Our Association was
founded in 2006, with the founders already engaged in dog rescue via other
organizations – and with the foundation of Futrinka putting their emphasis
primarily on saving the chanceless mixtures, the breed rescues only appearing
afterwards. This year we celebrate our 10th birthday also by getting back each
month to Illatos street, the main scene of our past savings.
This week we had two arrivals from this plant. We could not leave Bioanyu inside, as her kids are already at our care. Temporarily she is placed at a pansion, but we are urgently looking for an owner for her.
The other great piece
of news arriving from the chanceless mixtures’ group is Málna, the Gordon setter
lady, being stucked in for almost two years, but now being visited – after the
probation day we can declare her to have an ownership candidate.
As written above we had
two arrivals from Illatos street this week. The other one came to our Dachshund
breed rescue group. Gurtni has skin problems and gets steroids for his ear-end
wounds. His medical check-up is underway.
The animal protectors
of Eger have asked for our help regarding two ladies of 4-months of age, having
Dachshund ancestors as well, named Egyik and Másik. They were placed at a
temporary adoptive.
It seems no week passes
by without an accident, we received a male hit by a car this week as well. His
pelvis needed to be placed bacl. Named by his founder he is called Bogyi at us,
currently looking for his original owner. His recovery happens at a temporary
adoptive, this way we can get to know a lot about him, easing our way to find him
an owner.
We could not endure
with dogs only flowing in, but luckily we had protegees adopted as well, not
even the easy cases!
Uncle Szuszi became the
dog of an extremely nice family, sleeping in a bed, getting younger at the same
time, continuously playing with his ball.
The other fortunate one
was Vadfruttik, non-understendably not getting owned for such a long time, but
this week finally he succeeded in it.
Zemma underwent
neutralization, a couple of days later became owned by a fantastic family,
continuously sending news about him.
Stevie, the old
Dachshund losing his eyes in an accident could leave the hospital and moved to
a temporary adoptive. We have to get several things checked on him to be sure
he does not have any other permanent damages, but afterwards he will be looking
for an owner.
Our under-one-year
brothers, Hupli and Túrás got neutered. Fortunately everything went right and
Hupli, the more wire-haired one already has an ownership candidate.
Unfortunately we had
three positive heartworm-test results this week. Debreceni Zsebpénz, Óbecsei
Crunch and Cupcake have the worms. We have started their treatment using the
slow method, and of course they can be adopted even this way, but we know they
have virtually no chance at all. We test our dogs, hence are aware of the
disease. But are the owners doing it as well?

This week Vizslafotózás
helped us out with a fast shooting at Városliget. Beautiful pics were made on
Zsebpénz, Liktor and our couple, Crunch and Cupcake.

At our vizsla breed
rescue group the number of those finding owners this week was the largest, but
no week goes by without arrivals and vet-rounds.
Kabar arrived at our care
last April, unfortunately with a positive heartworm test. His treatment took a
longer time, but using the slower and safer method he produced a negative test
in the end. This week he underwent neutralization, luckily everything went well
during his operation.
William came to our care
from the animal protection foundation of Törökszentmiklós, having several
epilepsy-attacks at them – hence after getting the blood test results he
visited an epilepsy specialist. He participated in an almost 5-hour-long
consultation with his adoptive to map the causes and get his medicines fixed.
T-puppies were not born
under a fortunate sky, when their Mom gave them birth chained to a stick in a
ditch, without any food or water. Tabak’s pech-serial was continued when after
several owned days he got back to our care. Fate then changed his mind and a
family, originally showing interest in him, but being overtaken by his first
adopters still wanted to adopt him – meaning this week he really found his
final family.
Lee learnt a lot on city
life and being an indoor dog while spent his time at his temporary adoptive,
hence this week time arrived for him to flee our care and move to a final
Liam’s temporary
adoptives decided on adopting him, this week we already signed the final
adoption contract.
The last member of
T-puppies still at our care, Tori moved to a temporary adoptive this week, but
only spending a short period of time with them – this week he found his final
family as well.
This week Taffy underwent
neutralization in the frame of an urgent intervention, luckily all went well
during the operation. He is already recovering at home with his adoptive.
We finished the week with
an arrival, Ziva got to us from his previous owners – according to them he had
a car accident last year, during which his rib was broken, which caused
pneumothorax. This we would like to get checked up later.
The amounts arriving
from the tax declarations make up for the base of our operations. Please,
donate these amounts to us. Do it even if it seems to be small, or in case your
employer or the National Tax and Customs Administration prepares your
declarations. Thank you all very much!
Futrinka Egyesület
Tax number:
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