Our Vizsla rescue team had a very active week. There were medical
activities, owner finders and arrivals as well. Kisasszony’s routine dirofilaria
test was negative, so she undergo her castration. She spend the recovery time still at her hosts. After it, she moves to her
final family.
The two little sick puppy, Csenge and Csanad are in much better condition,
so they could left the veterinary hospital. They moved to a host.
Hubabuba was rescued from homeless people. As soon as he arrived in our
care,right away, our carriage led us to the vet.Hubaba is blind, both of his
cornea harmed, so he has to be over surgical intervention as soon as possible. There is a slight chance that he will see again, but unfortunately, no one
knows this. Now he does not understand what's going on around him.
But whatever it may be, he will see again or not, we will be with him and find
the perfect family for him.
The right foreleg of Harcos is deformated, so he underwent on his surgical
operation on Thuesday. He could leave the hospital and go home to his
temporarly hosts on Thursday. Compared to what kind of serious surgery he had
been, he is wearing this situation very well. There is a fixing bandage on his feet, but it does not interfere with it at
all. He comes and goes, plays, runs around as a healty dog. Unfortunately, there is a need for another surgery because his tapes were
so shrunk that it could not be stretched in one step.
Kicsipotty routine dirofilaria test was negative, so she undergo her
castration. She is ready to find a final owner, but we have to find the perfect
family for her.
Dobra dirofilaria test was negative, so she undergo her castration. She
still spent some days at her temporary host, before she moved to her final

Apacs moved to his final family.
Then, Acro and Asterix will travel to their final families, thanksfully our
foreign partner organization named Hundehilfe Phoenix. So all the eight little
small puppies find final home, who were found in Abadszolok.

Converse arrived into our care, his finder requested help from us. He is small, very cute, quite shy, often creeping, but in the course of
him, if he could, he would fall into the man's lap and he would never move from
there. If we move a bit faster next to him, he's scared
again. He can not be playing, he afraid of anything what we
approaching him. We wish, if he could talk about it, tell us what kind of
trauma happened with him,then we could help. We hope he can calm down soon and find out there's nothing wrong can happen
with him here.

Several of our protege have changed their host. Cash, Eperke and Spenot
moved from our hosts to a dogs pension.

Barmi also found a final home.
We received a help request for a German Vizsla couple. The mom's dog was pregnant.
She bore four little
puppies to the world. The others were born dead. Then another shock, two of the
four little puppies lost their lives.
We could not even
elaborate to lost them, when we received a new request for help for a couple of
days spent blend puppies. Would we be able to adopt them, if they will be
accepted by the mother dog?
Since the mother had
dead babies, so the others were born with cesarean section. The Mom dogs has a
scar, which came across many milk, so when the little puppies touch her, the
mom dog has terrifying pains.
She took care nicely of
them, but now she does not want to accept either her own or the orphan puppies. Four of them lost their lives. The 4 surviving puppies are suckled by their
host with pacifier, so they eat a little.
The smaller one from
the two of their own stains ,and one of the two milk brothers is very weak.

Galanga, the young vizsla mixture dog came from Szerep’ dogcatcer into our care.

At our basic core group Drotos Vitez’s routine dirofilaria test was
negative, so he undergo his castration. He is ready to find a final owner, but
we have to find the perfect family for him.
Ébenlány arrived in our care through an extraordinary story. Her owners wanted to exterminate she.
She is a kind, timid,
child lover little girl, who now has a chance to get a better and nicer life.
Oroszlion arrived into our care as a found dog. He is a typical puppy dog, spinning, now familiar with the game, like
ballging, he is a fast learner and he can well motivated with foods. The hairless strip on his neck indicates well that he was somewhere and
somewhat tied up earlier. He could not have been a light life, that's for sure.
Csocso found owner on
this week and he can live furthermore with an another rescued dachshund.
It's a great pleasure
for us, as he waited for the real one for a year. He is well integrated into his new family. We wish a
very happy life for him and his owners together. Many thanks you for choosing him!
Unfortunately, Apoka
did not really come out with other dogs, so we've been requested the trainer's
help now to have a chance to be a pet dog. Since this is the most important
thing for him.
We had more incoming
dogs on this week.
Furge girl, a 3 month
old wirehaired dachshund little girl. who has skimpy fur came from her owner to
our care.

Brie the young
short-haired dachshund mixture female dog arrived from Debrecen. She is still
very shy. We hope she will be more loose soon, and could move an owner.

Box, the 3 years old wirehaired dachshund male
dog, become a no longer needed dog for
his previous owner. Fortunately a lady took him under her wings, who still
carried him into a grooming salon. He got his vaccinations also, before he
arrived to us. Box is a smart, good dog, who loves to walk a lot and he is
expect to look after him and he is still waiting for final owner.
Vinny is a 4 years old wirehaired
male mixtured dog, who arrived to us the reason of his owner death. He still has to know and understand other dogs, but we
suggest that, he will be the only dog at home.
Finally, Gomez arrived
from Fuzesabony. Luckily, he moved to temporarly host with option, which means,
he will be a pet dog soon.
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