2017. február 23., csütörtök

What happened at Futrinka during week 5?

We worked a lot during the weekend so that our dogs could move to their new places as soon as possible. We cleaned the kennel row at Tárnok, put everything in order, meanwhile at Piliscsaba the running area was created, the wire fixed, the gates and electric fence put in place. Thanks very much to all of those being there and helping us all day long even among all these bad weather circumstances!

We will continue building the running area in Piliscsaba on Saturday (11 February 2017), counting on enthusiastic supporters this time as well, so that we can finish it soon.

We would also need help in transportation during the weekend, both Saturday and Sunday (11-12 February 2017):
-       we are looking for someone with a lorry, helping to transport the dogfood, textiles, etc necessary for taking care of our protegees from the Tárnok kennel row to Piliscsaba
-       we would also ask helpers with a car to transport our protegees from Tárnok to Piliscsaba.

If you could help us either building the running area or transporting, please contact us at info@futrinkautca.hu.

To be able to build the wooden house we are looking for 120 dog-friends, please help us so that with your support it comes true!

If you have at home a no more necessary, no further used plastic dog-bed or you would like to surprise a protegee of ours with one, we would warmly welcome them! We would need big-size ones, in which our vizslas and Great Danes feel also comfortable, it is absolutely not a problem if it is a bit used, aged. Regarding any donations please contact us at info@futrinkautca.hu!

Our vizsla breed rescue had a really active week behind them, besides the vet rounds had happy adoptions, but the week was overall shadowed by two very sad happenings.

We had to let Mini Mazsola, our vertebrae-wounded protegee go. During an everyday movement the screws tore out of her bone, during which the nerve was wounded as well – this tine little vizsla puppy had so severe pains we would not wish anyone. We are terribly sorry, rest in peace Mazsola!

Bársony Márton was operated last week, his tumoured spleen was taken out with emergency. During the weekend we were again at the vet with him, his stitches were removed and a new ultra-sound check-up carried out. The result was just overwhelming: he has several metastases, with cancer already reaching his liver as well. Then we received the result of histology: spleen lymphoma. His new owners were already waiting for Marci in Germany, but sadly this way he cannot travel to them. We could not let him go this way and also do not want to put him out to a long journey like that. Marci is staying with us.


Losing Mazsola and Marci’s disease were saddening our week, but switching to robot-style we needed to go on with our tasks.

Tiszavirág had a splintery femur break, underwent the operation and could leave the hospital the same week. She needs to stay in a kennel for 4 weeks, her temporary adoptive is taking her for bandaging every second day.


Kate and Legolas, the 2-fingered vizsla puppy headed for a long trip, will start their new lives thanks to our foreign partner organization.

Alexander has a gut inflammation, received an injection and two are still ahead of him, besides this needs to take a probiotics and B-complex cure. Luckily his mood is just perfect and was also behaving wonderful at the vet.


Leopold’s routine heartworm test proved negative, hence he underwent neutralization. He had fungi-patches on his head, by now it is healing nicely, the wounds are treated with Kék-Lukács cream – from it we unfortunately ran out, if you could donate us some, please send a note to magyarvizslasos@gmail.com.


Dudva Dani produced a negative heartworm test at the control check-up after his treatment with the slower, but safer method – following it he got neutered.


Mandarin, the shy, fragile little girl found her owner, will live a very happy life with her new family.


Noém moved to his final family Saturday morning, also taking a piece of his temporary adopter’s heart with him – but he got to the best place imaginable, will have a perfect life with his owners.


Séf got neutered, will spend the recovery time at his owners – as moved to his final family.


Béri Brúnó was also neutered, and will also recover at his owners – as he was also adopted by a final family.


Whisky was neutered as well, following the operation he returned to the family pansion – he is ready for adoption by now, we will only have to find his future family.


Many of you have sent us the help request for the two vizslas and their mixture mate, in need of an urgent solution. The two elderly ladies, Gizi and Geni, together with their mate, Szotyi arrived at our care since then – as we never leave a mate behind when in a problem.
Please, if you can, donate them, we are happy to accept your transfers at our bank account of 10404089-49575251-57561000, led at K&H Bank. Please add to the note column: Vizsla.


Chester arrived at our care from his former owner, to take a look at him and fall in love took just a moment – he immediately stole everyone’s heart, a very nice, kind one, extremely grateful for everything.


Monorocky moved to a temporary adopter this weekend, his teacher being a former protegee of ours, Ajándék.


Currently there are five protegees at our base group, we had no serious happening around them this week – which is actually a bad piece of news, for us the greatest joy were if we could move them to their final families. Ügyes, Noruz, Maci-Laci, Palotás Peti and Panna are looking for new owners!

It is always a fantastic happiness to us when our elderly dogs are adopted, this way are able to live their life in the future as they deserve.

This week Old Timer could move to a temporary adopter with an option, we do hope it soon means a final home for him.


Milán was given down by his owner at the age of 12, sadly it really put him down mentally. He spent a lot of time at our care, some interest was shown in him, but somewhow his adoption never took place. But now, finally the real ONE has already arrived for him. He will accompany a wire-haired Dachshund the same age as him.


Zsemle has already returned to us once for his separational fear, which the owners unfortunately could not or did not want to handle. Now a family appeared for him, adopting him with this feature as well – we do hope our advice helps them in solving this issue. All in all, Zsemle is now adopted!

Tarzan, the young wire-haired male also started his owned life this week, having a beautiful big family now, with absolutely no time to get bored – another Dachshund also helps him having fun.


We also had arrivals, Rami, the beautiful red, 5-year-old short-haired Dachshund male came to us from Mancs-Rancs.


Sárika, the young long-haired Dachshund mixture girl was found in the countryside, with her owner not showing up for her – but nice people have helped her, meaning she is only waiting for a good owner now.

Pollux, the young wire-haired male was found in a meadow. The happy little guy moved to an owner this weekend, will also be able to accompany them at their workplace, meaning he will soon learn everything he needs in his new life.


At the Great Dane group we had a new arrival this week, Wolbert. He landed at our care for his ex-family’s moving abroad, a very nice, kind big bear with a special beauty, looking for his dream family.
He is over his heartworm test, luckily it proved negative.
For further infos on him please contact nemetdogsos@gmail.com!


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