The month of
February always seems to last forever. It is cold, there are dark clouds and
fog and time seems to stand still. Although we are never bored as there are
plenty to do around our dogs, which this week`s blog will illustrate as well.
Due to the large number of protégés at our Vizsla Breed Rescue Group, we were not able to receive any new
dogs. It was a difficult decision, as there are always many dogs that need
help, but first and foremost, we need to look after those who we already
rescued. In order to be able to help as many dogs as possible, we continuously
need adoptive families, temporary fostering families, donors and volunteers. With
the large number of dogs, life never stops at Futrinka, but rather brings
something new each day.
Hókuszpók had
spent his entire life on a chain and when he grew old, his masters handed him
over to the city pound without hesitation. We carried out a full laboratory
examination on the thirteen-year-old dog, which provided a clear indication of
the beginning of kidney failure. Hókuszpók requires IV, antibiotics, a special
diet and kidney supplements in order to improve his health.
We received the lab test of Hello Kitty, which is positive for Heart
Worm Disease; therefore, we needed to start her treatment. As always, we chose
to apply a slow but safe approach.
Hádész was neutered, and the brave and strong boy he is, the surgery did
not bother him at all. Shortly after he woke up from anesthesia, he was his old
self again. Hádész is now ready to find a forever home, where he can continue
to live an active, outdoorsy life. We are going to do everything in our power
to find him the best fit.
Liliom found a loving home, where she will live a very happy life by the
side of her new masters. We are grateful for her temporary fostering family for
loving and looking after her until she found a new home. In their care, the
once bone-skinny little girl transformed into a beautiful and healthy princess.
Dudva Dani moved to a hired temporary fostering family. If everything
goes well and he integrates nicely, they would like to keep him.
Tiszavirág came into our care with a splintered fracture. Her leg had
been operated and after she had gone through the most difficult part of the
recovery, she was re-homed.
Over the weekend, with the help of our partner organisations abroad, the
following dogs left our care: Leopold, Alexander, Öreg Vadász, Zsolna and

As soon as Csodás had recovered from the spaying, she moved to her new,
and forever home.
We are endlessly disappointed that after only a few months in his new
home, Zsivány was returned to our care. We are working extra hard on finding
him a home that he can enjoy for the rest of his life.
Some dogs of
the Dachshund Rescue Group found forever homes. It is a great feeling to
deliver the dogs to their new families and see how much they prepared to
welcome them there. Our goal is to help every new dog owner as much as we can,
because we know that the beginning of a special relationship between master and
dog can be challenging.
Töpörtyű had
had an unpleasant life and had left two masters behind him before he came into
our care. In addition, he had a fractured leg that was not treated and
therefore he permanently limps. Finally, a young couple adopted Töpörtyű, who
left us on a Friday to live in the town of Zalaegerszeg. We are looking forward
to receive news about him.
Busó was used as a hunting dog for 10 years. Ever since he arrived in
our care, he enjoys staying inside in the warmth. Clearly, he had not enjoyed
this privilege before. There was interest in him during the week, which
followed by a visit on the next day. Because the harmony was undeniable between
the interested party and Busó, he moved to his new home over the weekend. He
will be appreciated in his new family, and he can spend his senior years inside
the warm and comfortable house.
We were asked to help Sárika, who came from a rural area, where she was
found on the streets. We were told that she may had an injured leg. Luckily,
there was no injury and the kind little girl had found a loving home in a blink
of an eye. The three children of her new family awaited her with excitement,
and she gave thousands of kisses to them to show her appreciation.
We are happy to report that more and more foreign nationals who live in Hungary,
decide to adopt a dog. Of course, they have to meet exactly the same criteria as
Hungarian adopters. In the beginning, there was no serious interest towards
Darcy, then suddenly, an Irish family decided that Darcy was the one for them,
so they contacted us. The family visited Darcy and because the visit turned out
to be great, Darcy moved to his new home and became a re-homed doggy shortly
after that.
During the
week, we received two dogs that could move to hired temporary fostering
Atax, the
three-year-old Wire-Haired Dachshund mix boy, was neutered right after his
arrival. He spent his first night already at a temporary fostering family.
Brutus is a seven-year-old, Short-Haired Miniature Dachshund boy, whose
master passed away. He is an extremely kind dog, who after a short
introduction, moved to a temporary fostering home.
This week, we received Kis Carlos, who is a seven-month-old, Wire-Haired
Dachshund mix boy. Unfortunately, he has some neurological problems, but these
do not hold him back to be a kind and friendly little puppy, who deserves a
loving home.
Unfortunately, this week has not gone by without a returned doggy. The
fifteen-year-old Dolly was the unlucky one. Due to the masters` changed
circumstances, they could no longer ensure Dolly`s comfort and care. Currently,
we are looking for a home for the old lady, where there is love, a warm house
and a garden for her to settle down for the rest of her life.
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