Easter’s week was not a calm one either, though we had
hoped for being able to share infos solely on adoptions and take a bit of a
rest. Certainly it was not the case.
At our vizsla breed rescue this week was mostly about
the arrangements carried out behind the scenes, organizing issues, but even
this way we had a lot to take care of. Pötty’s neutralization was due this
week, as fortunately he is over his skin disease he could get over it. His
routine heartworm test proved negative, everything went well during the
operation as well.
The vizsla family found in Perbál got back to their
original owners, at us they had been accounted for as Perba, Gerti and Patrik.
This week our protegee Hippi had to move to a dog
pansion because of his temporary adopter’s sickness. He enjoys the company of
other dogs very much, playing all day long with his mates.
The sole arrival of the week is a Hungarian vizsla
male, Ali, coming from his previous owners. He is very shy yet, but we got to
know him as a friendly, curious dog, hopefully soon we can report him finding a
super owner.
At the Great Dane breed rescue an emergency situation
had to be solved this week. The lovers of the breed united their powers and
managed to land Dorly at us within one day. She is skin and bones, full of
wounds and very shy. The good news being that even before her arrival a very
sympathetic candidate showed interest in her. Sympathy and enthusiasm are alive
till today, the would-be owners visiting Dorly almost every day, presenting her
dogfood, tinned food and vitamins. If introducing Dorly to their current dogs
goes on well, Dorly becomes owned pretty fast!
To the Dachshund breed rescue several wounded and
found dogs arrived, none of them being planned for, but we managed to place
each of them safe. For cases like this it would just be great to have
urgent-case temporary adoptives. If you are open for it, please send your
application to info@futrinkautca.hu!
Fuvar, the friendly wire-haired Dachshund male was found in Albertirsa, with
his foot pads worn off. For 15 days he is looking for his original owners, then
waiting for a new one. Fuvar is spending his Futrinka-time at a temporary
adoptive, this way we learnt he is housebroken and behaves well inside the
Hardver, the injured Dachshund mixture male was
collected around Dabas. His pelvis is broken, also his body is full of biten
wounds. A past, badly-healed broken leg hints of his bad pre-life as well. In
case his original owner does not show up, we will be looking for a new home for
him, too. Hardver is a humble, nice dog.
Polli arrived at us with an extremely ugly fracture –
he was wounded at the yard of his owner, when a relative ran over him by his
car. His owner did not take the costs under, waived his rights from the dog.
Polli’s fractures were put together at Primavet Animal Hospital, is recovering
now, but there is yet a long way ahead…
The owner of Maszat, the 10-year-old wire-haired
Dachshund female was taken to a hospital, and as most likely will not leave it,
Maszat had to be taken from her. The last years of this wonderful old dog had
been a punishment even when with her owner: she was living in her own urine and
fecalia in the bathroom, without taken for walks.
Our „only” vet issues meant worry as well, but luckily
the routine neutralizations went all right, meaning nothing can stop these dogs
now from becoming owned. But who knows, when the future families of
Poltergeist, Szoszonja and Szonda show up?

Unfortunately besides the several negative
heartworm-tests this week we had a positive one as well. Kirby arrived from the
shelter of Óbecse, Serbia. We have started her treatment.
Two of our dogs could leave the kennel row, still
waiting for their owners – but being so lucky to be doing it at temporary adoptives. Marci, our old Schnauzer mixture fairy at Érd, Laci, the young-adult
Dachshund mixture male is waiting for the real one at Diósd.

Jenny had come to us from a rural flaying house, this
week flying away: our Austrian partner, AC Austria has found an owner for her.
Derivál could also leave us, we do hope for the second
turn he has really found the real one. The first occasion was not his fault
either, as he is a very good one.
Fear spread over among our chanceless mixtures, as
kennel cough started at the Farsang family. They were given antibiotics and
luckily are getting better, but kids are always so fragile. To our surprise
from among the five only one has a potential owner so far, Zonkó being the
fortunate one. Anyone for the others?

We needed the adoption of one-two dogs very much, as
currently we have too many animals stucked at our care. Luttor specially needed
an owner, as he is almost growing up at us. Though he is bad as hell, the
candidates did not step back because of it.
8-10-month old Liktor, Luttor’s brother is still
waiting for an owner – despite his special colouring and the beautiful photos
made of him by Vizslafotózás the real one did not show up for him yet.
Mackótestvér is not a kid of fortune either, many
things have happened to him at our care, is also over an unsuccessful adoption.
Now luck has shown up again, he has found an owner. Before moving he had been
nicely trimmed so that the new owner does not have to take care of this for a
while. We do hope from this time on we will only get positive news of him as a
happy one.
One of our helpers,
Viki and her dog, Rugó (a fox terrier mixture adopted from a shelter) held an
animal protection presentation at Hunyadi Mátyás Elementary School. In the
frame of three classes they talked to the kids about the work of Futrinka
Association, about responsible animal keeping, adoption and the importance of
At the end of the
lectures Rugó entertained the children with his tricks and showed them that it
is not only the puppies that are able to learn, that it is really worth to
consider an adult dog as well if we have decided to have a 4-legged mate by

We gladly keep similar lectures at elementary and
secondary schools, if you are interested, please contact us!
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