Thanks to the team of the dog school „Tárnoki Okosok” was launched again, so that
those volunteering could train the dog chosen by them from among our kennel row
protegees four consecutive Sundays in three different groups. This means a
great help for us, as besides learning a lot about our dogs it is also a
predictable programme for them with many positive affirmation. Thanks very
Our teams dedicated to
events were extremely busy during the weekend, as we participated in two
programs as well. One of our teams represented our Association at the two-day
long (Saturday – Sunday) CACIB dog show, thanks to one of our helpers we are
always invited to this event. The autumn location was the beautiful Fort
Monostor in Komárom. Many dogs showed up at the event on Saturday and Sunday,
luckily many visited our stand as well, donating for us.
Our other venue-team
took part on the World Day of Animals at Budaörs on Sunday. Besides Futrinka
Association several local animal protector organizations presented themselves
as well.

From the base group
some also take part in Tárnoki Okosok, we do hope it helps us finding their
final owners, or at least a temporary adoptive. We already had cases when the
life of a protegee of ours changed for the good this way. During the next weeks
Vándor, Kasza Bubu, Sáros Séta, Ügyes, Zizeg, Bors, Poltergeist, Gombos and Bio
Josta head for the training.

This week a nationwide
online female portal, ensured place for an animal protection week,
within which several articles and interviews were presented, also five dogs and
two cats were introduced daily to help them find their would-be owners. We are
proud that from among our dogs several could introduce themselves, and even
though so far no interest was shown in them, we do hope some find their future
families this way. From among the general articles we would like to highlight
the one explaining the difference between flaying houses and shelters, this –
besides being worth reading – is strengthened by the infographics of an adopter
of ours. On the graphics some might spot the contour of little Merre, not
accidentally: he was the modell for the pic.
We would also like to highlight Eszterminátor, the kid owner of an ex
Dachshund-group dog of ours, she was also written about. She stands as an
example in being raised like that, already now respecting animals very much.
Our dogs simply love her, when she arrives at the kennel row, they immediately
feel we have a special guest coming.
Some of You might not
be aware, but Demény, the popular celebrity vizsla also started as a
Futrinka-protegee. His owner was interviewed as well, from this you can – among
others – learn how the monthly supported organization of Deményista Mentor
Klub, launched by her is chosen. Futrinka Association was also awarded by them,
not once. For us this support meant a lot, too. Thanks very much!
Another interview is
also on an ex-Futrinka dog. Várdai Tücsi, the elderly Dachshund was not chosen
by his owner for his good behaviour, but by know they make a perfect couple, on
their informative everyday life they regularly share news on their Facebook
site as well.
We could continue the
media presence further, but some of you might have followed this countrywide
contiguous initiative, the first one in Hungary.
Besides the articles the group of our chanceless was more active in the
background this week, but we still had an adopted and an ownership-candidate.
Küllő was visited by a very nice family and luckily his condition did not make
them step back from his adoption. As Küllő had fainted the previous week, he
still needs to stay at monitoring, we also organized him a heart ultra-sound
for next week, but from that he will move home to his owner.
Expectadly his heartworm-rarefying operation is
to be carried out in October-November, when the Italian professor is again in
Hungary – the expenses of these are yet to be covered by us, as the family
could not finance the intervention, costing HUF 300.000. The good news is that
we already collected the 1/3 of this amount, the less positive is that we still
have a long way to go.
Bátor was found accidentally
on an ad portal by a family, previously losing their dog, named Bátor as well. They
were not 100% sure in it, but informed us that they would like to meet him.
This went so well that Bátor moved to his new owners this week. He had been
waiting for a long time in the shelter of Eger, where noone spotted him – he
really deserved getting adopted by now. We wish You long happy years to come,
our sad-eyed little one!
To our vizsla breed
rescue two wounded vizslas arrived, both of them had an accident. Puma Peti
spent weeks near Cegléd in the street after getting wounded and we were
informed on him – according to the medical check-ups his femur needs heading.
This is to be immediately carried out when the result of his lab blood-test
arrives. We are looking for his original owner.

Dudva Dani got to our
care following an unknown-resulted accident, was found near Szolnok. He has a
swelling near his jaw, also several open wounds on his body, has difficulty in
weighing his back legs – his treatment at the animal hospital started. We are
looking for his original owner.

Marcell’s routine
heartworm test upon his arrival was positive, but now, following 8 months of
the slower, but safter method treatment he produced a negative one – this means
he is getting neutered next week.
The babies of Danke Mom,
arriving from the Debrecen flaying house moved to a family pansion, hence Danke
could leave our care to start her new life as an owned, family dog.
From the Vác animal
protectors help was asked for Kisherceg and Pálinka, their previous owners left
them at their care

So far Levente was
undeservedly neglected by the candidates, but luck just smiled at him this
week, he moved to a final owner.

Fény got to an
animal-friend family as a found one, by the data of his microchip his original
owner was found – still, he did not want the dog back, hence our help was asked
in his placement.

Flecken and Kloff were
rescued from among poor conditions by an animal-friend family – as they could
not keep the dogs, they asked for our help in their placement. Very shy, but
friendly ones.

Boldog Betyár, the
11-year-old Hungarian vizsla uncle got to our care after the death of his
beloved owner. The loss has got him seriously down, his temporary adoptive does
everything he can to cheer him up a little bit.

Hobó got to our care from
his previous owners because of their move – he was placed at a family pansion.

The life at our
Dachshund group was dominated by the arrivals this week.
Following last week’s
Katona family this week we had a wire-haired Dachshund mixture family coming,
Dad, Mom and one female puppy. All of them are very kind and young, we will be
soon coming back with fresh and detailed news on them.

Following long rounds
of negotiations on Sunday we finally got Kaposvári Luca, the one-year-old
wire-haired Dachshund mixture female, an endlessly kind and devoted little
girl, very grateful for any caressing and nice words.

Shiva, the 3-year-old
Dachshund mixture lady is also with us now, unfortunately her life was not that
lucky till now, two owners had given her back previously. We will do all what
we can to find her the proper owner.

Tihamér and Sramli
welcomed promising visitors this week.

Mila was also visited,
getting a candidate for ownership to the end of the day.
The one getting adopted
this week was Tutika. She moved to a big family, fitting in immediately,
already had a hairdressing – we received beautiful pics on her.

At the Great Danes the
most important event this week was Kiwi’s visit at the veterinary. Unfortunately
her operation will not be an easy one, as both of her eyes need to be corrected
for the forward-fall of her Harder-gland. Her eyelids need to be adjusted, some
hair is continuously rubbing her eyes, they reach into them. One of her eyes
turned out to be much smaller than the other one, this is an inborn disorder. She
has some patches in her field of vision, where she does not see properly.
Luckily it does not disturb her, plays a lot with Corvette in the running area,
a cheerful and friendly dog.
Aaaand, we also have another piece of news
regarding Kiwi: serious interest is shown in her, had someone taking her for a
walk several times. The final decision is also coming soon!
On our other protegees
please contact!