2015. augusztus 10., hétfő

What happened at Futrinka on the 26th week of 2015?

Probably more and people know that Demény, Hungary’s pointer star started his new life as a Futrinka dog. He will sure never forget this and always invites our team to his programmes. We took part in the Second Demény Picnic, where our supporters donated money, dry food and tinned food and for Uncle Bence we got some joint improver as well. Thank you very much for the opportunity.

At the VizslaTour in Pátka we received a lot of donations and we are really grateful for everything. Our volunteers delivered the collected donation to our dogs at the kennels.

The Hungarian Pointer Rescue team has some bad news this week: unfortunately, Szajna dog has died.

Of course life never stops. This week some of our dogs moved to Germany. Through H4P Huncut, Pilkar and Izeusz travelled abroad while ViN organized the opportunity for Furbo, Palma and Rajna. Szimka and Gomez also got their German citizenship.

Huncut,Pilkar, Izeusz and Szimka
Furbo, Palma, Rajna & Gomez

Tódi, our old vizsla mixture got rid of the heartworms and as both the laboratory and heart ultrasound examinations had good results, he was sterilized this week and had his warts also removed. What is more, he has a potential owner.

A new dog, Norka has arrived. The young girl has moved to temporary caretakers.

Sherry Lady, previously taken in by the ex-owner, arrived to join the German Dane rescue group.

Nico moved to the new owner at the weekend

This week we had to manage the next stage of medicine based treatment for our dogs with heartworm in the basic and dachshund groups. This means now buying a large amount of Doxycyclin as a lot of them are involved. Among our hopeless mixtures Pötyke, Purpin and Abszolút are the ones who have to go through a little more than 2-week antibiotics treatment and then we will wait for the 30-day Advocate drop cure and then 1-2 weeks later we will test them again hoping that some of them will be free of the heartworm. We need to keep our fingers crossed and at the same time we also need supporters who help to collect the money for the Advocate drops, medicines and anti-tick collars. 

Even if you can just donate the price of a bar of chocolate, please transfer to Futrinka Egyesület K&H Bank 10404089-49575251-57561000. To the comment write ALAP SZÍVFÉREG. Thank you for your help.

Pötyke, Purpin and Abszolút

Unfortunately, some dogs of the Dachshund Rescue Group are also affected by the heartworm infection. Réti and Szerencse have already taken their medicine, their next treatment is coming later while Poltergeist, Szonár and Azonnal started to take the medicine this week.

Poltergeist, Szonár & Azonnal

This week Maga found a new family again. The shy mini dachshund girl moved to a committed, patient family that want to solve and understand problems. We hope she will get enough time to open. It is worth mentioning that among mini and kaninchen dachshunds there are a lot of shy dogs that open slowly no matter what their lives has been so far. So if you would like to adopt such a dog from our rescue group be prepared that it takes more time to establish the dog-master relationship and to ease fears.

Raul, the basset-dachshund mixture boy has been sterilized this week. Before that he had his heartworm test with good results. As he was sleeping during the operation we asked for a neck x-ray examination as it was strange that he snaps if we touch his neck and gets angry when we put a collar and lead. The examination showed that he really has problems with his neck. This could have been caused by a chain or loop and he is taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to get better.

The group was joined by two new dogs. Two wire-haired young adult dachshund boys came to us. One of them, Sörét, was found in Gyál in the middle or end of June but the original owner never turned up. He is still looking for the original owner but soon can be adopted if nobody can prove that the dog is theirs. Sörét is now staying at the kennels.

Házikó was helped by the Eger animal protection group. They contacted us. Due to an earlier accident he has problems with a front leg and the ex-owner took him to the Gyöngyös dog collection point. Then he came to us and to Primavet Animal Hospital. Unfortunately, his leg was in a very bad condition and had to be amputated. In the future when his wound has healed, we will need to find some artificial leg so that he does not have extra pressure on his spine.

A journalist from Napi Gazdaság visited us at the kennels to learn about our work. Now you can read an article about the visit.

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