2016. január 7., csütörtök

What happened at Futrinka on the 50th week of 2015?

More and more companies run a corporate social responsibility programme, in the frame of one of these visited us the team of PwC this week. Our dogs enjoy it extremely much when they see many people showing up at the kennel row, by now they have learnt it means the lucky ones get a nice walk by the stream. They simply love it! We warmly welcome the colleagues of any companies, as spending time outside together does not only mean a lot to them, it is also a huge thing for our dogs.

We have organized our traditional Christmas party also this year, to our volunteers and of course their dogs, some of whom used to be our protected ones. This year the event was organized at Repülő Puli coffee, we could spend the afternoon together in a really nice atmosphere. Thanks for everyone who could join us!

The group of our chanceless mixtures has grown with a new arrival, not a planned one, but an emergency case. Darabka, the cca 4-month-old mixture boy has been kicked by a horse – his leg and jaw were broken, needed an immediate operation

This week Földvári Liza, the 10+ vizsla mom arrived to our vizsla breed rescue group, her previous owner had taken her to the vet to be put to sleep – luckily the earnest vets have denied the request. They asked for our help in Liza’s placement, she moved to a temporary adoptive.

Elza was found in the countryside, we were asked to help in her placement. She moved to a temporary adoptive, meanwhile we are looking for her original owner.

Elizon was adopted from a shelter, later found wandering in the street – in the flaying house she was immediately recognized, hence the owners were informed by them. Contrary to their promise they did not show up for her, left the dog, for the following day were already done with the paperwork officially abandoning her – her only sin being getting old. According to her book she is estimated around 9 years of age, but regarding her current physical condition it could be much, much higher – her owners neglected her to such a great extent.

Csoki underwent neutralization this week, then moving to his permanent family.

Hanka has got to our care from among unworthy conditions, a watchful animal protector friend of ours has spotted her and asked for our help. She moved to a temporary adoptive then, this week finding her final family.

The Great Dane breed rescue had one arrival this week, unfortunately without a single adoption taking place. We took Morton Báró, the Great Dane male born in 2008, coming from the Miskolc flaying house – to where he had been taken by his owner.

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