It started as a normal week, with many things to do, moving to owner,
dining, moving, medical checks.
However, on Wednesday it was happening something we could not have
imagined. On the morning of May 10, policemen, a public caretaker, a citizen guard,
and a man of carrion-pit appeared at the gate of our farm which is rented by
our association. They called an employee of the Association to release them,
because they would like to execute the dog's deportation.
Neither the police nor the local public owned person possessed any paper
whatsoever to impose on the execution or on which grounds they could enter the
property and justify the transport of the dogs. They were not able justify, what
right are they staying.It was only verbally argued that, they execute the town clerk’s decree, which had been
ordered shortly before after an estate protection procedure. It only calls on
the Association to "keep the dog at a dog's place, so that their neighbors
are least affected by their right to undisturbed ownership", which we kept
There is no deadline or
There was no protocol during the procedure. Several people were threatened
by the 72 hour lock-up. By the time the president of our association and the
owners of the real estate arrived they have already put 6 dogs into their car,
who are under rehabilitation. Palotás Panna and Locsifecsi Márk from our main
activity group, Tango, Cash, James Bond and Korom Kincső from our Vizsla rescue
group was put into their car. There was no receipt protocol about the dogs
transport. They did not record their mental and physical condition. We did not
know how we get the dogs back. There was no information about this. Then,
during our personal visit to the clerk, The return of dogs from the carrion-pit
is permitted if the Chairman of the Association declares in writing that within
24 hours the animal home will be evacuated. Our chairman has signed the
statement for the authorities for the protection of the deported animals. On that day, we placed in safe all of our proteege, but the offending declarence makes
our situation completely impossible. We had to find host eighteen dogs
immediately. Many of them were accommodated at our volunteers, but some dogs
went to a paid pension for serious money ............
During the procedure,such a non-governmental organization, which carry out
these public service tasks and volunteering jobs were treated as criminals.
Our defenders were wrongfully slandered.
Of course, we have taken the case to legal proceedings. We will keep you
informed about the sequels.

Palotás Panni was deported. After we successfully retrieve her
back, she could move to her temporar host. The owner of the former proteege of
our Vizsla group has undertaken to adopt her temporarily.
Ügyes was one of those lucky ones who
had not been taken away from Piliscsaba's farm. I do not dare to think what
could have happened if such an extremely timid girl had so stressed. Our
volunteers arrived in time and taken away immediately, although the vaccination
book was completely taken away illegally by the authority. Which we only got it
back through another procedure. Ügyes moved to our friendly volunteers for
temporary host.

who was over his castration surgery was get out of the cage by his funnel at the
carrion-pit. This act was not a lucky one for a dog who had surgery. Her wound
was sensitive and inflamed. He had an appointment time for control examination
that day. Our vet planned to come to examine him. She came, but by then Mark
was already in the carrion-pit's trailer. One of Mark's volunteers took over
him temporarily.

Unfortunately, Kincső didn't get away this
incidence without injuries. After her release, we became aware of spots on the inside
of her thigh. We do not know the answer about why and how. Which is much worse
than that this timid girl become mentally indisposed after the incident. We
were temporarily placed her by one of her caregivers, so there was no bigger shock,
since she can greet a familiar person.
James Bond was one of those protege, who had been illegally deported on
Wednesday. We really worried about James Bond, because if he is not under
control, he is able to tend to spin and pinch other dogs. Because they did not know about our dog behaviours
beforehand, we have repeatedly warned the authorities, that he can not get
together with another dog.
James Bond moved to one of our family pension hosts.
James Bond moved to one of our family pension hosts.
Maximilian and Matifu were not deported, but after signing the declaration
they had to be taken away from the farm. They moved to our family pension host
with James Bond.

Tango and Cash,
our two Vizsla group’s proteege have been deported also. After we retrieve,
they moved to our family pension host.
Pufóka Lily escaped before the
deportation in the last minute. Despite the intimidations, our president freed
him from the box still on the ground. Lili was placed with a temporary host.
The carrion-pit did not count with the size of the dogs, so they were not
deported, but as a result of the statement we had to be taken away them from
the farm. Woody, Segundo and Nefera went to a hospital boarding kennel. Olivert
and Sherlock moved to one of our volunteers temporarily.

The life could not stopped at our Vizsla rescue groups
inspite of the incidents what happened on Wednesday. We had a lot of work. Some
of our dogs found final home, but we have some new arrivas. Donika moved from her lodging house’s host to a
temoprarily host. If he integrated nicely into the family and everthing goes
well, they would like to adopt him. We are keeping our fingers crossed!
Our former adopter has visit us after
our former rescue dog Lamur's death. She/he want to give a home to one of our
proteege, who is looking for home. Whisky was the lucky one. We wish long and happy years
for him with his owner!
Kardos has spent his trial time in the past few weeks. As he nicely
integrated into their family, we finalized his status and he found an owner
Puli Pajti came from his former owner with his Vizsla
friend. He would have been placed in TordasZoo's care, but we had to replan his
location. We expected a nice and friendly dog, but he just clashed his teeth,
we could not approach him. We were placed him at a family pension host, where his socialization was
very good, so he was taken care of by TordasZoo.
Lottó came to our care in 2011, then moved to his owner.
He was relocated to us in this year, because his former family moved abroad and
he tried continuously escape. He found final home in this week. We wish happy years for him at his
forever home!
and Abrosz came from their elder owner. Their family sold the family house, but
did not find good solution to place the dogs. They requested our help into the
dogs placement. Their host took them despite two another rescue dogs arrived to
him/her after the Wednesday incident.
Elemér former owners
left him at the carrion-pit in Győr. Due to lack of space, they needed great
help. We offered to take care of him, before the Wednesday’ incidents happened.
Although fate interpose and we had to organize and plan everything again, we
kept our promise. We placed him at a temporarily host.
Gergő Füli
lived in a paid placement in our family pension host. He moved to a temporary
host in this week, it's a great help for us!
Unfortunately, only a few of our proteege have a chance to find place at a
temporary host. Most of them placed in dog pension, which puts an enormous
financial burden on our organization. We request your help to pay for our
monthly housing fee! Your support can be received by the Futrinka Association
at K & H Bank 10404089-49575251-57561000. To pay for PayPal, click on the
'Donate' button at the bottom of our website ( In the comment box, please enter: Vizsla lakhatás

The Sugárzoo held the spring picnic on
Sunday, where we were again invited. The whole day program was a great success.
Rami and Belló represented our datschund dogs who are looking for owner. They
were very nice and welcomed the caresses of visitors. Many of our adopters and
datschund fans also visited our tent. We are really appreciated about the

This week, a dog could move to her owner.
Cathy did not move from her home, she was kept by her host, so in her life
there was no change. Everything goes on it.
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