2016. április 30., szombat

What happened at Futrinka during week 8?

Week 8 means for us that winter is over by now, spring is coming. At the same time it warns us to dedicate more effort to calling the attention of all our supporters on the 1% declarations of their tax – as this forms the financial basis enabling us to help more than 500 dogs annually.We also count on you this year, please, donate these 1% to us, to our protegees. Many are not aware, but the lower amount 1% donations also count a lot, as these add up, and we also have one by one minor amounts to pay, actually quite a lot of them – for instance a vaccination book, a kilogramm of rice, the price of vermifuges is a great help for us as well – and for you it actually costs nothing to fill your declarations in.

Thanks very much!

Futrinka Association


At the vizsla breed rescue we finalized Barcikai Lurkó’s status this week, his temporary adoptives decided to keep him forever.


Our wire-haired GSP wonder, Nesztor also flew out of our care, finding his final home at an active young couple, wandering a lot.


The winner of the week is without any doubt Tápé, finding his final family at last – after several rounds of unsuccessful attempts.


Several of our protegees changed adoptives this week – Lady baba and Berger are now waiting for the possibility to move to a permanent family at the Dog Garden dog pansion.

Haver had to move to our rented kennel row for his behavioral problems, we are looking for a deliberate, experienced temporary adoptive for him, not shying back from this difficult task, but getting him socialized.


Bobó, the adult Hungarian vizsla female arrived at our care from her previous owners. Currently she is learning the ways of communication with other dogs.


Lipót has found a permanent owner, but is not aware of it at all – his temporary adoptive has decided to become a permanent one, this week signing the adoption contract as well.


One of the puppies of Szegfűszeg, Szellő flew out of our care this week, finding a final family. From among his brothers Szende is still waiting for the real one to find him.


This week we were doing the vet-visits with Guszti, arriving back in the past with a serious demodex – even though the disease is already gone, his condition does not get better because of his allergy, there is still a long way to go to complete health.


During the weekend William, the vizsla mix boy arrived at our care from the Törökszentmiklós animal protection foundation. Previously he had shown symptoms of epilepsy several times, hence currently a date is to be agreed for him for a special check-up, so that we learn more on his condition.


This week should have brought Szegfűszeg, the Mummy of  Sz-babies neutralization, but as her routine heartworm test proved positive, the operation had to be cancelled. After the medical check-ups she could move to a temporary adoptive to learn the rules of living in a flat, as well as those of living in a city.


Kubu, the half-eyed vizsla mix boy changed his adoptive this week, moved to an experienced volunteer of ours. He is waiting here for the dream owner to show up for him.


From among our chanceless mixtures two puppies were moving to owners. We might say our joy is greater than usual in these cases, as this way these youngsters can grow up at their own families, not with us.

Krampusz, the black beauty was spending his time as the last member of Karácsony-litter with us, waiting for someone falling in love with him regardless of his black colour – and this week brought him success. The volunteer of another organization took him home.


Darabka, the stocky mini also flew out, his owners might not have known before what type of dog they had imagined for themselves – but the haphazard appearance of Darabka, the short legs, funny ears, stripes had just whirled them.


Another medicament round is over for our heartworm-affected ones, with the control fast-tests to follow up. The first test proved negative for Abszolút, now we are organizing his control.


Dachshund breed rescue did not have a lazy week either, we cannot really decide where to start our news – as had good and bad things alike this week.

Poltergeist took the new round of antibiotics, targeting the bacteria feeding the heartworms for two weeks – fortunately producing a negative control test afterwards. Still, our happiness will only be complete when his control test also proves this.


Jim Beam’s placement became an urgent issue, as he could not stay at his previous place – luckily we could find him another temporary adoptive this week, where he moved. His life did not start without problems there either, as he is showing signs of separational fear, barking…we really need your fingers crossed now so that he can stay.


Raul had an X-ray to see whether there is anything to operated regarding the strange object seen in his stomach during his CT – but luckily whatever it was, left Raul the natural way, no need to operate him.

We thought this week Csomorzsi, the shy, elderly Dachshund mixture lady could move to a temporary adoptive, as we had been negotiating with an Austrian family for weeks, wishing to adopt Csobodri, Csomorzsi’s blind mate – his temporary adoptives would have adopted Csomorzsi for Csobodri’s place. Unfortunately it could not happen this time, as the day before his journey the family cancelled the adoption of Csobodri. We are quite sad, but such is life.


Uncle Szuszi has an ownership candidate, so we had to arrange his neutralization. We were quite worried because of his age, but also considering that one of his balls was in his abdominals, we could not have decided otherwise. Luckily Uncle Szuszi took the operation pretty well, the following day already playing with a ball.


Kóc, the beautiful wire-haired Dachshund male was also neutered, for a reason non-understandable to us he is still living at the kennel row…would be great to have at least a temporary adoptive for him…his pre-operation heartworm test proved negative.


We also had several new arrivals. The most serious case is that of Stevie Samu, a 10-year-old Dachshund male, run over by a car – being hit on the head, causing his eyes blowing out of their orbits. The PCAS animal protectors of Nyíregyháza ran to the animal hospital with him, after his shock-treatment his eyes needed to be removed.


The „horsefaced” knight, Zsebpénz arrived at us from Debrecen, as a found one. He is a young-adult wire-haired Dachshund mixture male, being nice with everyone, open, having a perfect relationship with other dogs as well. Unfortunately his heartworm test resulted positive, we have started his treatment.


Hupli and Túrás, the two Dachshund males, under 2 years of age arrived from beside lake Balaton. In their previous life they had just grown without any attention given, meaning also this change completely mixed them, upon their arrival they were growling, catching. By now they have opened up nicely, with care and treatment given they will make perfect family members. They are looking for owners.



The arrivals would have enlarged our personnal very much, but luckily we had some protegees flying out as well.

Dambo arrived from a Serbian shelter, at us landing at a temporary adoptive – irresistibly falling in love with him, meaning Dambo could start his owned life immediately.


Kiskarak, the wire-haired Dachshund mixture taken from the shelter of Eger also moved. Previously he was left at an abandoned house, having a perspective only to starvation – but was lucky, got saved and landed on a sofa.


Kisvuk, the Dachshund mixture male, also originating from Eger, was also planning a move, but unfortunately this one did not work out. If anyone needs an 8-10-month-old, longer-legged wire-haired Dachshund mixture, the chance is right here! Kisvuk is still looking for an owner.


Fenyőfa is the perfect example to prove that even one interested candidate might be enough to get owned – meaning if he is the real one. This thing is exactly what happened to him: so far nobody had been interested in adopting him, then came a sympathetic e-mail, ending up in the adoption of Fenyőfa!


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