One of our volunteers organized a Sympathy-Walk for 31st May, so that our
helpers can show their support regarding the attacks against us, the illegal
dragging of our protegees and all the torture going on since that time. Thanks
very much for all of our 2- and 4-legged supporters for taking part in it and
standing beside our Association! You cannot even imagine how much power it
gives us!
The event proceeded without any problems or issues, all the dogs behaving
just perfectly. We are extremely grateful for the police forces for their help
and attitude shown!

On Saturday our team, Futrinka Falka finished 14th at Hard Dog Race hurdle
competition. We congratulate on Orsi & Logan, Adri & Ropi, Kata &
Enzo, Kata & Johnny, Niki & Lille, Luca & Lezser, Moni & Edgar,
Csilla & Moki, Noi & Gipszi, Pali & Zsele, Zoli & Monorocky,
Janos & Matifu! You are all heroes!

At our vizsla breed rescue group Füli Gergo learnt a lot at his temporary
adoptives, also getting visitors meanwhile – falling in love with him
immediately, meaning he got owned in the beginning of the week. We wish him
long and happy owned years to come!
Barna Barni was adopted on Friday, but the same afternoon got frightened by
something at the vet and freeing him out of his collar and leash ran away. The
animal friends in Gyor showed a fantastic co-operation and willingness to help,
the owners of another ex-protegee of ours, AnniPanni, also their dog-keeper and
non dog-keeper friends. Not considering their own time they were running up and
down the town with Barni`s owners and their relatives, chasing him. Even the
former pansion adoptive of Barni rushed to Gyor to help him get home. Thanks
very much for Barni`s owners, their family, the owners of ex-AnniPanni, all of
their friends, the future owners of another dog of ours, Emese and all the
residents of Gyor for not giving it up and finding him!
With the help of our foreign partner organization, Hand4Paws Lotte, Luiser,
Topaz and Szende headed for their new lives during the weekend. Their team has
been helping our work for a long time, taking the fate of our dogs on their
heart, with their help some of our long-time protegees were given a chance to
find their final families.

During the weekend Felos Fanna moved to her final family.
Joda moved from the dog pansion to a family pansion adoptive, waiting for
the applications till finding his home.
Rezgo Rozi is not in her perfect shape yet, but her condition has already
made it possible for her to leave the hospital. No doubt she has a very strong
tie to Füzike, they were extremely happy to see each other upon her arrival at
their pansion adoptive, the others were also warmly welcoming the newcomer.
The beloved owner of Bukosi has passed away, one of our volunteers heard
the news of the orphaned dog. Currently she is waiting for the arrival of
temporary or permanent owners at a family pansion, please send your inquiries
Animal friends have asked our help for Lappancs, because of his continuous
escapes. Regarding his great size, the passers-by were afraid of him –
resulting in his owners keeping him chained, but even this way managed to flee
a couple of times. As a receiving organization we contributed in his taking
over, we are helping him finding his future owner as soon as possible.

Though we already have a lot of dogs at the Dachshund breed rescue, we had
arrivals this week as well. There were ones waiting for a long time to join us,
some needed immediate help to survive.
Flicky, the standard black-tan male was found in the street, and though he
had a chip, it was not registered – did all we could, but could not find the
original owner, who was indeed not looking for his dog at all. Flicky has
problems with his vertebrae, is currently under treatment to get it right – his
would-be owner needs to pay attention to it as well.
Aszur, the 8-10-month old black-tan Dachshund mixture boy was found in
Tokaj, full of ticks. His original owner did not show up for him, he landed at
us via PCAS. A very nice little teenie, already being seriously interested in.
Leon, the young black wire-haired Dachshund mixture is blind, we are still
getting to know him, hope to be able to give more info on him soon.
Torta is a 10-year-old great-size wire-haired Dachshund lady, getting to
our care because of her owner’s death. A bit overweight, kiss-giving sweetie,
would make a real treasure for someone.

Sebeske, the 3-year-old black-tan Dachshund mixture male ran away from home
one day and unfortunately got attacked by two big dogs. His back-part was torn
apart, it grew to become a great wound, needed to be operated. At his original
home his recovery could not be ensured, as any infection could have caused his
death. He arrived at his temporary adoptive via PCAS, here the circumstances
are given for him to get well. A very nice, friendly dog, currently attending
laser treatments, which has already improved his condition significantly. We
thank all of you, supporting the vet costs of Sebeske!

Kiki, the 1-year-old wire-haired Dachshund girl did not spend much time
with us, a former adoptive of ours decided to get a mate for Sanya – visited us
and Kiki already jumped for the weekend as an owned one. Harmony between the
two is just perfect. We wish them a happy life together!
Fátyol, the 3-year-old black-tar Dachshund mixture lady got to our care
following her owner’s death – luckily raising interest soon, a routinous
dog-keeper family would have liked to meet her, already having several dogs
living in the family. Fátyol moved to a beautiful and good place, already being
the member of this family.
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