2015. november 12., csütörtök

What happened at Futrinka on the 41st week of 2015?

As every year, also this one we were granted the possibility to present our association at the Komárom CACIB. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side, but even this way we had several visitors at our tent. Thanks very much!

Tárnoki Okosok, the training for our kennel-inhabitant dogs, organized by kutyatrening.hu also continued this week, luckily with a slightly modified group, as we had adopted dogs, being a great piece of news.

This week we had three arrivals at Hungarian vizsla breed rescue’s care. Wizzy, the big, peaceful though giddy vizsla guy came from his previous owner.

Csoki also came from his previous owner, was a regular escaper, meaning a great opportunity for him to chase and hunt the household animals around – reaching the point when the neighbours threatened to shoot him. It was more difficult for him to adapt to the new environment, but he has started to realize that noone wants to hurt him here and we will not force him anything - resulting the everyday life becoming more and more easy with him.

Handa, the young vizsla lady also came from her previous owners this week.

Zemlin was meeting potential adoptives, the visit being a more than awaited success – with Zemlin running up to and jumping in the lap of the candidate, as if waiting only for them all his life. As a result Zemlin has a potential owner, soon moving to his new family.

Lu, the blind vizsla boy showed signs of enormous pain this week, causing his behaviour becoming unsure – for monitoring we placed him in an animal hospital. Two of his teeth had to be removed, also underwent neutralization, and his opthalmologic check-up was carried out. For sure he will never be able to see, because of the size of damage caused by the cataract on his eyes. As for the moment nothing would justify removing his eyeballs, but sooner or later this one also might be needed, in case the inner eye pressure rises in his eyes – his potential future owner needs to take this into consideration. Because of the changes Lu is quite worried, took these situations difficult – we are looking for him for both an experienced temporary and permanent owner, being able to handle his uncertainty coming from his blindness and is able to achieve him getting to know the world unseen. For the applications please use magyarvizslasos@gmail.com.

There was a bit of panic around Prakker, his temporary adoptive had to rush with him to the vet – now he is getting medicines regularly, luckily is already much better and is of course continuously getting the medicative caressing by the little boy of his adoptive.

Gigerli underwent an operation for a serious ligament tear, currently is living in the hospital – but in case we found a temporary adoptive for him, he could leave that. He still needs to learn the rules of living in a flat, but a very good-natured dog. If someone is able to ensure him a peaceful, calm home and taking him to the physiotherapy, please drop us a line to magyarvizslasos@gmail.com.

The wire-haired mini Dachshund trio, arriving a week ago, was luckily tested negative for heartworms – hence they all underwent neutralization and fortunately could all leave us, finding their families separately.

Intarzia, Epeda és Ottomán

Márvány and Sprotni were transported this week to Tárnok, hopefully will find their owners a bit faster, or at least someone temporary adopting them.

Márvány & Sprotni

The three Dachshund mixture ladies, coming from the Gyöngyös flaying house, also became neutered, of course previously we made sure they were not infected by heartworms.

Nyugati, Déli és Keleti

Sheldon did not have to spend much time at the kennel row, a nice family soon fell in love with him, since then he already settled in at them.

To his place we immediately took into our care Foltos Erin, a patched Great Dane lady, given to us by her previous owner, also waiving his ownership right for the dog.

It is extremely rare that owners would queue for those in the chanceless group, but this week was this exceptional one, with several of the group member fortunately leaving us.
The greatest news was the adoption of Pisze. This black lady has never ever had an owner before, but our ex-adoptives, the owners of Tiara have chosen her as their new family member.

Rafkós, our wire-haired Jack Russell boy has also flown out, a loving and patient family fell in love with him.

Anubisz, the shy male found after the Sukoró rowing championship was adopted in Switzerland, he needed to get there to start his new, happy life.

Mackó testvér, the shy Jack Russel terrier male moved to one of the emptied kennels, waiting for an owner there.

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