Though still in
November, we are already eagerly preparing for our annual Christmas party, for
which we are warmly awaiting all our kind supporters together with their 4-paw
mates – the party is to be held 4th December, from 12:00 till 17:00 at Fat Mama
Eatery. We will again have a cookie counter, the donations gathered this way we
are using to cover our dogs’ expenses, to reach it we are welcoming the
delicacies by our enthusiastic bakers!

As in the previous
years, also this one we chose a human-focused association to support. We would
like to surprise all the children living at the Temporary Home for Families
with an individual package. For the girls there should be some girlish thing
inside, for the boys something boyish, also chocolate, fruits, durable snacks.
Beside the personal
gifts what the inhabitants of the Home desperately need are: bedsheets, towels,
dish cloths, table cloths, hair dryer, school utensils, blood pressure meter,
sweets, cosmetics, kitchen utensils.
We are collecting your
donations for the Home at several points of Budapest, we can coordinate their
takeover via e-mail at
You also have a chance
to bring them to our December 4th Christmas party!

One of the longest-time
protegees of our vizsla breed rescue found his final home this week, but we
also had arrivals and several vet rounds as well.
Edgar had a routine veterinary check-up this week. Unfortunately his
heartworm-test is positive, hence we had to start his heart- and skin-worm
treatment using the slower, but safer method as we always do.

Liza Minelli’s heartworm
test luckily proved negative, she underwent neutralization. She is ready to
move to her owner next week, her would-be family is already eagerly waiting for
Szegfűszeg arrived at our
care last August with her five puppies from a rural flaying house – together
with her own ones she raised five orphans as well. Because of her mixture
nature and heartworms no interest was shown in her, and it sadly did not change
even after the several months of treatment, resulting in her negative heartworm
test. She had been one of our longest –time owner-seekers, but luckily this is
over now – following the long time spent waiting, Szegfűszeg found her final
family this week.

The heartworm test of
Csingusz proved positive upon his arrival, this week a repetitive test was done
– also positive unfortunately, hence we are continuing his treatment.
Pálinka fitted in
perfectly at his temporary adoptive – this week changed his status for a final
one, officially becoming an owned dog.
Two vizslas had been
waiting for our help for a really long time, but so far we did not manage to
solve their transportation, even though shared their note a couple of times.
Our volunteers headed for them on Sunday, this way Kaila, the wire-haired GSP
girl arrived at our care from the flaying house of Debrecen.

Sánta Pajtás came to our
care from the Nyíregyháza animal protectors, following an earlier accident he
cannot use his wounded leg, even though had already been operated. His
treatment was not possible locally, now we have to start is as soon as possible
to ensure him the chance of walking on four paws again.

Csillag and Csodás
changed their pansions, but are still looking for their final families.

We have received the
result of Boldog Betyár’s histology: luckily a negative one. Nothing stands in
his way now to move to his final family next week.

We were extremely worried
for Zétény during the weekend, as this skin and bones dog just did not want to
eat, his adoptive rushed to the vet with him. He received injections,
medicines, medicinal cans, blood and urine were taken from him for a new lab
test, he was also sent to a biopsy.

The matron of the base
group, Belli, the staffordshire terrier auntie rescued from Illatos út visited
the vet to get her dental plaque removed – fortunately she took the treatment
well, also, her swollen teeth flesh does not cause problems for her any more.
Belli is still waiting for the real one, an owner, whom her shortness of
hearing and eyesight do not disturb, neither does her relatively much coughing because
of her chronic asthma, sadly nothing can help this.
A tumour had been
removed off Bio Böbe’s neck, we received its histology result this week:
luckily the knot had been benign. Our joy is just endless, we had been
extremely worried about what could have caused such a big, immediate knot on
Böbe’s neck.

At the Great Dane breed
rescue Sanja, the recently arrived young dog girl moved to a temporary adoptive
this week. From now on she is continuing her owner-searching from a family
environment, it just means a lot to her. We do hope the dream owner is soon
finding her!
For further infos on
Sanja please contact!

This week was a
wonderous one for us as Dolly, the 15-year-old Dachshund lady got adopted.
Unfortunately the elderly dogs are more difficult to give for adoption, a thing
we just cannot understand, as they are simply perfect, love is the most
important for them and are extremely grateful for getting it.
Dolly was adopted by a
young lady, we regulary receive updates on their life together. Dolly is
getting better and better, taking long walks, following these with great naps,
she also left her diapers.
We do hope she is
enjoying her owned life for a long long time!

We had two arrivals
this week:
Tricikly, the Dachshund
mixture lady, living in the streets for a long time – she lost one of her legs
under a train and had puppies several times. Unfortunately she could not have
been caught for a while because of her shyness, but finally the action was
successful, she turned out to be a very nice, friendly dog. This week she
arrived at us following a long journey in the car, for a couple of days she was
frightened, but now is nice again, she realized she is loved. All she misses
now is a loving owner.

Unfortunately we do not
have any infos regarding the pre-life of Pöcök, the 5-year-old brown mini
Dachshund female – she spent the last 3 years owned, but this extreme shy, at
the same time dominant little girl did not have a happy life with them. Now we
are looking for the owner giving her everything, but also being determined with

of our protegees became candidates for adoption this week:
the 5-year-old wire-haired Dachshund mixture male.
Suzuka, the 9-year-old
Dachshund mixture lady.

Bandu and Ribiszke, our
shy, but nice couple.
KisKarak, our returnee.
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