2015. november 25., szerda

What happened at Futrinka on the 43rd week of 2015?

It is definitely a huge trauma to all of us when a dog at our care passes away. Especially when we feel the death of him could have been avoidable, if…If the owner moving abroad would not have wanted to solve placing his Dachshund couple in two days’ time and would not have given them to the first flaying house without any control. If the adoptive shelter would have behaved as an animal protective one, not concentrating solely on taking home the younger chocolate-brown female by the head of the shelter and leave the old male all alone in the cold kennel, though had been used to living in a flat. Just like everyday people, not being animal protectors, could be so selfish. Cupi, the old male could get to a vet absolutely not for the courtesy of this shelter, it was one of the helpers feeling pity for him. By the time he arrived at us, he was completely swollen with the water held back because of his heart and besides was skin and bones. We tried. He was given a couple of calm days spent in warmth, then decided it was all too much for him. He gave it up. And we have stayed here with all our questions and our sadness.

Fortunately also positive things happened this week, strenghtening us in our faith. Manyika, the old Dahchund lady became neutered this week, found a loving home in Hungary. Unbelievable, is it not? We are extremely glad about Manyika’s happiness.

Derivál, the Dachund puppy has also become owned, moving to Bükk. Many have applied for him, but most of these applications could not be taken serious. In case someone would have liked a dog from us, should read our conditions on adoption and write an introductory letter. In case he does not agree with neutralization, should not contact us.

A super family has applied to adopt Igenigen from Pécs, the personal meeting was also fantastic, hence Igenigen packed her staff. Would you have believed that it only took her a couple of days to move up to the sofa?

Our neutralization operations always happen after a heartworm test. This week fortune was on our side, with all of our dogs producing a negative test result.

Biléta, the young lady has been on the street several times, fortunately her ex owner resigned of her. This week she underwent neutralization, as…but this will be the story of another week..

Lütyő was also operated, but currently has no serious candidate for him, even though a really good one. We  would even suggest him as a first dog, being housebroken, behaving absolutely well in the flat.

To our vizsla breed rescue Kócos Peti arrived, coming from the Ajka animal protectors, temporarily placed at our rented kennel row, hence we are also looking for a temporary adoptive for him. Before his arrival he had been neutered, but his wound does not heal properly, with the stitches causing a swollen nodule at his flank. We also took him to the vet, will need to take care if the nodule gets absorbed permanently or it requires a medical intervention. Because of the wounds of his skin we have taken scrapes of it to see what the cause might be.

Károly bácsi visited a professional photo studio this week with his temporary adoptive, will have an honorary place in the 2016 Great Vizsla Calendar of Vizslabolt, representing our association - wonderful photos were made of him.

A miracle happened at the Great Dane breed rescue this week: Old Pici moved to an owner! Old Pici had been waiting for more than a year that her real, loving family finds her, taking care of her till the end. And now it has come. We wish you a lot of happiness Pici!!

Our young dog lady, Denali moved to a temporary adoptive. She will have the chance to learn everything on big city life as well as on living in a flat. Which, to be honest, she desperately needs, as being a quite frolic, uneducated little girl yet. We are really grateful for Viki for the temporary adoption!

And another extraordinary event for the week: we have a cat now. We have found Lombi in the forest, during walking with our dogs. Poor tiny creature, was running after us all soaked to skin, shivering, meowing. We did not leave her alone, hence as an honorary Great Dane she came to our care. She is looking for both a temporary and a permanent adoptive!

Tárnoki Okosok continued as well, our dogs are more and more clever, the personalized training means a lot for them. Thanks very much for the team of kutyatrening.hu and our volunteers!

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