Next week we are starting the separation of boxes, when it is done, we plan
to move all our protegees living now at the kennel row of Tárnok to the Farm.
For this their running area needs to be completed, to be able to reach this
goal, we would need the below materials:
- cca 120 m long and 1,8 m high game-net
- 42 pieces of 250 cm-high acacia columns
- electric string fence and apparatus
- 2 pieces of 10x10 iron net for the gates in a 2m-table.
If you could help us out with any of the above, please contact us at
If not with the materials, but you could support us, even the price of a
choco bar means a lot to get our running area ready! We are warmly welcoming
your donations at Futrinka Association’s bank account of 10404089-49575251-57561000
at K&H Bank, please indicate at the note column TANYA/KIFUTÓ.

At our base group Noruz underwent neutralization this week, his tumour was
also removed – luckily our uncle took the intervention pretty well.

At our vizsla breed rescue the highlighted owner-searcher of the week was
Brigi, arriving at our care back in November 2015 from a rural flaying house.
She used to be skin and bones, had virtually no hope for survival or adoption –
we univocally decided to get her out of there with the help of the local animal
protectors. We have no idea what kind of life she could have had previously, we
had to start everything from the very beginning with her, but since then she
has learnt living in a flat, travelling in a car, walking on a leash, put some
weight on, got a really good shape and made a very good, obedient little girl,
hardly waiting to find her final family.
Herkules moved to a temporary adoptive, the owner of our former protegee,
Demény and his family accommodated him – but we are looking for a final family
for his retired years, a place where he could be the apple of the owners’ eyes.
The absolutely non-awaited amputation of Kolompos’ leg took place Friday,
unfortunately we had no other choice, had to take this sad decision in his
sake. Everything went OK during the operation, he was a real hero, could
already leave the hospital with his adopter on Sunday. Since then he is more
happy than ever, flying, running around, ruining everything he can, incredible
to see how well he is treating it.

Funny Girl arrived at our care as a found one, has a micro-chip, but her
owner cannot be reached via the registered data.

Sánta Pajtás arrived at our care from rural animal protectors, following a
previous accident his walking if not that perfect even after his operation – he
is only using his wounded leg during slow, leashed walks. This week he had a
control check-up to see how we could further help his recovery.
From among the Zs-borthers Zsolna moved to a temporary adopter, but is
continuing her search for a final family.
Papóka was just scaring us to death Saturday night, showing the typical
symptoms of stomach twist. In these cases every second counts, his adopter was
rushing to the veterinarian with him in the middle of the night. At first the
docs did not understand, why we want to put a so old one out to the operation,
but we know Papóka is strong and wants to live. Following a 3-hour-long
operation at the age of 10+ he is well, going around on his own legs.
Leaving the kennel row behind Bendi moved to a family pansion during the
weekend. His socialization has changed significantly since his arrival at our
care, but in order to ensure his further development he needed to take a step
further – to our greatest surprise he took the barriers just great.
Thanks to our foreign partner organization four of our protegees could fly
out of our care to start their new lives: Felly, Kerge Zerge, Kaila and Liza

During the weekend several of our protegees welcomed visitors: Metaxa,
Hobó, Vaníliás Rózi and Csillag. We do hope some of them will be lucky enough
to move to their final families.

This week several of our Dachshund breed rescue protegees moved to their
new homes and of course we had arrivals as well.
The last member of the Katona family, Őrmester also flew out of our care to
continue his life as an owned one.
For a long time no interest was shown in Vadalma, then spontaneously a lot
of applicants showed up to adopt her. Finally she moved to the 11th district of
Budapest to an American-Hungarian gentleman, knowing she was home the moment
she entered the flat.
We were crossing our fingers so hard for Tricikli, we would not have even
thought someone is falling in love with her so fast – actually following the
first weeks she was visited by a long-time supporter of ours and his family, resulting
in love at first sight. Adoption took place this weekend, thanks very much to
Ildikó for choosing her!
Nothing really changed in the life of Borka, her temporary adopters kept
her – she just acknowledged getting adopted with a happy smile.
Misó had been waiting for an owner for ages, spending the time till his
arrival at a temporary adopter. He had behavioural problems and heartworms.
Now a young couple was specifically interested in him, visiting him a
couple of times, considered it not a problem that difficulties are to be
awaited. We transported him with the temporary adopter to the owners, who will
do anything to make Misó a real family member. Thanks very much to Szilvia and
her family for loving and taking care of him for more than a year.
We had two arrivals this week from Püspökladány – Tarzan, the young
wire-haired male and Törköly, the short-haired Dachshund mixture male.

Cudar, the young short-haired Dachshund mixture male is a found one, was
not micro-chipped, hence got to our care.

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