogs could leave to
find live happily in another country. Among them some of our old dogs who have
been waiting for a long time. The leaving team: Nefelejcs, Sushi,
Ficsúr, Maxim, Nara, Salotta, Drégely, Teddy and Lifa.
Beő left the kennels this week and moved to the
new family.
Vizsla-in-not, one of our German partner organizations, visited
us this week and brought us a lot of useful things as donation.
Five dogs of the dachshund rescue group have been sterilized this week.
One of them is Szerencse, who was
treated for heart worm for several months. The team of this week’s sterilized
dogs: Szerencse, Mitziből, Hűhából Bástyából and Sörét.
After the operation Sörét
and Bástya also travelled as
fellow passengers to their new family. Bástya moved to Kecskemét and Sörét did
not get out until they reached Szeged. They are both with their families now.
Házikó, the dog sponsored by Demény also moved to
family. We could not have him sterilized as he has heart worm but among the
many Demény followers we could find somebody who wanted him despite the three
legs and the heart worm.
Unfortunately, there was also an unexpected operation this week. Szonár,
who had been operated on before had
a problem as the metal started to move from his shoulder blade and had to be
removed. As Szonár has heart worm the operation was risky but finally
everything went perfectly ok.
Dr. Spock, one of the hopeless mixtures group was
adopted. The veteran chivava boy is now living with another elderly dog.