Our Vizsla Group had
a very busy week. Unfortunately, the
week started in a very bad way.
Brúnó was found in a
hole last week by the Füzesabony animal rescuers. He had a collar with
carabiner, so probably he lived on a chain. The chip showed his name was Brúnó
but the registered owner denied having a dog. His condition was stabilized but
his wounds were too severe to live. Probably he was hit by a car and his body
was covered by earlier wounds with dead tissues. He had been on the way for
some time. He was heart worm positive and had a stroke after the accident. He
could not pee or move his head or even eat a little. His chest was also broken
at two places and also the two back legs. We are really sorry we could not do
more. We really wanted to. We believed in it and hoped but again lost a battle
because others are irresponsible.

On Tuesday night we
got an emergency call to a vizsla in pain. The owners did not want her with the
medical costs. We took her of course and the dog was just giving birth. We took
her to the vet immediately and with cesarean 12 vizsla puppies were born. The
puppies were born early but they are alive and healthy. The mother still has
pain at the wound and could not take the puppies and does not have milk. We put
the family to one of our pet hotels but we were not prepared for this. Another
big problem and we do not know how we will manage it.

Doggy, the vizsla
boy found in Vértessomló finished his quarantine period. As his ex-owner never
appeared, he moved to our pet hotel caretaker.
Medical examinations
showed that Szirák, the mixed vizsla boy found wounded had a broken bone in the
upper leg, which was operated on immediately. Unfortunately, he also had a bad
bowel infection, which made him very weak. Having left the hospital he got to
the best place with his temporary caretakers. He has appetite again and gets
active again. This makes it harder to relax but they are practicing, he is
clean inside and friendly to everybody.
Some of our dogs
changed caretakers. From the Abádszalók babies Acro moved from the pet hotel
caretaker to a temporary family.
Spenót spent a
longer period of time in hospital after being found. This week she could leave
the hospital and move to the carekater.
Bármi, Delia and
Daikiri changed their dog hotel caretaker. Bármi is moving to the new family
soon but Delia and Daikiri are still looking for the new and permanent owner.

Tolstoy, the 4-year-old
came from the Hajdúböszörmény Pacsi Foundation to our care. He is very active
and moves a lot, a friendly and nice dog who is just starting to live life.
With his caretakers he is now living in a flat and learning what this means and
what the new life means.

Letti, the
3-4-year-old vizsla girl was helped by an animal rescuer in the countryside.
She used to live on a chain, no time for her and no money for vaccinations. As
she did not have vaccinations, she could only go the temporary caretakers. She
was freed from the chains and started her new life. She is broken in both body
and soul but is behaving very well with the dogs, cats and family of the
From Csipike’s
babies Csigusz was the last one adopted. We wish you many happy years with your
Our basic activity group had a lot of newcomers this week and some of our dogs
took part in events.
Futrinka Association
and our basic activity group was founded 11 years ago to help mixed dogs. The
dog catcher’s places in the country are much too full and the places in the
countryside are in a very bad situation with very few adoptions. This week,
therefore, we got three dogs from the Heves county dog place.
Lente, the
1.5-year-old mixed girl.
Mikos, the
one-year-old black mixed boy.
Somocska, the
6-month mixed girl
Tubifex came to us
from the ex-owners. Because of his escapes he used to live on a chain. He is a
special dog just starting to discover an unknown world sometimes in a bit of a
clumsy but very funny way.
Drótos Vitéz vizsla came
to us with his mixed partner from the ex-owners. In the first few days after
his arrival he just stayed in the corner of his kennel without eating and not
knowing what was happening to him.
Lali waited in our
care for a very long time until the family came. A few weeks ago he moved to a
caretaker optionally and this week we are going to sign the adoption papers.
Lali is as bad as the devil but he is loved a lot.
On 7th
October our association got invited to the birthday event of Premier Outlet.
From our dogs who are looking for family, Ügyes, Lappancs, Pici Keksz, Spenót, Hermina,
Maci-Laci, Lobi and Watson participated.

This week two of our
dogs were adopted, always a real pleasure for us.
Raduly became the
partner of another ex-dog of ours, Perec, and since the first moment they have
got on really well. It is great to see them so happy.
We had another
adopted dog called Fűzér, a warm-hearted girl, who used to live on a chain but
now moved to a flat and lives as a member of the family.
This week we had two
newcomers. Lóczi, the young wire-haired dachshund boy and Bekény, the
short-haired black and brown dachshund boy, both of them from Karcag.

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