It is always a great happiness for us to
have our dogs photographed at a studio, and the appearance of the team of
Vizslafotózás in our dogs’ lives besides VauVau Stúdió, being the „official”
Futrinka photographer was an extra pleasure – as a good photo may even get a
dog adopted. Even though this time the emphasis was not on our dogs, but on the
wedding dresses, besides each one of which a dog of ours was acting as a model.
The lucky ones, contributing this way to the intimate-atmosphered photos were:
Bohóclány, Sneci, Fahéj and Jim Beam. To be really elegant in the pictures they
could also wear black-white-golden coloured collars, offered by ManuQCollar. We
thank also them!

At the Dachshund breed rescue group
besides the photo shooting other happenings also took place.
After a long-long period of time Iglo,
the mixture male found his home – back in the distant past he was saved with
his Mum and brothers from a gullet. Iglo spent the first half of his life at an
owner, but then returned to us. (Unfortunately statistically there is always
one member of a rescued breed, who is not too fortunate for the first
occassion, getting back to us later even if given for adoption after the most
thoroughful procedure.)

Though Berzsián only arrived last week, at
the beginning of this one he returned to his original owner. It was absolutely
obvious that the wire-haired male landing at us was actually Főnök, the hunting
dog from Velence, already looked for.

We also had a lot of things to worry
about this week, as several of our dogs was waiting for their neutralization to
be done. The most risky one was that of Sacka, our veterane Dachshund lady – at
her case the complete breastline had to be removed because of her breast
tumours, at the same time carrying out her neutralization. Though the day
following the operation she did not feel that good, but slowly she is
recovering – which is also great news as a family would like to get to know
her, with an adoption request.

Fifi also had to operated with breast
tumours, but in her case we decided on the local removal of these. All the six
removed tumours were sent to histology – we are still waiting for the result,
but meanwhile we know it for sure that Fifi does not have to wait long for the
real one, as a helper of our German partner organization has indicated his wish
to adopt her.

Also neutered, but fortunately without
tumours, just getting his ears cleaned was Sade, the special-coloured mini
Dachshund – at the same time moving to an owner, to accompany a former
protected dog of ours.

Actually it would be just great if we
could finish our report at this point, as currently we are struggling with a
complete lack of places, having a lot of dogs at our care – but we also had new
arrivals this week. Dikics was found in Maglód, leashed in front of a shop, but
noone took him away from there – this way we took him. The adult mixture male
is looking for his original owner yet.

We took Nagy Feró, the tiny and
extremely nice Dachshund male from a partner organization – currently he is
learning the rules of living in a flat at a temporary adoptive and would love
to find himself a permanent one soon.

It was also a partner organization
asking for our help regarding Stacy – we regularly take dogs from the Füzesabony
animal protectors, hence also said yes in this case. Her introduction became a
quite sanguine one, as wanted to liquidate all the dogs of the family
temporarily taking care of her – but by now she smoothly integrated in the

Anyone who would not love an old, with
males dominant, otherwise clean-blooded parson russel terrier male, having a
tumour on his chest as well? Well? That is how we got Jack Murphy, undergoing
the operation and neutralized as well, the result of histology also arriving –
luckily it was a benign tumour, often appearing at terriers, this time causing
a tennis-ball size bulge on his chest. Jack Murphy would like to become a solo
dog, so far he lived at a kennel, does not really know the noises of the city,
the same is true for living in a flat – but he hopes to find a temporary or
permanent adoptive, wishing to make his life more beautiful.

Bell, the six-month-old Irish Setter
lady arrived at us from a countryside family, being the „waste”, as her tail is
shorter than that defined in the standard – this way she could not be sold.
Bell is wormed to such an extent that at the car she was actually vomiting
worms. We have started her parasite-freeing, guessing this unlucky tiny little
creature had nothing like that so far…Of course she does not have vaccinations
either, anyone surprised at it?

From the Karácsony family, two guys
could move to owners this week. Káosz, the black-and-white boy continues his
life in Sopron with a young couple.

Kréta stayed close to Budapest, learning
the rules of life also by a young couple and hopefully living a long and happy

Each week during 2016 we would like to
get one of our protected ones emphasized, a kind of „owner-searcher of the
week”. The first dog getting a possibility for that is Mackótestvér, the
wire-haired jack russel terrier male, arriving at us from a breeder.
Mackótestvér is not an easy case, as he used to spend the first part of his
life at a kennel, together with a lot of other terriers, hence his
socialization is quite gappy: he does not walk nice on the leash, is afraid in
every new situation, does not know the city noises and so on. Mackótestvér is
showing signs of dominancy with other dogs and is unambiguously hunting cats
and other animals – this way cannot accompany them. We would prefer to give him
for adoption as a solo dog, to a place where his initial strong fears could be resolved,
his lacks made up for and despite all his handicaps he is loved. We do hope
2016 will be his year and it brings him the so much awaited owner.

From the Great Dane breed rescue Gargi,
the grey puppy moved to a temporary adoptive.

This week was really a busy one at our
vizsla breed rescue group, shadowed by two sad pieces of news. Lencsilány and
Földvári Liza lost their battles against tumours and passed away. Földvári Liza
did so as an owned dog, her temporary adoptives deciding on adopting her, but Lencsilány
deceased as our protective.

Toma left the kennel row behind to move to
a family pansion. Her routine heartworm test resulted negative, this way she
could also undergo neutralization.

This week Szidi, also having a
negative-resulted heartworm test, underwent neutralization.

Csirik arrived at our care last April from
the Csongrád flaying house, the routine heartworm test being positive – after
the longer, but more reliable treatment his repetitive test resulted negative,
hence he could undergo neutralization. The operation went well, this way no
objection may appear preventing this beautiful vizsla mixture boy from becoming
Tompi, our honorary vizsla also became
neutered. During the operation everything went all right, he is recovering at
his temporary adoptive’s home.

After her leg-operation our honorary
vizsla protected dog, Péntek fortunately underwent another, 4-hour-long
operation, during which her breasts were removed and she became neutered.
Fortunately the operation went well, the evening she could spend at the family
pansion with her adoptive.

This week the T-puppies and their Mum got
the next vaccination according the their programme.

From among the T-breed following Tepertő, Ted could also move to a temporary adoptive this week, he will spend his days with a rabbit until finding his final owner.

This week Elizon visited Zöld Kutya
Karolina dog-cosmetics, and thanks to Anna Kenyeres dog cosmetician she became
really beautiful. She enjoyed caressing very much, the result being just

This week we gladly spread the word on
Kávé finding a long-awaited owner. Our happiness was not a long one, as after a
couple of days he got back to our care. Kávé is again at his adoptive at the
family pansion, the happenings worn him pretty much.

Most of the B-puppies have found their
owners fast, but for two of them, Baksa and Bekő no requests arrived. From
among them Baksa was the lucky one moving to an owner this week.

This week three
of our protected dogs could travel to their new homes thanks to our foreign
partner organizations: Ajúr, Wizzy and Danka.

We had two arrivals this week – Vencel was
most likely rescued in the last minute by the Füzesabony animal protectors.
Thanks to them he arrived at our care, being now safe at his adoptive.

Puffer, the approximately 10-year-old
vizsla male arrived at our care from his owners. He used to live in a flat also
before, now they are trying to move as much as possible with his temporary
adoptive to get his overweight disappear.

Our Association believes in co-operation, having a good relationship with several Hungarian organizations. It happened lately that we received from our German partner organizations more lower-quality, but for feeding absolutely suitable dogfood than we could use in foreseeable time – hence we decided to ask the help of some of our supporters so that 10-12 sacks of this food arrives to several shelters in need, as we know it could mean a lot. The first sacks are already on their way to the Vahur Menhely in Ajka, the Humán Állatvédők in Pápa, the Siklósi Állatvédő Egyesület and the Ugat-lak Alapítvány of Kisvárda. Thanks very much for the transportation help!

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