On Saturday within the campaign called "Adj
esélyt!" (=Give a chance!) children who live in extreme poverty visited us
in the farm in the joint effort of Futrinka, Hahet Natural Lifemanship and VitaHelp
Health Center. Futrinka provided the location with the riding hall and the
horse called Princess. Futrinka prepared a presentation about the responsible
treatment of dogs, Hahet Natural Lifemanship occupied the children with fun
tasks and in order to learn about quality nutrition, VitaHelp Health Center explained
the importance of vitamins and how their active ingredients work. As a gift,
each child received a small package of various vitamins.

Our Vizsla Breed Rescue Group had a busy week with re-homing,
newcomers and a few trips to the vet as well.
Donika moved from the farm to one of our hired temporary fostering
family. There is she waiting for to be re-homed.
During this week, Buflák, Bükki Mogyoró and
Maszat were neutered, while the stitches of Monododó were removed.

Zoelle came into our care from her previous
owners, who gave her up, because they could not afford to cover the cost of her
treatments. In addition to her vagina being fallen forward, her womb is larger than
normal as well. Zoelle has gone under an emergency surgery, after which her
condition turn to critical, so her fostering family had to run with her back to
the clinic. Zoelle had to spend the night at the hospital, but thankfully she
felt better the next day and could go home again.
Lizandosz was handed over to us by his former
masters. His ears and neck are covered with sores; therefore, he needs to be
bathed three times a week. In addition, Lizandosz is Heartworm positive, so we
had started to treat him for that as well.
Both babies MiniMoni and AnniPanni that are
infected with skin fungus, found loving homes.
The shy little girl, Csöpp Csilla, after meeting
a potential adoptive family the week before, moved into her forever home this
week. She seemed truly happy and carefree in her new family.
With the help of our partner organization abroad,
Kinga, Klára, Kata, Funny Girl, Szenilla, Kolompos, Marosi Dana and Kanizsai
Virág could move to new homes.

With the help of animal rescuers in Szolnok, Winn
and Wally, came into our care. Their little sibling was in such bad shape that
he had to go to a hospital immediately.

Árnyék, who is the protégé of our Chanceless Mix Breed Rescue Group, needed to
visit the vet because he had grown two walnut-sized lumps, which needed
examination. After a biopsy was taken, it turned out that one of them was
filled with water, while the other with fat. For now on, we need to keep an eye
on him, to see if there will be new lumps on him. In addition, a sample was
taken from Árnyék`s ears, because there
was a discharge from them. Currently, we are waiting for the results, which
will uncover the cause.
As soon as Noruz is permitted to lose the cone,
he begins licking and chewing his back legs until they have sores on them. We
still could not figure out what the reason for his behaviour is, but we are
working on it. Noruz had gone through several examinations. Currently, we are
waiting for the results, but in the meantime, our goal is to strengthen his
immune system.
There were no arrivals or departures at the Great
Dane Breed Rescue Group this week. Nefera received a visitor, and the meeting
went very well. We will see what the final decision is going to be.
The education of the Great Danes: Segundo,
Oliver, Woody and Davis is going excellently within the Farm-School`s obedience
course, which was organised by kutyatréning.hu. Hopefully, some of them will find a loving home once
they completed the course.

We would like to report about our event called “Let`s
walk our Dachshunds”, which was held last week. Those people who arrived without
a dog, could lend four legged companion from the adoptive families with former
Futrinka dogs. The event was a great success. We walked, talked, and most
importantly played a lot with the doggies. We were fortunate with the weather
too, which made the whole experience even more pleasant. We hope to attract everyone
who came, next time as well, perhaps many new participants as well! We thank
you all, who was a part of our get-together!

There was a quiet week at the Dachshund Breed Rescue Group. Only one
of our dogs found a forever home. It was River, a calm and easy-going male, who
is going to be the company of a retired lady.
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