2017. október 22., vasárnap

What happened at Futrinka during week 38?

Life was again busy at our vizsla breed rescue, though compared to last week this one was a more silent one.

We have found the original owners of the young Hungarian vizsla girl found Sunday, whom we named Vasarnap Hajnalka. We thought she had run away because of the storm, but could not find an explanation on her bleeding head. It turned out her owners had a car accident, they were extremely happy to get their pet back.


Prezeda got to our care in 2015, finding an owner soon – but following two owned years last week she got back to us. She could claim herself lucky, as a couple immediately fell in love with her, waiting eagerly for her arrival – during the weekend she moved to her new owners. We wish her long and happy owned years to come!


Zsüli and Málna headed for their final families with the help of our foreign partner organization, Hands4Paws. We wish both of them long, happy years.

Another organization promised to take a vizsla Mom and her puppies, but the situation turned a bit and we needed to step in. Kisasszony got to our care, our heart ached for the babies, but knew they were safe – contrary to Kisasszony, staying still at the flaying house. The puppies got to a local volunteer after the separation, since then all the 3 of them finding their families already. Kisasszony is doing so at us.

Continuing last week’s sad tendency this week we also received a found dog – Doggy, the young Hungarian vizsla male, taken at Vertessomlo. He had not been micro-chipped, hence got to our care, we are still looking for his original owner.


Naurel, the vizsla-mixture boy arrived at our care from his previous owner, a very nice, friendly one, great to walk with, interested in everything, an attentive, flopsy little guy.


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