The group of our chanceless took a dog family at their care during the Christmas season – a family, who had to try living through without a shelter even in the cold, their Mom living her life chained. The chances of staying alive were not so high upon our arrival, we were quite worried on whether we came too late – but luckily with a little help each of the puppies survived and now all of them are just about to find their final homes. Also this week we had someone moving to an owner. Finally the first girl, Kaland left us, continuing her life as a solo dog of a young couple.

Kőris also found his home in the end, also awaited by a loving family – undertaking not only the adoption of the dog, but together with him the troubles and obligations as well. Anyone adopting a puppy must continue their vaccination programme and see to it that around 10 months of age the dog gets neutered.
There are two more waiting for an owner from this breed. Luckily several candidates are interested in Kuckó, but unfortunately the black mixture lady, Krampusz did not manage to steal anyone’s heart so far, not having the faintest info request on herself. Surely, we know that black dogs are cursed regarding their adoption chances, but we do hope that with an emphasized advertisement we manage to find a permanent home for Krampusz while she is still in this sensitive age.
The Karácsony family faced not only adoptions this week, but separation as well. Mom Linda tolerated less and less the grown kids and she was becoming stricter all the time in setting their boundaries. We are worried of her harming a kid of hers, so got her move to the kennel row in Tárnok, waiting for her final owner there, but till then she is extremely happy for anyone taking her for a walk.
The youngster-period – meaning the age of dogs between 5-8 months – also sets the interest regarding adoption back for some reason, who would like to adopt a puppy, considers these dogs not young enough – the ones wishing an adult, being on just the opposite opinion, considering them too young, requiring too much attention and also, as not grown up in a family, but normally at the care of an animal protective organization or some other places, also struggle with socialization deficiencies. Well, Liktor and Luttor, our two Dachshund – terrier mixture youngsters have a long way to go regarding their behaviour, but this week, so that they do not try attempting the top of the hierarchy, they became neutered. This way they are absolutely ready to move – only that certain owner needs to appear in their lives.

From among our adult dogs Mackótestvér, the young jack russel male moved away – even though not to a final owner, but to a temporary adoptive with an option. He will accompany another terrier. We do hope everything goes right with him and soon we can report him as an owned one.
Dachshund breed rescue was trying to stay in balance this week. It is especially important for us to at least keep the level of the risen average number of dogs – caused by the slowdown of adoptions starting in December and at the same time having the number of arrivals growing – as we all arrange the co-ordination, e-mailing, handling issues besides our normal, civil jobs there is clearly a limit to the number of dogs, above which we are not able to take care of them with the necessary efficiency. All in all, it is important. Of course we do not always manage to keep the balance, but the targets are set.
So, let’s get started with the ones moving to owners. Sade, the black-tiger coloured mini Dachshund, arriving from his breeder, found his final home at a former adoptive of ours.
Black King, the long-haired mini Dachshund male has also found his family, living in the XI. district of Budapest from now on. He still has a lot to learn about the world, but in his new home he is given the chance for it.
Elegant, the extremely shy, but beautiful mini Dachshund male also found a new home, with his owners arriving by train from Germany to visit him, then transporting him home. We really cross our fingers that everything goes all right with him, as he was one of the least uncomplicated dogs of ours from the current team.
Sneci took part in a photo shooting last week and the beautiful pictures gave him the chance – visited by a really sympathetic couple, then this weekend moving to them. Sneci, considering his age started his new life according to the adoption procedure regarding puppies.
Luckily the heartworm-test of Sunshine resulted negative, and as by now she is over heating next week she can be neutered – after which she is declared a permanently owned dog. She will not move too far, as her temporary adoptive, being a former adoptive of ours decided on keeping her – together with their two ex-Futrinka protected and one other sourced black-tan, short-haired Dachshund ladies.
Attila, the wire-haired Dachshund mixture male was found during the holiday season in Debrecen – this week he got to our care. Currently he is waiting at a temporary adoptive that we find his permanent home, which according to our hope shall not be too complicated, as Attila is a strong nervous-systemed, nice dog.
Csillagszóró and her puppy, Üveggolyó used to live at a very poor family – we had to take them to our care as they were no longer able to provide the „necessary treatment” to the dogs. We are not really sure what they meant under this phrase, as the dogs lived outside, around a house not even bordered by a fence. They used to lay low where they found some shelter. As Csillagszóró arrived at them as a found dog, we also await news from anyone who had lost a similar dog in Székesfehérvár around 6 months ago. Üveggolyó is 4-5 months old, will grow bigger than a Dachshund, a very nice puppy, of course also waiting for a loving owner.
Unfortunately the week finished pretty bad at the Great Danes. On Friday we gladly informed everyone on Morton Báró moving to an owner, but by Sunday he was back at the kennel row. Even before this occasion we were accused many times on asking the would-be adoptive too many questions, but looks like this is not enough either. Morton is awaiting his loving, FINAL family!
At our vizsla breed rescue the most important stories of the week were evidently the movings, several of our troubled – fate protected ones could move to families.
Some time ago we happily informed you on Gordon finding his final owner. Our happiness did not last long, though, as he got back to our care for his strong separation fear. More precisely to his ex-temporary adoptive, who decided to keep him – forever! We have even signed the adoption agreement with them. Also as a temporary adoptive they were hesitating on adopting him permanently, but then decided on letting him go and help our activities further as temporary adoptive. But Gordon’s fate became different, could not even have gone better! He feels himself fantastically and his family is still helping our work, as a protected one of ours is again docked at them temporarily.
Zémona got back to our care after an unsuccessful ownership, because of her strong separation fear – after this there was no interest in her at all for a long time. Till now! Zémona could move to a loving family this week!
The first owned puppy of T-breed is Tabita, very much awaited by his owners, the whole family gathering together upon his arrival, all of them being interested in the newcomer.
Of course the week could not have gone by without arrivals – the old owners of Peták have passed away, he stayed alone in the yard – the family asked for our help in his placement. In his life so far he did not go beyond the yard, but a very interested and positive personality as for our experiences so far with him. Temporarily he was placed at the kennel row.
Lady baba got to the Egyek flaying house after the death of her owner. She does not understand it yet what is happening around her, a very shy nature. Everything is new for her, travelling in a car and living inside the flat as well. She was placed at a temporary adoptive.
Málnika got to our care from her owners, for the reason of moving abroad. She was placed at Dog Garden dog pension, immediately fitted in, loves playing, running around, hence she has a chance now to fulfill her great need for moving.
Kubu was found by the Balassagyarmat animal protectors with serious wounds. His head injury was surface, but one of his eyes was damaged irreversibly. He underwent an operation during which his wounded left eye was removed. Kubu moved to a temporary adoptive and is looking for a permanent one, loving him even with this deficiency.
Our Association was invited this week to a programme on FixTv, starring Vajda, our roll-chaired GSP. Vajda’s temporary adoptive and our Association’s chairman talked about Vajda’s condition, everyday life and his search for an owner. You can watch the complete live interview under the following link:
Thanks to Vauvau professional dog photo – Kiss Csanád photographer again perfect, professional studio photos were made on several protected dogs of ours. Zémona, Peggy and our two honorary vizsla, Tompi and Rücsök, the fox terriers were the models. They started a little bit shy, but Csanád managed to bring their most beautiful faces out.

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