The first complete week
following All Saints’ Day was a really active one for all of us. Luckily we can
report on many adoptions, but as usually, these were not the only happenings of
the week.
At our vizsla breed
rescue group the week was meant to be spent with medical check-ups and happy
adoptions, but received sad news as well for the end of the week.
In Zétény’s condition
we could not achieve any significant improvement so far, tried anything we
could, he does not gain weight. Hence we sent him for a urine check-up, the
result being just overwhelming: a rare parasite is present in his urine. The
capillaria worm gets into the body while eating snails and earthworms, will
wandern around ruining the inner organs, most often finishing in the lungs.
Regarding his treatment we are still consulting our vets.

Bengó takes the
veterinary macerations hard, but his behaviour has changed significantly, hence
time has come he underwent neutralization. Unfortunately following the
operation he had to return to our kennel row, not having a temporary or a
permanent adopter, he is recovering nice. Now he would really be ready for
adoption, but we still need to find his dream family for this.

Fény’s routine
heartworm test proved negative, this way she underwent neutralization.
Following it she did not have to recover on the kennel row, moved instead to a
permanent family – one, not being strange for her at all, her partner from Tárnoki
Okosok fell in love with her.

Uncle Edmund had a
serious operation for his rectum tumour, being very risky together with
anaesthesie because of his heartworms. During the operation luckily everything
went well, but recovering will not be that easy for him.
Ábel’s routine
heartworm test resulted negative, hence he underwent neutralization. He is
ready to move to a final adopter, but for it we still need to find the perfect
family for him.

During the summer we
received sad news from the adopter of a former protegee of ours, Puma – during
one of their usual walks his heart just stopped and he could not be helped upon
any more. Puma has an irreplaceable, highlighted room in her adopter’s heart
forever, but she also felt time has come for her to give a chance for a
protegee of ours in need. The lucky one chosen is Paleo Plútó, getting from now
on much love and moving.
With the help of our
foreign partner organizations six dogs of ours headed for their new homes on
Kisherceg, given to the
Vác animal protectors with his mate by their previous owner.
Mogyoró Matyi, getting
to our care from his previous owner because of their move.
Helka and Hubi, getting
to us together, and now finding their final home also as a pair.

And finally the best
piece of news: Szőlősi Töki, waiting for this moment at our care for more than
a year.
We also had two
arrivals this week: the animal protectors of Kisújszállás asked for our help,
we named the coming ones Edgar and Habókos.

Valenta was adopted in
2014 from us. A wonderful, perfect, problem-free one, hence we were really
shocked when she returned to our care. This week though she moved to a loving
family, we strongly hope for the final one this time.
Two sad things happened
at the closure of the week, ones we had not counted on at all.
We gladly wanted to
report on MaMarci finding his final family, but our joy did not last long.
After only one day he returned to our care, meaning he is still looking for his
dream family.
Joda, the fairy and
charming wire-haired vizsla girl was adopted from us in 2015. We were suddenly
informed by the adopter that he returns her to us. Sunday she arrived back, and
to prevent a great shock we placed her at her previous dog pansion adoptives.
Great Dane breed
rescue’s new arrival is Sherlock.
This very nice, but
extremely shy approximately 1,5-year-old boy landed at us completely
non-vaccinated, meaning he is still spending his quarantine-time. He has
received his first vaccination, is over the heartworm-test. Luckily his result
is negative.
For more infos on
Sherlock please contact!

The group of chanceless
mixtures is over really wonderous adoptions this week, two of our long-time
veterane protegees were placed at final families.
Uncle Monki, the
Dachshund mixture female, rescued from Illatos út was adopted by an active
supporter of our Association back upon its launch. We are sure she will have a
great time in her new home.
Marci arrived exactly a
year ago with his Dachshund mixture mate, but while his friend found his new
owner, Marci had not been spotted by anyone so far. Our Astrian partner, AC
Austria found a loving home for him, his temporary adopted sad him good-bye
with an aching heart. We wish you happi years to come Marci, you really deserve
Besides the positive
pieces of news unfortunately bad things happened as well. Küllő felt very bad,
the neurological check-up evidently shows his neck is involved, but at the same
time excludes vertebrae hernia. We have agreed on a special check-up for Küllő,
also stating that if it shows a symptom to be operated, they should carry it
out within the same narcosis, as his anaesthesiae is risky because of his heartworms,
also a double narcosis takes the possibility of the December-operation away
from him – this would be done by an Italian professor, a catheter-based
heartworm-rarifying operation, for which we had already collected the amount
necessary. To our greatest shock the hospital concerned not only carried out a
different than the agreed check-up without even asking us about it, they also
concentrated ont he vertebrae hernia – though even if they did not listen to us
during our phone call, they received all the medical results of Küllő, from
which it would have been visible that an expert already excluded its
possibility…Money thrown out of the window and the unecessary risking of a
dog’s life, which is non-forgivable…Küllő is still sick, but we have found him
a trustworthy veterinary. Any fingers crossed counts for him now!

At the Dachshund breed
rescue we launched a campaign this week for our retired ones.
Unfortunately we have
more and more 10+ dogs arriving at our care, and we sadly have to acknowledge,
not too many interests are shown in adopting them.
Many think they would
not adopt a dog just for a couple of years, would like to spend more time with
Though the elderly dogs
are wonderful, we would warmly suggest adopting an elderly one to every
beginner in dog-keeping, learning what living with a four-paw mate is like and
what it means to have a dog.
The aim of our campaign
is to find temporary adoptives for our elderly protegees, placing them in
family circles till finding their permanent owners.
We do hope our
initiative is successful and our elderly ones can already spend the holiday
season in families. Contact us if you need a good friend!

From among our
pensioners Bomó, getting to our care from the Ózd flaying house moved to an
owner this week.
He will accompany two
cats, it meant no problem for him, they are already establishing their friendship.
The other one adopted
this week was Izolda, the last member of the wire-haired family.
The turn in their story
was that she now accompanies her daughter, Likőr. Some weeks had passed by
before their last meeting.
Her arrival was
followed by signs of great happiness and playing together.
Fondor, having had a
vertebrae operation last week became a candidate for ownership – he is feeling
better and better.

Tobozka, the
11-year-old Dachshund mixture female, left alone and meant to be put to sleep
is also a candidate now for adoption. Following an operation a loving owner is
waiting for her.

From the Katona family
two kids, Baka and Tizedes are also to be adopted now, soon they will move to
their owners.