2017. május 17., szerda

What happened at Futrinka during week 17?

During the month of April, we wanted to pay special attention to the mixed breed protégés of our Chanceless Mix Rescue Group and other Breed Rescue Groups within the 'Keverék kutyák hónapjai' (=The months of mixed breed dogs) campaign. Although this month is over now, these dogs still count on your help to find forever homes.

The routine Heart Worm Disease test of Buda-Huba came back positive. We started his treatment not only against the disease but skin worms as well. Buda-Huba`s temporary fostering family indicated that they would like to adopt him, and shortly after he was re-homed. His once temporary, now forever family will continue his medical treatment.


Maszat has been visited regularly by his future family, they even took the obedience course called Tanya-Suli together. And finally, the time arrived and Maszat could move in with them. Currently, he lives the happy life of a re-homed doggy.


Korom Kincső, Tango and Cash were moved to the farm. Currently, they are waiting for visitors and potential future families there.

Bükki Mogyoró integrated rather well into his temporary fostering home, which lead to his adoption by the family. During this week, the documents will be finalised and he will be a re-homed doggy.


We would like to invite you to an exciting program. It is a photo exhibition and a charity fair, with the theme of the "Four-legged Hungaricum, or our National Treasure the Hungarian Vizsla" that presents the wonderful pictures of Vizslafotózás. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday, 5th May at 6pm in the Gyula Szepes Cultural Center (2030, Érd, Alsó street 9). The exhibition will be opened by Judit Magos, Demény's master. The income of each sold picture will be donated to our Vizsla Breed Rescue Group. We look forward to seeing you at the event.

The protégé of the Chanceless Mixed Breed Rescue Group, Locsifecsi Márk was moved to our farm, where he is waiting for visitors and potential adoptive families until he finds a forever home.


At the Great Dane Rescue Group, Aldo had a twisted stomach, while Vilmoskörte suffered from chest infection this week.
Aldo celebrated his first birthday and was reborn, thanks to the fast medical treatment. He survived the operation without any complications.
Vilmoskörte is recovering from the pneumonia. He constantly receives IV and antibiotics. Both his mood and appetite are good. We will post further news about him later.

In our Dachshund Breed Rescue Group, two of our protégés who had a rather unfortunate lives before, found loving homes

Jojó, the seven-year-old Dachshund mix boy was returned to us after being a re-homed dog for only six months. It clearly demonstrates that unfortunately, there are people who do not think through the sort of responsibility that comes with a dog`s adoption and they do not realise that a dog is a living, feeling being and not a toy.
Luckily, there was a family, with which we had been in contact and talked about adoption from before. The family is now ready for receiving a new member. During their visit of Jojó, they immediately fell in love with his sweet personality. As a result, the little Dachshund mix boy was re-homed again and started a new life in a family, where he is regarded as a new and loved member.


Rozs, the young black-tan boy arrived in our care recently. Some say that everything happens for a reason. It must be right, because entirely accidently, a family with a Dachshund met our little Rozs. There was an instant harmony, between the family and Rozs, and we are certain that he felt that something important was happening. We could not be happier to say that Rozs is now a re-homed doggy.
We are confident that the family is going to manage Rozs very well and will overcome any difficulties arise with practical knowledge, love and care.


The team's beloved dog, Linzer, the 2-year-old Wire Haired Dachshund girl, whom was given up by her master because she was paralyzed, was hospitalized immediately after arriving and we did not have much hope for her. Many people sent us donations to help covering Linzer's medical bills, for which we are thankful. It helped us greatly.
From the very beginning, there was a young couple from Győr that visited Linzer every week, and indicated right after the first meeting that they wanted to adopt the little girl regardless of their condition. Meanwhile, Linzer`s temporary fostering mam, Meggyes did an amazing job, for which we will be grateful. She had massaged Linzer`s senseless legs for two hours each day. After a while, the legs begun to move and her muscles became stronger. Linzer even stood on her on feet a few times. This week we said farewell to Linzer, as she was adopted by the kind couple. We know that she had found the best place possible and we continuously receive word from the new masters about how happy Linzer is. She will continue her rehabilitation soon and we cross our fingers that her condition will continue to improve.


Vagány Döme was handed over to us by his former master. Döme is not a simple dog, but there are people who are able to handle this challenge responsibly. The young couple, who wanted to adopt Döme, despite the difficulties, are one of those people. Döme moved in with them first temporarily then this weekend we signed the permanent contract as well. There is still much for Döme to learn, but the benefits of a loving home are already noticeable. We cannot wait to receive further news from about him.


This week, we received Fagyi, a 3-year-old black-tan Dachshund mix boy, who came into our care after his master passed away. When we had been asked to help the little boy, he had to wait for two weeks before we could offer him a place, but now he is safe and is waiting for potential adoptive families.  


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