2016. január 13., szerda

What happened at Futrinka on the 51st week of 2015?

Every year we have a Christmas rescue, a dog we take into our care even if operating at full house – this way giving him the chance, giving him the gift of being saved at Christmas. Last year Pejva was the lucky one, but this year we over-performed our goal, accepting 11 dogs at one to the group of chanceless ones. And who they are?
The animal protectors were patroling at a peripheric part of Miskolc, finding a chained female dog and her puppies below her. The photo of them was a heartbreaking one..The days and nights alike are cold by now, noone should be spending all days outside, the newborn babies are especially put to these…That is how the Christmas bedding arrived at us with Linda, the Mom and eight of her puppies – two females and six males. Please cross your fingers for them very mcuh, as they are all skin and bones, frozen out and full of worms.

To the Bio-bedding a vet helper of ours has asked for our help, the puppies were simply born to the wrong place. We could only undertake them one by one, meaning that as soon as one of them moves to an owner, we can accept the following one – this is how after Biobodza became owned, Biobarka arrived. The situation of the puppies became urgent, the rest could get to Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter according to the waiting list – though an outside kennel, but a safe place. Then we had to realize that without a living together-contact none of these puppies will grow a stabile adult, hence first we took Bio Batyu, then this week Bio Bonbon and Bio Bambusz as well. Luckily we have a great relationship with the team of Noah’s Ark, so when transportation was offered, we could organize the whole process within an hour.

Bio Batyu,Bio Bonbon és Bio Bambusz

Missy, the young-adult yorkie mixture is really just the icing on the cake. Her owner has got rid of her for her separational fear, so we are looking for an owner being able to handle this.

After such a long list of arrivals would be great to also inform you on a lot of mixtures moving to families, but only one of our protected animals left us from the basic group this week – being Atáma, the special-coloured kitten, finding herself a loving family in Austria.

From the Dachshund breed rescue a veteran, especially close to our hearts could move to a loving family – Csipit, once saved from the Komló flaying house in extremely bad state, had suffered a lot previously. Now the coldness of the kennel has changed to the warmth of a room also in his life. For us this is the real Chirstmas miracle, truly.

We have saved Déli from the Gyöngyös flaying house, so that she is not to put to sleep. Even though she is really a nice, showy one, somehow we did not manage to present her in a way that someone showed interest in adopting her. What did not go well on the online portal, worked in real life this time – a family simply fell in love with her in the street. Déli spent less then a week at her temporary adoptive, fortune immediately smiled at her.

Keleti arrived the same date, from the same place as Déli – and it turned so that they also left us the same week, though not together. Keleti became a family dog in Gyál.

A sad piece of news arrived from our vizsla breed rescue this week – one of the puppies of T-bedding, Triffla lost her life on Earth, is over the rainbow now.

We were also very much worried for another baby of T-bedding, Tepertő – his temporary adoptive rushed to the vet with him, so that his immediate treatment could be started.

The head of our vizsla-group found Péntek at a highway parking place, this way became our honorary protected one. He has several well-tangible hernia and tumours round his abdomen, one of his legs broken to tiny pieces, most likely his pelvis as well. He was taken to hospital, got an infusion and is under monitoring.

Hisztis Mirtill could leave the kennel row, moving to a temporary adoptive.

Gigerli has spent long months in the hospital after we took him to our care from the Kecskemét animal protectors, then having him operated with a hip ligament tear. Though we kept advertising him, no temporary adoptive showed up to undertake his rehabilitation after the operation, finally thanks to the help of one of our partner organizations both him and P.Füles could move to temporary adoptives.

Gigerli és P. Füles

Pátka was a former protected dog of ours back in 2010, lately for family reasons got back to our care together with his mate. This week Pátka found an owner again.

Several of our protected ones left us this week to start their new lives with the help of our foreign partner organizations: Titusz, Barót, Bóta, Almádi Dorka, P. Csibész, Kócos Peti and Zémun.

From among the orphaned puppies of Sz-family Szinte has also found a loving family now.

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