2017. augusztus 26., szombat

What happened at Futrinka during week 29?

Unfortunately, we receive more and more requests to help dogs for various reasons. We do our best and try to help whenever we can, but we too have limits.
Currently, there are several dogs waiting for to be received by us as soon as we have the capacity. In order to do this, our present dogs need to find forever homes the soonest. 

During week 29, six dogs came into our care.

One of them is Géniusz, the one-year-old large size Wire-Haired Dachshund male, whom we received from a town called Püspökladány. Géniusz, is a calm, and very kind dog, although he does not like cats.


Artemis and Csingling had to leave their home due to the death of their master.
Artemis is a three-year-old Wire-Haired male, while Csingling is an eight-year-old Wire-Haired mixed breed female.
We hope to find loving homes for both soon.

Tündér Lala, a one-year-old Wire-Haired male came into our care from Szombathely. He is a kind and good-natured dog. Unfortunately, he is limping on his right hind leg, likely due to a ligament rupture; therefore, soon and orthopaedic specialist will see him in order to find the best treatment for him.


Fürt and Rence are two 1.5-year-old females, who were handed over to us by their masters. Both are kind and beautiful dogs and we are looking forward to getting to know them better.

Tió had waited a year, which is a long time, to find a forever home. Tió, although not a purebred and has scars on his body from before, is a very good dog. Even though, he was always kind to everyone, he was constantly overlooked. Then, someone, who adopted Tigris from us six years ago, got in touch with us, and looked for a companion for Tigris. Tió was chosen, and currently Tió and Tigris are getting to know each other. Hopefully, all will go well and end happily.


Noruz, the protégé of our Chanceless Mixed Breed Rescue Group, due to former tumour, needs to have ultrasound and X-ray examinations in every few months. The latest visit was due a few days ago. The tests came back negative, for which we are extremely happy, although the vet discovered a 3x4cm cist in his kidney. Noruz will need to have a control check-up in a month.
Both doctors agreed that the symptoms on Noruz`s legs are caused by allergy; therefore, he should eat only a special hypoallergenic food, to avoid the unwanted sores.
If you would like to contribute to the healing of Noruz with donation of special hypoallergenic food, please contact us at info@futrinkautca.hu
Please send your contributions to Noruz`s medical bills and housing by using the following bank details: Futrinka Association, K & H Bank 10404089-49575251-57561000. Alternatively, you can use PayPal by clicking on the 'PayPal Donation' button on the left side of our website (www.futrinkautca.hu). In the comment box, please enter: NORUZ. Thank You!


Our Vizsla Breed Rescue Group had a busy week, with five new arrivals and three dogs that found new homes.

The senior owner of Zsüli could no longer take care of her, and the relatives could not adopt her either, so they asked for our help. During the conversation with the family, we found out that they had an another elderly Vizsla, who happens to be the mother of Zsüli. Zsüli is 7 years old, while Muminmama is 14 years old and has a serious vaginal prolapse.

Jiza came into our care over the weekend. The person who rescued Jiza, found her a home as well, but soon it was obvious that the family did not take care of the dog properly. The rescuer acted responsibly and took the Vizsla back into her care and asked for our help to find Jiza a forever home.


Two Wire-Haired Dachshund babies, Ragnar and Laguertha were thrown into the city pound of Hajdúböszörmény. The local animal rescuers at the Pacsi Dog Shelter took them into their care immediately and asked for our assistance. The master of our former protégé Demény, helped us transporting the two Dachshunds to Budapest. After that, the dogs could move into the temporary care of an experienced foster home.

Csuti was the first dog that found a forever home this week. Csuti`s new masters work in a theatre, where their Vizsla will be a frequent visitor.


Drótos Hugó found a forever home. His new master works with autistic children. Hugó will be a frequent guest at work, were he will have a real dream job with the children.


Abrosz was adopted by a Hungarian family that lives in Germany. They reported that Abrosz overcame his initial shyness and bonded nicely with the masters, following them everywhere they go.
We wish them a long and happy life together!

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