2017. január 3., kedd

What happened at Futrinka during week 49?

We handed out the donations offered / brought by many of you to the Temporary Home for Familes, Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület on Sunday.
We could not take photos of the families living there, but try to make you feel the atmosphere with some snapshots.
The joy was just enormous, the big-screen TV was a great success, but the currently 7 families living there were also very grateful for the lot of toys, food, kitchen utensils.
For the kids we prepared gift packages individually, every Mom received a pack with durable food.
The children were preparing for our visit, were waiting for us eagerly. Following receiving the gifts they told us poems, sang Christmas songs for us. We are not afraid to admit we could not fight our tears back, this makeshift celebration was so moving.
Even when leaving, already at the gate a little boy just ran after us to thank for the presents one more time.
We are grateful for you, you made it possible for us to help. We are very proud of this tightknit community and that so many of you donated!
Without You we could not make it!

Edgar arrived at the Hungarian vizsla breed rescue from the Kisújszállás animal protectors, a bit shy, but of a very good nature, a wonderful wire-haired little boy, whose treatment on heartworms we have started after his arrival. His temporary adoptive and the four-legged family members fell in love with him so deep that they decided to keep him forever in their families – meaning Edgar officially became an owned dog.


Bársony Márton got to our care because of his owner’s disease. His relatives took care of him and his mate, but they needed our help to find the future family for Márton. He is a bit afraid, but accepts being embraced, his mood is not that good, a very sensitive soul he has.


Hobó was adopted this week, but our joy did not last long – one of the inhabitants of the house did not like the newcomer, hence following a short owned period he returned to our care, is looking for a new owner.


Mákgubó welcomed visitors this week, their meeting was just fantastic – next week he is moving to his final family.


The temporary adopters of Tiborc decided to keep him forever in their family – soon we will officially sign the adoption agreement with them.


Kerge Zerge arrived at our care from his previous owners, as of his young age he is still bohemian and immoderate, a playful one, luckily already over the puppy-age ruining and chewing.


Zöldió’s visit proved very good, during the week he moved to his final family.


Dachshund breed rescue received several help requests last week.

Norman, the short-haired Dachshund mixture male arrived from Füzesabony, sadly one of his eyes was wounded to an extent that it will have to be removed.
We do hope this will not stand in his way of getting adopted, getting all the necessary love and attention from his future owner that he had lacked in his life before.


Our other arrival is KisBence, the young Dachshund mixture boy, coming from Miskolc and already feeling superb among the other dogs.


Rómeó, the 2-year-old wire-haired Dachshund male arrived at our care from Debrecen, had been hit by a car, causing his hip wounded – there was no need for an operation, but needs to spend a couple of weeks in kennel rest for his recovery’s sake.


Several of our dogs were visited, Xéna, Sör and from among the puppies Dáma and Őrmester are likely to get adopted.

A new dog arrived at Great Dane breed rescue. Oliver was found 15 days ago in Hódmezővásárhely, we waited the obligatory 14 days, but nobody showed up for this skin and bones, nice giant. Thanks very much for Állatmentés Örökké Természet És Állatvédő Egyesület / Gábor Göncz for taking care of Oliver and also undertaking his transportation following the quarantine period.
Oliver is almost over the compulsory vaccinations, unfortunately his heartworm test proved positive – will start the slower curing method in the days to come.


We have some good news to share – one of them being a Christmas wonder itself! Mirka and Pepe – yesss, Pepe! – are to be adopted! Next week they are moving to their owners.


We have an adopted one as well: Sanja has changed her temporary status to a final one by getting adopted. Sheldon’s owners have also joined the club of fallen, but happy temporary adoptives J
We wish her a lot of happy owned years to come.


The group of chanceless mixtures said farewell to an old-time protegee this week. Beni G. had been at our care for 2,5 years, but because of his age, physical condition and behavioural problems added all together he surely belonged to the non-adoptable category. Then came someone who first only would have liked to support him, but following a long-long chain of letters made a decision: adopt him. Nothing went easy this time, we were not in a simple situation either, preparing his move meant a lot of administration, not counting the costs of travel, to be financed by his would-be family, but finally the official veterinarian also declared him transportable. Beni G. has started his last period of life in Canada, already as an owned one. Any time he has left, will spend it as a member of a loving family.


Another wonder sadly did not take place this week. Küllő went to a cathetered heartworm-rarification, but the worms did not show up. Using a special sedative the vet tried to lure them, but most likely the majority of them had died away, contributing to Küllő’s sickness some time ago. Unfortunately a worm is rolled over the heart valve, from there it is impossible to remove him. Küllő is taking now medicines for his heart, regular control is a part of his life from now on.


A great piece of news is Lorzsi’s negative heartworm test, following his Doxycyclin cure – he might have a bigger chance now to find his final home.


Related to the leader change at the group of chanceless mixtures most of our protegees belonging here will get to another organization during week 50, but rescuing those without a chance continues also within the frames of Futrinka Association.

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