2016. február 25., csütörtök

What happened at Futrinka during week 4 of 2016?

Futrinka Association is 10-years-old in 2016, hence we dedicate the whole year for celebration. We also have the reason to do so, as at the beginning of our operation there was no 1% of personal income tax, only our own wallets, there was no employee on the kennel row, only the everyday visits, taking dogs for a walk – besides our jobs and families. Noone starts as a well-known, standard-setting organization, neither did we so. We built up bit by bit, step by step what we have become, what we can be proud of.

To celebrate the past 10 years in 2016 we return to our roots a bit, as back in 2006 most of our rescued dogs came from Illatos út, at the time highly burdened by distemper-infection, also regularly putting dogs to sleep. We chose a dog, already there for a longer period of time, threw together the money to get him out, putting him to vet-quarantine for the initial period, the medical costs, then visited the given hospitals every day, crossing our fingers for the recovery of the distemper-infected dogs, getting our hearts broken a thousand times when losing a battle and saying farewell to any of them…It was definitely not an easy period, but showed us what we are capable of if truly want to achieve something. And this want to achievement by now is shown in more than 500 rescued animal’s life annually.
In the months to come we aim to get each month one chanceless dog – according to our concept XI-district originated ones, regarding that the headquarter of our accociation is here – out of the Illatos út pond, where time has not passed by without changes either. The dogs are given the combined vaccination as well, meaning the infections do not occur in a higher rate as they do at a normal environment with several dogs, the dogs are neutered, medical interventions are carried out, they get advertised, the employees there keeping contact and last, but definitely not least they do not put dogs to sleep until it can be by any ways avoided. By now in case of interest you can adopt a dog from them, too, with a minimal risk (www.ebtelep.hu).

This year’s first Illatos-út dog from the XI. district is Csibécske, the black, shy, but fairy mixture lady – previously living chained by an elderly person. She got to the care of our Dachshund breed rescue, by now evidently seen at her temporary adoptives, what a treasure we have found. A nice, hideous, calm girl, wishing to meet expectations and full of love – by now having only one task, to find the owner who could return it.


Even back at the foundation of our association we were absolutely aware of the importance of neutralization, hence our protected dogs undergo this operation. Since the 2nd half of 2014 we also test all our dogs for heartworms as well, latest before the neutering operations. In 2016 we keep reports on the heartworm-infected dogs at our care, also the ones already healed by the slow method used by us – also, we publish these figures on a monthly basis mapped, to call attention on this parasite, definitely being present by now.

Our January map looks as follows, currently we see dogs arriving with a high risk rate is from the surrounding of the catchment area of Tisza where the suitable habitat is ensured for the special mosquitoes spreading the parasite.


Several neutralisations took place at the Dachshund breed rescue this week. Papanni, the elderly, wire-haired mini Dachshund lady, already with a prospective owner, underwent the operation, also Csillagszóró, the wire-haired Dachshund mixture lady arriving from an owner, and Fenyőfa, the mixture female, having – among others – Dachshunds among her ancestors.

Sunshine, the long-haired mini Dachshund female was also neutered, at the same time also finding an owner. A former double-adoptive, helper of ours adopted her, this way putting an end to the uni-coloured nature of her black-tar, short-haired flock – and we are sure Sunshine has got to a perfect place.


Fahéj, the 6-year-old Dachshund mixture male was transported for neutralization from the Tárnok kennel row – stealing the heart of his transporter on the road, actually getting adopted temporarily – Fahéj is very much enjoying the warm, comfortable home now. And we are extremely happy that – though a completely unique way – we managed to find him a temporary adoptive.


Csobodri, the old and blind Dachshund mixture female was also operated – but in her case besides neutralization it also meant the removal of 4 breast tumours. Fortunately she accepted the intervention well, though we were very worried about her. In the background an Austrian family appeared meanwhile, showing great interest in her, we will see if it could mean an adoption. By all means that would mean a real miracle.


Attila, the wire-haired Dachshund mixture male found in Debrecen should have also been neutered – but according to the result of the pre-operation heartworm test unfortunately he is infected. In these cases anesthesia is considered too risky, this way the operation had to be postponed, but his treatment – according to the slow method, using Advocate spot-on and Dosycyclin tablets – was started.


Trüffel, the short-haired mini Dachshund male used to be with a prospective owner, then without, then in the end this week he could fly out, after waiting for long-long months for the real one. His new family is extremely happy with him, moreover – arising also from their jobs – they donated a lot of decorative stickers for the charity bid of the Association. Thanks very much!


Füge, the mate of Fahéj, with whom they were passed down together at the Ajka flaying house, was already living at a temporary adoptive. This week an application arrived for him, but his temporary adoptives indicated that they would have liked the dog staying at their family. Of course nothing stood in their way, hence Füge found a loving, final home.


Sacka’s long stay with us came as no surprise, regarding her age. This week – over the removal of her breast line and everything else – we can declare it was really worth for her to wait, as an all-heart family of Pécs adopted her to become their fond dog-mate.


Even though we usually do not report separately on the prospective ownerships, but we are extremely happy of Bohóclány, as – non-understandable for us – there was no serious interest in her so far – but this week she had visitors, hence soon promising ownership candidates are waiting for her.


We have a lot of dogs at the chanceless mixtures group, actually till we manage to reach a significant lowering, we cannot take new ones – but in emergency situations, in case of serious problems we try to step in. This way we adopted Alfonso, the black male dog from the Pacsi Shelter of Hajdúböszörmény – with a broken leg, immediately placing him at Primavet Animal Hospital.


Alfonso was not the sole arrival, as five tiny puppies showed up at the helping group of the Miskolc flaying house – they were placed by a heartless person in the coldest weather at a lakeshore in a cardboard box. The Január breed is quarantined now at a local volunteer, but soon they are given their first vaccinations and move to Budapest, so that we can find their final homes.


Two members of the Bio-family were neutralized this week: Biobarka and Biobatyu. Barka was to first one to leave the bad circumstances, hence being the most stabile among all the Bio-kids taken care of, Batyu is still very shy, but is developing. Unfortunately Biobambusz and BioBonbon, joining the Association the latest, previously docked at another place, are in significantly worse condition, threatened due to their unsocialized state, difficult to be handled. Maybe change comes also to the life of Biobarka, as a prospective adoptive has shown up, who would first take him temporarily to see how he handles city life, but if everything goes well, would keep him forever. We will see.

Kasza Bubu, the formerly chained stafford mixture male found in Miskolc should have been neutered this week as well, but unfortunately he has also failed the heartworm test – though he had never been on vacation anywhere, but at the same time had no protection either, this way could be infected. We started his treatment.


We only had one member leaving the group of chanceless mixtures this week – Kuckó, the last male member of Karácsony-family to leave us.


Unfortunately Krampusz, the black lady is still waiting for the real one, but as the last remaining Karácsony-puppy at our care she would really love to start her owned life finally.


The owner-searching group of Great Danes is grown by another youngster, Figaro. The approximately 8-month-old little guy is really nice, kind, a bit shy yet. We do hope he does not have to spend too much time with us.


A really busy week passed by at our vizsla breed rescue group. We had several arrivals this week, like the duo found in Baja, simply referred to as the „coated vizslas” – as the two, most likely elderly vizsla females were found in dog coats wandering around the streets. They are both micro-chipped, but these ones not registered, this way they got to the local flaying house, their original owner has not shown up for them.


Tarda, the adult Hungarian vizsla boy got to our care from his former owner, not having enough time to move with an active dog. Torda is really grateful for any attention given, a clever, susceptible, bit immoderate yet, slapstick one.


Zsazsa walked in to a farm, the nearby animal protectors have asked for our help in her placement. She is not micro-chipped, we are looking for her original owner, being able to justify her ownership rights with valid documents.


An extremely thin adult Hungarian vizsla male has been wandering around Debrecen for weeks, in the end walked into a site, that is how his finders managed to catch him. He got to our care, we baptised him Marcell. He is not micro-chipped, we are looking for his original owner, being able to justify his ownership right with valid documents.


Several of our protected ones changed their adoptives this week. Berger could leave the kennel row and moved to a temporary adoptive.

Lady baba moved to a family pansion this week from her temporary adoptive, getting on well with her mates, the shy dog-girl soon integrated in her new environment, starting to get relaxed.


Our honorary vizsla protected ones, the two fox terrier boys, Tompi and Rücsök moved to the Dog Garden dog pansion from their temporary adoptives.


Puffer changed his adoptive due to his separational fear, he was singing all day long, while his adoptive was away. He was continuing this for days at his new place as well, but finally the ice was broken – after several days of barking Puffer gathered himself together, slowly understood he had nothing to worry about, slept through the night and does not bark during the daylight either.


From the T-flock after Tabita Tápé also flew out of our care.


The heartworm test of Egri Csillag became negative, hence she could undergo neutralization. Her temporary adoptives decided on keeping her, we have already signed the final adoption contract as well. They „failed” Csillag, we lost a temporary adoptive of ours, but won a superb owner.

Egri Csillag

Kávé arrived from his former owners, spent a long time with us before moving to an owner. We were spreading the news happily, but it did not last long…after a couple of days Kávé landed again at us. The all-time happy, always joyous dog’s heart was broken. Still, our story finishes with a happy ending! Kávé had visitors and found his loving family, also spotting in him the wonderous dog as we did. Immediately as he arrived home he knew it was his final place, from where he does not have to move anywhere. His vim returned, was waiving his tail, was happy, giving kisses all around.

We were also organizing vet-visits this week, Peták was depressed, did not want to eat and produced a bloody defecation. According to the vet-examination he has high fever, blood was taken from him for the lab-analysis, luckily is negative for babesia, but his liver- and pancreas-results are high.


The routine heartworm-test of Hisztis Mirtil was negative, hence she could undergo neutralization. Currently she is recovering at her temporary adoptive, accompanied by a former protective of ours, Zara.


Kubu’s left eye had to be removed because of a wound – one morning his nose just started to bleed, which even in itself is worrying. But regarding he had a head injury previously, it gave reason for even more worries. They rushed to the vet with his temporary adoptive, luckily it is not serious, his mood and appetite are just like before.

For this week we received two invitations for TV-interviews, on Monday at FixTv our Association’s chairwoman, assisted by Peggy was speaking about the wintertime specialties dog owners needed to listen to. You can watch the live interview in its full length under the following link:


At the morning programme of Fem3 Café Vajda was introduced together with his temporary adoptive and the chairwoman of our Association, discussing Vajda’s condition, everyday life and search for an owner. During the programme Vajda was also presented a hand-made gift, prepared solely for him. The full interview is to be seen at:

This weekend thanks to the crew of Vizslatúra and Your financial support Vajda’s ramp could have been built. Vajda immediately occupied the new structure and from that time on he steadily brings and brings his balls up the terrace.


Our Association transported several animal protector partners 10-10 sacks of lower-quality dogfood in the recent weeks. The following organizatios were donated from it: the Vahur Egyesület in Ajka, the Humán Állatvédők in Pápa, the shelter of Siklós, the shelter of Ugat-Lak in Kisvárda, the Pacsi shelter of Hajdúböszörmény, the civil animal protectors of Komló, the shelter of Csömör and the animal protectors of Füzesabony. We would still like to transport donations for two places, but so far unfortunately could not find transporters: the shelter of Ózd and Szekszárd are still waiting for the dogfood donated by us.

We were not in the position to give dogfood as we would have them in such an enormous quantity, but because we were donated much, more or less at the same time expiring dogfood – for the time restrictions we are not able to use these during their expiration dates, hence instead of waiting for them to go bad, we calculated and decided to re-donate 10x10, so altogether 100 sacks of them.

2016. február 24., szerda

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 6. héten?

Esélytelen keverékeinknél ritka az ennyire intenzív hét, mint a mostani, ebben az évben már nem is baj, ha nem lesz több az ennyi szervezést és megoldandó feladatokat tartalmazó hétből, de jelentjük: vége van.

Sajnos a parvó elleni küzdelmet elveszítettük, a Január alom minden tagja feladta. Jelen, Játék, Jutas és Jente, búcsúzunk. Nem volt egyszerű és könnyű életetek még így sem, hogy ilyen rövidre szabott volt.

Új kutyáink is érkeztek a héten. Bundás története azért érdemel figyelmet, mert ő az a kutya, akiért a többség a kisujját sem mozdította volna. Egy loncsos, megriadt kutya egy baracskai úton... A mi egyik befogadónk viszont nem hagyta magára, nem adott esélyt arra, hogy elüssék, begyűjtötte. Bundás meglepetésünkre chipes volt és 11 éves. Hazavárták.


Az edelényi gyepmesteri telepről altatás elől érkezett Kokó, a keverék kan kutya, akinek ideiglenes befogadót is keresünk.

Mackótestvér elvileg opciós ideiglenes befogadónál volt, de eddig tartott a türelem, pedig mi mondtuk, hogy Mackótestvér szocializációja, rehabilitációja még sokáig tart majd. Visszakerült és újra keresi az igazit. Ugye, megtalálja?


A héten sem hagyhattuk ki az orvosi köröket, hiszen ivartalanítás nélkül nem adunk örökbe. Ez alól az olasz vonalú angol szetter kan, Argan sem volt kivétel, aki a héten átesett a beavatkozáson.


Egy másik szetterünk, az ír szuka, Molly Moll is ivartalanítódott. Ő nagyon rosszul viselte a műtét utáni időszakot, de aztán szerencsére - és a fájdalomcsillapító hatására - jobban lett. Molly Moll gazdijelöltes.


Bibap Lulu esetében aggódtunk, hogy pozitív lesz a szívféreg tesztje, mert a társa, akivel együtt hoztuk el, szívférges, de szerencsére esetében nem volt kimutatható a parazita, így viszont már nem ivaros ő sem, mostantól teljesen készen áll a gazdisodásra.


Darabka még túl fiatal az ivartalanításhoz, az ő orvosi látogatása az állkapcsában és a combjában található vasak eltávolítása miatt volt esedékes. A hétvégén látogatókat fogadott, és... Gazdijelöltes!


A sérült lábú fekete keverék kanunk, Alfonso az első befogadóhoz költözését elbukta, mert az utolsó pillanatban egy smsben lemondták, de aztán újra felragyogott a szerencséje, azóta családban, a kanapén lábadozik.


Ez a hét egyértelműen Felhő hete, aki először ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött egy volt munkatársunk családjába, de csak pár napot töltött ott, mert közben befutott az igazi, ahová a hétvégén át is költözhetett.


Vizsla fajtamentő csoportunknál a hét egyik megoldandó feladata Puffer költözése volt, kitartó ugatásával rengeteg álmatlan éjszakát és nappalt okozott a családi panzió lakóinak, ezért befogadót kellett váltania. Új helyén kezd a lelke megnyugodni, most már csak egy álomgazdi hiányzik az életéből, hogy teljes legyen a béke.

Taffi és Tiffany elválaszthatatlan párost alkotnak, a héten ők is befogadót váltottak, egy családi panzióban kerültek elhelyezésre.

Budapesten találtak egy fiatal magyar vizsla mix lányt, aki tőlünk a Hippi nevet kapta. Hiányzó chipjét pótoltuk, és megkezdtük az oltási programját, közben pedig az eredeti tulajdonosát keressük.

Megérkezett a gondozásunkba korábbi tulajdonosától költözés miatt Lipót. Ideiglenes befogadónál került elhelyezésre, ahol megtanulhatja a lakásban élés szabályait, közben pedig várja az álomgazdi jelentkezését.

Marcellnek a már rutinnak számító szívféreg tesztje sajnos pozitív lett, így a kezelését meg kell kezdenünk, de ez egy hosszabb folyamat lesz. A vizsgálatok alapján pedig az egyik szívbillentyűje nem zár jól, emiatt a szívpitvara kitágult, amire szintén gyógyszert kell szednie.

Bekő a soron következő oltásáért járt az állatorvosi rendelőben. A kislegény már nem is olyan kicsi, hatalmasat nőtt, mióta testvéreivel a gondozásunkba került, már csak ő nem talált gazdára közülük.

Külföldi partnerszervezeteink segítségével kirepülhetett a gondozásunkból Gigerli, Szidi, Hisztis Mirtill, Toma és Léni.

Nesztor a héten látogatókat fogadott, reméljük, hamarosan végleges családba költözhet.


Nemrég örömmel adtuk hírül, hogy Tápé gazdára talált, néhány nap múlva mégis visszakerült a gondozásunkba. Ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött, de nem kellett sokáig várnia, ezen a hétvégén gazdához költözhetett. Reméljük második nekifutásra már szerencsésebben alakul Tápé sorsa, és tényleg végleges családra talált.


A héten több kutya érkezett a gondozásunkba, valójában több kutya, mint amennyit terveztünk, vagy racionálisan fogadhattunk volna, de nekünk is van szívünk...

Az edelényi gyepmesteri telepről érkezett hozzánk altatás elől Jeny, a tacskó keverék szuka. Ideiglenes befogadót is keresünk számára!


Az egri menhely kért segítséget három, egy év alatti szálkás szőrű tacskó keveréknek, két kan és egy szuka. A Kiskarak, Kisvuk és Kiscsele neveket kapták.

Monki mama az Illatos úton várt a tökéletes családra, de erre kicsi esélye volt tekintettel arra, hogy idős és sérves. Hamarosan megoperáltatjuk, de addig is családi körben töltheti az idejét. Monki mama amúgy egy tökéletes és kedves kutyahölgy.


Kóc még szilveszterkor került be a székesfehérvári ASKA-hoz, mi pedig azt hittük, hogy egy ilyen szép kutyát biztosan keresni fognak, de nem kereste senki. Kóc hozzánk került, jelenleg a tárnoki kennelsor lakója. Sajnos megfázással indított, így antibiotikumot szed.


Az orvosi körökből is bőven kijutott ebben a pár napban, de nem csak a szokásos ivartalanításokról volt most szó, de persze arról is, hiszen Csibécske, Fenyőfa és Szőregér is átestek a beavatkozáson. Mindhárman szívféreg negatívok is szerencsére.

Gombfoci vérzékenysége miatt továbbra is kivizsgálás alatt áll, de addig is minden sérülési lehetőségtől el kell őt zárni, mert a legkisebb ütődés is bevérzést eredményezhet. A héten gondos előkészület mellett levételre került az egy, speciális véralvadási vizsgálathoz szükséges vér. Négy véralvadási faktort néznek majd meg a németországi laborban.


Misónak kicsit bedagadt a műtött lába, emiatt kereste fel az állatkórházat, ahol kiderült, hogy a gyógyulás gyorsabb ütemű, így március elején ki lehet venni a drótokat. Addig viszont várja, hogy valaki visszavonhatatlanul beleszeressen.


Sütőtök sajnos felfázott a kennelben, így véres lett a vizelete. Gyógyszert kapott, de ha jól alakul, két hét múlva Szolnokra költözhet gazdihoz. Meglátjuk. Drukkoljatok!


Csobodri szövettana megérkezett, szerencsére negatív lett. Neki is van egy titka: egy osztrák család szeretné őt örökbefogadni. Hamarosan jövünk.


Három gazdisunk is lett szerencsére. Őszapó, a veterán tacskó egy nagyon kedves család kutyája lett, akiket nem rettentett el a kora, de cserében meggyőzte őket Őszapó szerethető személyisége.


Paradicsom is gazdis kutya lett. Talán sokan emlékeznek rá, ő volt az a kutya, akinek a társkutyáját megmérgezték, és ő maga annyira rettegett, hogy ülve aludt. Mostanra szépen feloldódott, ez pedig meghozta a gazdit is számára. Érdre költözött.


Papannit, az egészen apró szálkás lányt az egyik befogadó családunk szülei fogadták örökbe.


Az adó 1% nyilatkozat kitöltése most már esedékes, nekünk pedig minden forint számít, ez teremti meg a működésünk alapját. Gondoljatok ránk, nyilatkozzatok a javunkra!
