Rare is such an
intensive week at our chanceless mixtures, hopefully this was the only one of
the kind in 2016, requiring to solve such a great amount of organizational
tasks and issues to be solved, but we gladly declare this now to be over.
Unfortunately we lost
our battle against parvo, with all the members of January breed giving up their
fight. Jelen, Játék, Jutas and Jente, good-bye to You. You did not have a
simple or easy life, even if just such a short one was given.

We also had new arrival
this week. The story of Bundás deserves attention as he was the one most would
have not showed any interest in. A frizzy, frightened one at the road around
Baracska…But one of our adoptives did not let him down, collected him, this way
giving no chance for him to be run over by a car. To our great surprise Bundás
had a micro-chip, is 11-years-old. He was awaited home.
Kokó, the male mixture
from the Edelény flaying house arrived to escape being put to sleep– for him we
are looking for a temporary adoptive as well.

Mackótestvér used to be
at an optional temporary adoptive, whose patience lasted only till now – though
we had informed them on the long way to go to socialize and rehabilitate the
dog. He came back to us now, looking for the real one again. Surely, someone is
around for him?
We could not leave the
vet visits out this week either, as we do not give for adoption without
neutralization. Argan, the Italian-lined English setter male was no exception
from it, undergoing the operation this week.
Another setter of ours,
the Irish female, Molly Moll was also neutered. She took the post-operative
phase really bad, but then luckily – thanks to the painkillers – she got
better. She has an ownership candidate.
We were worried that
the heartworm test of Bibap Lulu proves positive, as her mate, arriving with
him, has the virus – but luckily in her case the parasite could not be shown,
hence she also became neutered – by now being 100% ready to become owned.
Darabka is too young
yet to be neutered, his vet visit was due to remove the steels from his jaw and
thigh. The weekend he had visitors, and…he has an ownership candidate!
Alfonso, our
wounded-leg black mixture male did not manage to carry out his move to his
first adoptive, as in the last minute it was cancelled via a text message – but
then his luck came back and by now he is recovering on a sofa, living in a
This week is
undoubtedly that of Felhő, first moving to a temporary adoptive, to an
ex-colleague’s family, though only spending a couple of days there – as
meanwhile the real, permanent one has also arrived – meaning during the weekend
he moved again.
At our vizsla breed
rescue one of the tasks to be solved this week was the moving of Puffer – with
his extremely persistant barking he had caused a lot of sleepless nights and
days to the inhabitants of the family pansion – this way he had to change his
adoptive. At his new place his soul seems to be getting better, by now only missing
a dream owner to reach complete inner peace.
Taffi and Tiffany make an
inseparable couple, this week also changing adoptive, were both placed at a
family pansion.
A young vizsla mixture
girl was found in Budapest, we named her Hippi. We made up for her missing
micro-chip and started her vaccination programme – meanwhile looking for her
original owner.
Lipót arrived at our care
from his previous owner due to their moving. He was placed at a temporary
adoptive, to learn the rules of living inside a flat, during which he is
awaiting his dream owner.
Unfortunately the routine
heartworm test of Marcell proved positive, hence we had to start his treatment,
most likely to be a longer process. According to his check-ups one of his heart
valves does not close properly, causing the heart atrium to be enlarged – for this
he also needs to take medicine.
Bekő visited the vet for
the next vaccination. The little guy is not that little any more, has grown
significantly since arrived at our care with his brothers – by now the only one
still staying with us, all the others are owned.
Thanks to our foreign
partner organizations Gigerli, Szidi, Hisztis Mirtill, Toma and Léni flew out
of our care.

Nesztor had visitors this
week, we do hope soon he can move to a final family.
Some time ago we
reported gladly on Tápé being adopted – then coming back at our care a couple
of days later. He moved to a temporary adoptive, but did not have to wait long,
this weekend moved to an owner. We do hope for the second try his fate is much
more fortunate and he really finds a final home now.
This week we had several arrivals,
actually more than we had planned for or rationally could have adopted – but we
also have a heart…
Jeny, the Dachshund mixture lady arrived
from the Edelény flaying house, to escape being put to sleep. We are also
looking for a temporary adoptive for her!
The shelter of Eger asked for our help
to rescue three wire-haired Dachshund mixtures under 1 year of age, two males
and a female. They were given the names Kiskarak, Kisvuk and Kiscsele.

Monki mama had been waiting for the
perfect family at Illatos út, but regarding her age and hernia she had quite
little chance for it. Soon we will get her operated, but till that she can
spend her time with a family. By the way, she is a perfect and nice lady!
Kóc arrived back at New Year’s Eve to
ASKA at Székesfehérvár – we firmly believed someone will be looking for such a
beautiful one, but it was not the case. Kóc got to us, currently living at the
kennel row in Tárnok. Unfortunately he started off with a cold, now getting
We also had several vet-visits these
days, not only the usual neutralizations – but of course including these, too,
this week Csibécske, Fenyőfa and Szőregér went under it. All the three of them
are luckily heartworm-free.

Gombfoci is still under medical examination
because of his haemophilia, till it finishes, we have to keep him locked away
from any possible hurts, as even the tiniest hit might cause a bleeding. This
week among cautious preparation a sample of blood was taken from him to carry
out a special blood clotting test. At the German laboratory four blood clotting
factors are examined.
Misó’s operated leg got a bit swollen,
had to visit the hospital with it – turning out his recovery goes on faster
than expected, hence at the beginning of March the wires can be removed. Till
then he is waiting for someone to fall in love with him.
Unfortunately Sütőtök caught a bladder
infection at the kennel, meaning his urine became bloody. He got medicines and
if everything goes right, in two weeks’ time moves to a family in Szolnok. We
will see…cross your fingers for him!
Csobodri’s histology has arrived,
luckily with a negative result. He also has a secret…an Austrian family would
like to adopt him. We’ll be right back with the news.
Fortunately we had three dogs this week
becoming owned. Őszapó, the veterane Dachshund belongs now to a very nice
family, not deterred by his age, but being absolutely taken by Őszapó’s lovable
Paradicsom also became adopted. Many of
you might remember him, being the one, whose dog-mate was poisoned, causing
himself being threatened to such an extent that he slept sitting. By now he
became pretty much relaxed and it also meant adoption for him. He moved to Érd.
Papanni, the tiny wire-haired lady was
adopted by the parents of one of our adoptive families.
Declaration on the 1% of your tax is
already under way – for us any amount counts, this one being the foundation of
our operation. Please think of us, when filling in your tax sheets!
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