A fantastic volunteer group gathered together during the weekend to build
the running area for our protegees in Piliscsaba. We proceeded very well with
it, were drilling, carving, binding, building and decorating, put on the
complete wire net, the guiding lines and the gates. There is nothing left to do
than being proud of our work and enjoy the benefits of it, taking a look at our
dogs running around joyfully at their area.

Another volunteering team managed to build one of our storage places in
just two days, working all day long. We plan to build another one during the
spring as well, when the soil and temperature enable us to do so. The material
costs of the now finished storage house was HUF 120.000, we have already paid
it from the Association’s budget. If you can support us filling this gap,
please send your donations to Futrinka Egyesület’s bank account led at K&H
Bank, the number is 10404089-49575251-57561000. Please indicate FAHÁZ at the
note column.

During the weekend our protegees were continuously arriving at their new
place, then on Sunday we transported all of our things as well, this way
officially leaving the Tárnok kennel row behind. We are carrying out our tasks
at a new place, but with the same enthusiasm to ensure the best placement
available for our protegees. As in the past, we warmly welcome the visitors
every day, including weekends and holidays from 10 am to 4 pm at Piliscsaba.
For further information on the exact location and the route please contact us
at info@futrinkautca.hu

From among the protegees of our base group only Peti and Panna were still
living at the kennel row, they moved to the farm during the weekend with other
protegees of ours.
We are now using a new treatment to heal Noruz’s wounded legs, his family
pansion-adopter is creaming it for 3 days twice a day, putting a bandage on,
then spraying it. We would love to see these legs finally healed.

From among the protegees of our vizsla rescue group Starsky, James Bond,
Matifu and Maximilian moved to the farm from the kennel row. They are waiting
for the walking partners and interested future adopters here, would also be
extremely happy for a temporary adopter, it were such a fantastic help for

Hádész arrived at our care from his former owner. Resulting from his age he
is a non-trained, flopsy teenager, evidently was not really taken care of
We received an immediate help request from another animal protection
organization, regarding Jennke, left by her previous owners. She is in her
ninth year, has not received vaccinations for a long time, we need to get her
better both physically and mentally.
Kartal arrived at our care as a found one, but his original owner did not
show up for him. Following a long-long wait he finally found his new family
this week.
Hutch’s visit went just so great last weekend that this week he moved to
his final family, will be surrounded by loads of love and takes part in many
adventures in the future.
Sármos got to our care with a strong socialization problem, he could also
leave the kennel row, but instead of the farm he moved to a family pansion, so
that we can direct his behaviour further to the right direction.
Following an unsuccessful adoption Kloff found his final family this week.
Our famous ex-protegee, Demény and his flock and family took care of
Berényi Herkules, pulling the real vizsla out of him – now time has come to say
good-bye, Herkules found his final family.
Hello Kitty arrived at our care from her former owner.

Zsivány was adopted a couple of weeks earlier from us, but now upon the new
owner’s request we took him back. We are urgently looking for a temporary
adopter for him, if you are interested, please contact us at magyarvizslasos@gmail.com!
This week Dachshund friends organized a donation event for us. This
family-atmosphered afternoon was just great.
Everyone felt superb with the dogs playing a lot and the owners talking.
Our owner-searching protegees were represented by Norman and Csongrádi Lili,
getting a lot of caressing, they really enjoyed it. We are extremely grateful
for the donations, it always means a great help for us. We do hope to meet you
again soon!

Titok, the wire-haired Dachshund girl moved to an owner this week, to one
loving taking walks and excursions. She is a really clever dog, we do hope she
is fitting in her new home soon, she had been so much awaited for.
Panka-Manka is continuing her life as the member of a well got-together
team, a lot of playing and walking awaits her, and of course a warm home.
Cocó arrived as a problematic one, not being his mistake. We needed a lot
of training and patience till he realized he was a good one. Of course his new
family had paid him a lot of visits, but there is a long way to go till
complete trust is based – still, they are on the right track and are aware of
what they have undertook. Finally Cocó has found a real home, one, where he can
be happy.
Kacaj had been found on the street, and after the first days turned out to
be an endlessly good and clever little girl – for whom the real one has showed
up now. A long-time follower of ours, who would have liked a mate for his
Dachshund. He had long been preparing for it, but time has just now come to
adopt another dog responsibly.
Kacaj immediately became a family member, was extremely happy to find out
she has a mate in her new life, they celebrated it with a great play together
right away.
Sadly we had a returning protegee this week, Cathy. We are always trying to
choose the proper owner for our dogs really cautiously, so that no case like
this happens, but sometimes it just goes wrong. This way Cathy came back to us,
this tiny girl is looking for an owner again.
Zsákos Frodó is an extreme fortunate one, survining having been bounded
into a sack and pulled by a car. His fortune was that the sack got torn and he
survived withouth any injuries.
An endlessly nice, friendly one, also broadcast on TV – thanks to it
already a lot of people are interested in him.

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