There were so many things going on this
week. Now it is quite difficult even to decide where to start our weekly report.
Let’s then do it with the events. This week brought us occassions to present ourselves,
to be able to form attitudes and we were also visited by the volunteers of a
Saturday and Sunday we
participated at CACIB dog exhibition. Our team gathered donations both days.
Though not too many visitors showed up at the event, we managed to gather a
beautiful amount during these two days. We thank a lot to our supporters for
donating our protegees.
Rugó visited this week
the Lauder Javne Community School, meeting pupils of the first class. It was real
deepwater, as the attention of 60-70 kids needed to be caught on stage, with
sound amplification. The presentation was a real success, thanked by the kids
by drawings and the poem of Sándor Weöres: Kutyatár. Thanks very much for the
school, especially the teacher W. Sári, inviting us – the following day we received
an e-mail from her saying that even during the afternoon the main topic at
school was Futrinka and Rugi.

On Saturday the
volunteers of Citi Magyarország visited our kennel row at Tárnok. Though the
weather was not that gracious to them, they heroically took our dogs for a
They arrived with a
huge pack of material donations, valuing almost HUF 500.000. They brought us
several types of things, among others Scalibor collars, also important in protecting
our protegees against heartworms, as well as many kilos of dogfood, games, gift
bites. We thank them a lot!

Our vizsla breed rescue
was busy preparing for the visit of our German partner organization, but also
had a lot to do around our protegees and arrivals, for the weekend the events
really speeded up.
Ervin, one of the little
boys of family E was meant to get adopted this week, but unfortunately it did
not come through. This time it is nobody’s fault, the owner-candidate’s allergy
just overwrote our plans. Ervin got to a highly routinous temporary adoptive of
ours, learns a lot from his vizsla friends, playing a lot together, while we have
to seek a final family for him.
Etnisz, Ervin’s brother
is much more lucky, flew out of our care in the middle of the week to move to
his final family, living his carefree life now under the name of Meril.
Several of our dogs
underwent neutralization this week: Lizó, Ronina, Szeuz, Filkó and Csocsó.

The internet was quite
blown up by the story of the Sárospatak-dogs, to our vizsla breed rescue Fanta
arrived from among them. It will be a long way to go till his physical
condition gets perfect and his soul is also healed.
Lesifüles arrived to our
care from his former family, as could not tolerate being macerated by the
family’s child any more. According to our experiences so far he is a reserved
and simply lovable one, with no traces of agression.
Lidi arrived at us from
the Győr animal protectors a couple of days ago, but did not have to wait long
– her visitors immediately fell in love with her, then she officially became
owned by a fantastic family.
Fitt Lady came to us from
her previous owners, landing at a routinous temporary adoptive of ours. She has
a significant overweight, meaning she was put on a diet and needs to move a lot
– her adoptive will have a lot to do with her, there is a space for improvement
regarding her communication with other dogs.
We were so happy to
spread the word on Szende’s adoption, getting to our care as a puppy, waiting
for such a long time to get owned – but sadly our joy was way too early. His
adoptives indicated to give him back, meaning on his adoption’s day we had to organize
his trip backwards to his just left place at the pansion. We are again on the
look out for a new owner for Szende, a much more dedicated one, able to consider
what it means to raise a dog still in need of socialization.
Our German partner organization,
Hands4Paws Helfende Hände für Jagdhunde in Not e.V. came to us for a two-day long
visit. They met several of our owner-searching protegees, visited our kennel
row, brought our dogs a huge amount of donations: dogfood, collars, leash,
games, gift bites, spot-on against parasites were presented by them to our dogs.

To the two Lotti, Lotte
and Luiser their founders have asked for our help, as they had not been
micro-chipped and their original owners had not shown up for them for weeks.

Juna, the shy vizsla girl
got to our care from the Kecel flaying house.

Fodorka came to our care
from his previous owners, was placed at a family pansion.

Schöni was let down by
his previous owners for his continuous escapes, during a case like which he got
wounded on the head. He got to our care and was placed at a family pansion.
The Great Dane breed
rescue got enriched with two dogs this week, one of them a planned one, already
on our waiting list, the other in need of immediate help.
Henrik, the 2-year-old,
spotted Great Dane male came from his ex-owner on Saturday. A beautiful, clever
one, but still has a lot to learn. He is looking for an experienced owner,
undertaking the dogschool and regular training with him!
Woki is a 6-year-old,
black Great Dane male. He came late Friday afternoon, also leaving a family
behind. He is a bit cautious yet, getting to know his surrounding. Woki is
looking for a family where he could spend his days in peace, security and love.

To our greatest
happiness the adoptions dominated the week of the Dachshund breed rescue. Three
of our protegees moved to their new families.
Musa was highly interested about after his
return, soon was welcoming visitors, having a great time together. It also
meant a decision on adoption, on Friday he moved to them.
Luckily Aunt Maszat has
also found an owner, moreover, her new mate, Mokka is also treated for
bladder-stones formation, meaning their owners already have a routine handling
the disease and pay huge attention to both of them.
Our third one to get
adopted during the week was Gadget, getting a nice cat as mate, with his new
owner already extremely eager to greet him. A lot of walks, playing and
training awaits him in his new home.
Zsebpénz was visited
this week, it went so well that by the end of the day he became a candidate for
getting owned.
This week Auntie Manci
arrived at our care, being left behind by her moving owners at a house…The old
lady is 13 years of age, toothless, but after a bath immediately reserved the
best available place on the sofa for herself.
The group of our
chanceless mixtures does not usually get into the mainstream of news – annually
we take 80-100 dogs at our care, being more problematic cases, meaning they do
not leave us fast, waiting for a long time to get owned. Taking care of them
does not really fit in the news, though actually a hard, challenging task.
Still, this week was a little bit different.
We kicked this week off
with internal rearrangements. From the Dachshund breed rescue, renewed under
its new head 14 dogs were placed to the group of disadvantagous ones.
Optionally two other ones will follow, they are currently candidates for
getting owned, but in case it does not come true, they will also join the group
of chanceless mixtures.
Our old-new protegees are the following ones:
Csomorzsi, Gurtni,
Kérdőjel, Zádor Kunca, Vagyon, Rémusz, Küllő, Azonnal, Auntie Monki, Marci,
Szonár, Gimme, Poltergeist és Leto.

The optional ones,
joining us in case their adoption does not get through: Csobodri and Szőregér.

They are advertised by
the Base Group (that of chanceless mixtures) from 1 June, their costs covered
by the 2 relevant groups on equal shares till the end of August, after which
date they belong 100% to us. Also with their arrival our headcount and tasks
have risen dramatically, we are really thankful for any help. Responsibility is
now ours. We will shoulder it.
These happenings would
have been fully enough for the week, but actually it was not over yet.
Mizu, the tyniest member of Mandulás litter, saved
from the rookery of Sárospatak has given it up. He left us. For him the chance
to grow up was not given, it was taken by those irresponsible people, who
should have taken care of him not being conceived. We are really sorry.
A young mixture lady
arrived at us from the shelter of Kisvárda, a perfect one, also suggested for
beginners in dog-keeping. We do hope she will soon get adopted. Welcome,
It were not us if would
have left a 14-year-old dog, Néró in need, he got to the flaying house of Békés
after the death of his owner. A real irony that his late owner had supported
animal protection up to his possibilities.
Roulette, the
3-year-old Jack Russel female is over her knee-operation. It turned out not to
be a ligament, but a chronic joint inflammation, already wounding the cartilage.
Roulette needs to take cartilage strenghtening medicines, but the problem will
not leave without a trace, even if not much, but some trace will remain.
His adoptive did not
get forward with Bio Bonbon and he did not have a good impact on his brother,
Bambusz either, this way he moved to the kennel row in Tárnok during the week,
we will try to raise a dog out of him. You can also add up to this with juicy
gift bites!
The pre-condition of
Bonbon’s move was to have a kennel freed. It happened as our wonderful Diszkó
found his owner after such a long time of searching. We wish you a lot of
happiness, Diszkó!
Finally the last member
of Farsang-litter also flew out. Zila had to wait for long, but her time has
also come: she moved to an English couple living in Budapest.
Sógun was found in a
neglected condition in Tárnok, without a micro-chip and with the original owner
not showing up for him. This week he moved to Kaposvár, getting adopted there!
Two of our other dogs
were also visited and seem to be candidates for ownership. We do hope to report
on their moving soon. Kaland and Leto, good luck to both of you. We are
crossing our fingers, please do the same!

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