Bellan came into our care from her previous owner, because she
destroyed everything in the garden. She does not know what a leash, and collar
are for, and she never lived in an apartment before, but she found the couch in
an instant at her fostering family. Bellan was in excellent hands at her temporary
home for a short while, but she can consider herself very lucky to move to a
permanent home over the weekend.

Hintaló had visitors last week and the meeting
went verywell. He moved into his forever home during the week.
Violin came into our care with her companion,
Eastwood. Eastwood was adopted by his fostering family, but sadly they could
not spend much time together, as a few weeks ago, the sweet dog passed away. Now,
the family decided to adopt Violin. This week, she moved into her new home.
Sóska, the young German Vizsla boy was adopted
this week. Sóska is an active little youngster; therefore, the new masters will
be busy, teaching him everything possible.
We wish long and happy lives to our former protégés with their new
Harcos has been at specialists, where after his front right leg
was examined, it turned out that the disability of his right front leg is due
to a birth defect and not because of his mam laid on it. An amputation was
planned for Tuesday but at the end we cancelled the operation. Harcos went
under additional medical examinations, which uncovered that his right hind leg
is deformed as well. His entire right side is underdeveloped, which is not much
visible yet, but it may cause him pain later as he will continue to grow and
carry his weight on the left. We have been in communication with several
specialists and our German partner organisation is helping us to as well talk
to doctors in Germany about prosthetics. We and Harcos` fostering family do
everything in our power to find a solution for the little boy.
Miksa`s test for heartworm disease came back
negative, so he could be neutered. Miksa is now ready to be adopted and soon he
will receive visitors. We are crossing our fingers and toes and hope that the
meeting will go well.
The owners of the young and very ill Hungarian
Vizsla girl Manga, asked for our help. After she arrived, several routine
medical examinations and blood tests were carried out on her. When seeing the
poor results, the physicians were stunned as she should not be alive with such
poor lab results. Manga continues to be fever free and she eats and drinks well.
Everyone is puzzled and no one knows what is wrong with her. All her tests of
various illnesses came back negative. We keep trying to figure out what her
illness is to find the cure the soonest.
Szirák, the young Vizsla mix was found injured;
therefore, he was sent to the hospital to receive immediate medical attention.
Ellie was in the last stage of her pregnancy when
she came into our care. She gave birth to 11 puppies, from which 8 are girls
and 3 are boys. Fortunately, they are all well and healthy.
Animal lovers found Brúnó in a ditch in the town
of Füzesabony. He had a collar around his neck with a carabiner that indicated
that he must have lived on chain. He even had a microchip, which after reading
it, told us that his name was Brúnó. When we called the owner registered on the
chip, he denied that he had a dog. In the past days, the vet has been working
to stabilise Brúnó as unfortunately his injuries are severe.

Last weekend, we received Leenan, a kind and
sweet Hungarian Vizsla girl. Her family no longer could look after her;
therefore, they asked for our help.
Animal lovers found Cukorborsó and because his
owner did not look for him, they asked us to help finding him a home. He has
found a temporary home at a family with great experience, where he will be
learning a lot from the other dogs as well.
We had a rather exciting Sunday with full of activities. With the
help of, we organised an obedience course, this time in the
beautiful park called Népliget. The following dogs got place in the first
class: Tango, Cash, Árnyék, and Eperke. After the initial excitement,
they all completed the tasks with skills and determination. The plenty of
treats, the lovely weather and the good atmosphere resulted in happy dogs that
were keen to learn. After just the first time it was already evident how smart
our students were. These events provide great opportunity for us to learn about
the dogs, for the dogs to build relationships with humans and perhaps find
forever homes.
We are going to have two more mini courses in Népliget on the
two coming Sundays, and we welcome anyone who would like to join us. You only
have to send a mail to us to and we will get
back to you.

Meanwhile, with the lead of our former protégé Demény,
we organised a charity walk on Hajógyári Island for the benefit of our sweet wheelchaired-dog,
the German Vizsla Vajda. Many people participated in the walk and donated
useful things to Vajda`s everyday needs. Thank you all who came and supported
Vajda, we appreciate your help!

At our Dachshund Breed Rescue Group, the week was calm, but the
events accelerated over the weekend.
One of the weekend arrivals was Tita, a young Wire-Haired
Dachshund girl, who was found on the street, and whose original owner were not

The other new arrival was the four-year-old
black-tan Dachshund mix, Mammut, whose owners moved away, and they simply left
him alone.
Missie, the young Wire-Haired Dachshund girl also
came into our care last weekend from her former family.
Last Sunday, we participated in the 4th Sugárzoo Picnic
and the Official Dachshund Reunion, where we spent an amazing day together with
many people who love this particular breed. Many people who adopted from us
before, came to see us there. It was great to meet them and our former protégés again.
Some of our current protégés participated in the event as well to
meet potential adopters and future families. Géniusz
found a forever home during the event, which made us especially happy. We wish
the little Géniusz many happy years to come as a rehomed doggy.
Thank you all who came to see us and our dogs, and
we hope to meet you soon again.

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