2016. április 26., kedd

What happened at Futrinka during week 5?

Deményista Mentor Klub, the supportive group of our ex-protected celebrity vizsla, Demény undertook besides their monthly support projects to get the 10 sacks of dogfood to the animal shelter of Ózd – amended by the donations gathered by them. It was carried out then, the colleagues at Ózd welcoming warmly the donations. We only have one shelter left as a destination for the donation – Szekszárd, we will not let you out of it!

At our vizsla breed rescue group Vajda is spending his time at a volunteer of us while his temporary adoptives are away.


Kabar has cut his sole deep, it did not heal under the bandage, but leaving it free we were worried it would get caught up in anything – hence his wound was sewn together. Luckily everything went well and as his temporary adoptives had to leave for a trip, not being able to take him with them, Kabar is spending his recovery period at a routinous adoptive of ours.


Also, the temporary adoptive of Kubu had to leave for a couple of days, so for this period he moved to a routinous helper of ours to accompany the ex Futrinka-protected Tódi.

We planned to have three of our dogs neutralized this week, but the operation of Puffer had to be postponed, as the changes left a heavy mark on him. The routine heartworm tests of Berger and Tarda proved negative, hence they underwent neutralization. Both of them are recovering at the homes of their adoptives, by now nothing standing in their way any more to move to a family.

We were extremely happy to report Tápé, a puppy of T-breed finding his final home. Our happiness was not a long-lasting one this time, he got back to our care. The necessary endurance was lacking and the initial enthusiasm just went by.


Barnibaba got to our care from his previous owners, we placed him at Dog Garden dog pansion. The energy reserves of this young guy seem to be never running out, always ready for a substantial amount of game or running, his batteries never emptying. He is very friendly to everyone, will make a fantastic dog by the side of a dream owner.


Our three new arrivals, Helen, Vizsu and Haver arrived at us from their previous owners. They were placed at a family pansion, we have started their vaccination programme.

Lordi became a family dog at a place just superb!

Morton has also become owned, but the following week brought a sad turn to his life after this…


Silver can recover after his neutralization at a family, being now an owned one.


Camaro arrived at our care.


The most unlucky of our chanceless ones, the newly-operated black mixture, Alfonso could leave the hospital, but unfortunately no temporary adoptive has showed up till now – hence he is recovering at the kennel row. Gifted with a very good nervous system, friendly, humble and last, but not least beautiful male.


Five puppies were placed outside in a box during the frostiest winter next to a lake around Miskolc. Their placement was successfully solved, they could start their quarantine at a loving temporary family. Originally there were four males – Janó, Jutas, Jelen and Játék – and a female, Jente in the group, but unfortunately this week Janó, the tiny black one and Jente, the small yellow girl fell ill, both needing infusion – and in the end sadly Janó giving up. The tiny little creatures’ immune system was not strong enough to fight the parvo virus gained meanwhile.



Molly Moll, the young-adult Irish setter female arrived at our care from her previous owner, as they could not undertake her proper keeping any more. She got to a temporary adoptive family, soon getting used to the comfort and the ever-caressing children hands as well.


We became richer by not just one breed this week. To another adopting place arrived Zomé and the Február breed from the Vahur Shelter in Ajka – they had been born to a family living at a flat, being the results of deliberate reproduction. Zomé is highly confused still, completely understandable because of the changes, but we do believe she will soon regain her trust and become a nice one. The names for the babies come from the Facebook-group – three females and two males, now called Zila, Zigi, Zazi, Zonkó and Zeolit. We have a long way to go yet with them, including parasite-freeing, the first vaccinations, micro-chipping, but they will be ready to move from the first week of April, getting 8-week-old by then. Most likely they will grow to small-mid-size.


Besides the many arrivals there is also a great piece of news for the week, Szevasztavasz has finally found her owner. Though this happened not in Hungary, but Austria, but we are really glad even this way, hence in a personality-tailored family Szevaszka is able to develop better, learning the rules of living together.


The breaking news at the Dachshund breed rescue is Várdai Tücsi, the biter and elderly short-haired Dachshund male getting finalized by his temporary adoptive, by now becoming the favourite one of everybody around. Tücsi is an owned one from this time on, also meaning it is high time he changed his behaviour because of bonding to the family. Surely he will develop a lot.


Üveggolyó, the Dachshund mixture boy just recently arrived with his Mom, Csillagszóró from among a family living among extremely poor conditions, but this week moved to a loving family. She was also meant to become owned this week, but the candidates finally withdrew. (Would you have thought that despite all the circumspection 1/3 of the previously scanned, visited prospective owners step back from adoption within 1-2 days?)


Raul is living at the kennel row, but we would love to get him owned finally. For this we have asked our Austrian partner to advertise him, but as their vets saw something worrisome at his neck X-ray, they did not undertake it until we check whether he would have to live with continuous pain in the future. Hence Raul went to an MRI this week, luckily resulting negative, as besides a tiny calcification no other change, stenosis could be shown. Raul really has developed a lot since his arrival and by now would desperately wish someone has fallen in love with him so much to appoint him to a member of his family.


From among the three new arrivals at the Dachshund breed rescue group two had already been at our care…the third one is Szőregér, the wire-haired Dachshund mixture male, found by the road near Szerencs. A shy one, not keeping eye-contact with people, but would love to meet the expectations, a friendly dog, currently waiting at his temporary adoptive for someone falling in love with him.


Unfortunately Sütőtök bit the child of the family, hence they gave up their fights with them – the habit of the dog cannot be harmonized with a family raising a small kid – this way sadly he took back to the kennel row. Now he is waiting there for an adoptive to give him a chance even his gritty nature and unduly used communication. We would like to emphasize that Sütőtök has developed really much even to this point – but there is still a long way to go to become perfect.


Our other recurrent dog did nothing badly, in his case the family’s life has altered in a way that made it impossible for him to stay. Derivál, our Dachshund mixture male, adopted as a puppy, has returned this way, and as all of our other ones, he is also looking for an owner.


Please, think of us when filling in your declaration on the 1% of your personal income tax. We need your supporting help to take care of our dogs. Thank you all very much!


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