At our vizsla breed rescue group we had
arrivals, vet rounds and adoptions as well, several have changed their adoptive
families – all in all, we have a quite intense week behind us.
Betty`s owner was hospitalized, sadly could not
return home any more. Her owner had been a highly responsible animal keeper,
hence Betty was immediately ready to move to someone else – but actually we had
no time to advertise her, as the best friend of her late owner presented her to
a family – they came regularly from Budapest during the former weeks, to have
their dog getting used to Betty. We are so happy to tell, their making friends
went extremely well, meaning Betty is an owned one again, accompanying Tisza,
the handsome vizsla gentleman.
Naurel`s routine heartworm test proved negative,
meaning he underwent neutralization. He is ready to become an owned one, for
this we still need to find him the perfect family.
Tano and Jacint have changed adoptives, we are
still looking for the dream families to adopt them.

This week Eperke also got neutered, becoming
ready to move to her final family.
Spenot and Leenan have left our care with the help of
our partner organizations, Vischl.

Galanga, the young vizsla mixture had got to our
care from the Szerep flaying house, now could leave the quarantine and moved to
a temporary adoptive.
For Luszi, the 10-12-year-old Auntie local
animal protectors have asked for our help, her owner wanted to get her put to
sleep, was kept chained.
Kisasszony got neutered, spent the recovery
period at her adoptive, this week moved to her final family.
Unfortunately had sad news for the week as well. The
condition of one of the babies of Kiskifli and Nagykifli got worse and worse
all the time, tragically, his tiny little body gave up the fight, we struggled
for him in vain. We could hardly gather ourselves from losing him, the two
other puppies alive from the adopted ones also crossed the rainbow bridge.
This is so unjust…run free, little babies!

The baby staying alive is luckily all right, is strong
– we do hope everything is going to be OK with him.

To our base rescue group two new protegees
arrived this week. Gyömber`s sin was killing chickens, hence was locked up to a
tiny place, being kept there for weeks – then tied her up to a truck trailer. A
2,5-year-old little girl, energetic and active, immediately occupied her new
Exel got to our care from the Karcag shelter. He
had been living there for 2 years, according to his vaccination booklet is a
13-year-old Labrador, given to the shelter by his owner because he was getting
old. He does not even seem to be 10 years of age, actually is in a fantastic
shape, a wonderful gentleman.
We also had an adoption this week, Somocka found her
final family. We wish him long and happy owned years to come!
We are over a silent week at the Dachshund breed
rescue group.
Csokika arrived at us, a 5-year-old black-tar
Dachshund male, too much overgrown on his owner`s head – meaning he immediately
moved to a trainer to learn what the right type of behavior is. We do hope he
is quick in learning everything needed to become an owned dog.
Fürge got adopted, is already living with her
family, including another ex-Futrinka protegee. Fitting-in functioned just
perfectly, we do hope to give further news soon on her training.
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