2017. október 6., péntek

What happened at Futrinka during week 33?

August 16, is the Day of the Stateless Animals. The initiative started in 1992 and came from the United States. Unfortunately, Hungary lags behind the Western countries. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of unidentified dogs and cats are wandering in the streets in our country. During that day, they want to draw attention to the importance of animal charity/animal protection organizations, adoption and the prevention of unwanted breeding and the responsible animal husbandry/handling. Everyone's responsibility that the number of stray animals on the streets decrease. The change of attitude is indispensable for this. Our association provides shelter for these stateless animals and temporary / permanent families.

The Street of Hungarian Flavors in Budapest`s Ádám Clark square, was organized on 19-20 August, whither our association got an invitation. There was a very good mood both days, except for a little rain, the weather was kind to us. Our owner-seeking dogs who were present: Tücsök bácsi, Puffer, Lobi, Mákgubó, Ügyes, Félős Fanna, Csipike, Cash, Barna Barni, Viktor és Sánta Pajtás. They were delighted with the many kind words, caressing and delicious treats. Thanks to everyone who visited our booth! Thank you to the volunteers, without them it could not have done so well!

Several protege have been arrived to our Vizsla rescue group this week. Miksa could leave the quarantine. Previous owners of Miksa had asked for help from us last year, but at the last minute they changed their mind, saying they had found a good new owner. He was sleeping in bed and lived indoor until last Christmas, but the idyllic state soon ended when another dog came to the house. He was excluded into the garden with noble simplicity. During a storm, he bit his boss at the beginning of July, so he had to leave immediately from the house. He was under official surveillance, placed in quarantine, he could leave his jail and moved to our host in last week.


We have three arrival in this week, two of them were planned. We have been negotiating for a time with them, but they have asked for urgent help for one of them. During a rescue, we usually appalled based on the physical and mental state of the dog, but this time in the circumstances was schocking. A lady found Jacint, the young vizsla boy in a forest, bound to the tree. He was wrapped around the collar three times with wire cable, that he could not escape. It was tight enough to keep it, and he could not roll out. Jacint is now safe, fortunately he has not suffered physical or mental injuries. He is a vigorous, happy, cheerful vizsla boy.


Miho also strengthens the camp of arrivals. An animal loving lady asked for help. It is evident that nobody took care or taught him in his life, he has to know yet lof of things and new situations.

The Animal Protector group of Fuzesabony asked for our help for a nearly puppy girl dog, who wandering on a street, who got the name Eperke from our care. Eperke have stabbed some people's eyes. People kicked her on the street. She is a very friendly dog, she went to all for help, but she only got hurt. Eperke now in safe, and since her original owner did not apply for her, we were taken care of.


At our basic activity group Békás Bubu’ had a pyoid metritis when arrived in our care. It was essentially the last minute on the operating table before major trouble could have happened. Blessing in disguise, that her cysts were benign, but the breast tumor was malignant. Due to her tumor, it has to be controlled every 3 months, ultrasound and x ray examination. Although there is no symptom, it is again metastasis. She has heart enlargement, megalocardia, and her kidney results are not too good. Inspite of these she was in operable condition, and luckily the surgery went well. We had to wait for the histology results and unfortunately we got bad news. Biphase carcinoma again, the second during the 4 months. The total tissue growth was cut off and we did not get much encouragement. For metastases, it is recommended to use a three-sided x-ray to see what we are facing and keep tight control every 2-3 months. Your support to the placement and veterinary, medical fee can be received by the Futrinka Association at K & H Bank 10404089-49575251-57561000. To pay for PayPal, click on the 'Donate' button at the bottom of our website (www.futrinkautca.hu). In the comment box, please enter: BÉKÁS BUBU

Palata Panna was not born under a lucky star. She started her life in misery, in the mud, with his partner in the trash, before she arrived in our care. Two of adopter betray her, the first one did not even give her only 1 month and the latest one only 24 hours. So Panna is looking for forever owner and home again.You can inquire about her adoptaion to us at the info@futrinkautca.hu e-mail.

Unfortunately, our Hercegno is not well, the wheezing is getting more and more exaggerated. Sometimes she can hardly breathe. The steroid will temporarily help, but unfortunately it will be more harmful in long term usage than useful. We are looking for a solution in traditional medicine that can help.Your support to the recovering can be received by the Futrinka Association at K & H Bank 10404089-49575251-57561000. To pay for PayPal, click on the 'Donate' button at the bottom of our website (www.futrinkautca.hu). In the comment box, please enter: Hercegnő


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