We have been
given the chance to present ourselves at the Buda Castle during the March 15th
celebrations together with our protected dogs. Thanks very much to all our
numerous supporters, owners, temporary owners, helpers for joining us, as they
– namely You – give us the power to carry on our everyday activities.
Unfortunately Gülüke from the Dachshund rescue got to hospital, as she did not eat and was constantly urinating. Unfortunately her condition is critical, we do not know yet whether she stays with us. Her temporary adoptives visit her every day, this means a lot to her.
This week we were enriched by many short-legged protected dogs…Many think this is our task, but there are only a few of us and all of us try to meet this challenge besides our work and family…now this is really beginning to be awfully much. We would desperately need help in taking the dogs for a walk, temporary adoptives and transporters. If you have some spare time, please come and help!
Rumbaba, the
young adult wire-haired dachshund lady was found in Tahitótfalu. Judging by her
hair she had been kept outside, was not chipped. Till the end of March she is
looking for her original owner – in case he does not show up, she will look for
a new one.
Nektárka is also a found dog, she was wandering around Vajta. Currently she is with a temporary owner, waiting for her original one to come back for her, or a new one to fall in love with her.
Also this week had dogs left by their owners and maybe it will always be like that from now on, having owners wanting to get rid of their past pets…honestly, this is something quite difficult to understand.
His elderly owner could not deal with Iszrom, the young adult dachshund male, that is why he got to us. It could immediately be seen that the dog is not at his right place, as he was snarling with all his teeth. He was placed at an experienced owner, where he will find his place in the hierarchy. Dachshunds are not meant for non-routined or adult people, especially not a short-haired, black-tan male…
Korc, the young adult wire-haired
dachshund mixture male arrived at us from the Battonya flaying house. A shy,
but friendly one, someone will surely have great time with him – but currently
we are yet worried of his heartworm test, as many of our dogs rescued from
there recently had them.
Kenu continued the black-tan arrival row, handed over to us from the Eger shelter. Kenu is a dachshund – terrier mixture male, so far not showing the terrier signs: he is humble, friendly, not teasing with other dogs either.
A companion was Kajak, the red dachshund mixture male, to ease the full house of Eger’s animal shelter. Also a lovely one, will make a great companion for someone.
We have found the ad of Happy Meal, a wire-haired dachshund mixture male puppy on a commercial website. The member of an unwanted bedding, but this shall be no excuse for anyone…when will be animal keeping a responsibility at last? He has never been parasite-treated, nor vaccined, has no chip. We will start everything with him, hoping an owner will continue.
Also this
week we have continued the neutralization operations, several of our dogs have
undergone this. We consider it highly important, hence we place no dog without
it – but the operations we can only finance from donations, we are really
thankful for all the contributions and donations.
Matchbox has also been neutralized, and luckily did not have to wait too long to find his owners – he has moved to a family this week.
Szofi was also operated and till that we had thought her haemophilia was the only thing to worry about – but the following day she got to hospital, as her mate, Fruzsi almost killed her. All her neck is full of bruises and wounds…We would be extremely happy if this nice elderly dachshund lady could find her new home at last, as a sole dog.
This week most of those leaving us for a
family were from our baby section – which is just a great joy to us, because
they can grow up in families, in their own ones.
From Csúnya-family two little
ladies could pack and move. Makramé
became the sole dog of a couple.
Subrika moved to a family, changing her name for Cuki.
This way from Csúnya-family only the biggest (meaning he will grow maximum to midsize) male, Kelim is waiting for his final owner.
The last one of Dobozos-kids, Salgó
has also left us, finally finding his owner. We are really happy about it.
The last one of the Yukka-kids, Yoga has also found her home this week. She joined another dachshund of a previous adoptive of ours. We cross our fingers so that everything goes well with her.
The group of chanceless dogs has closed
a really good week now, which we can
tell about ourselves unfortunately pretty rarely, hence we are just
extremely happy. We do hope you share this happiness with us. And the reason
Lénan, the ex mini terrorist, meanwhile rehabilitated really well and
behaving friendly with everyone has moved to an owner. Our Austrian partner
organization has found her final home, she is already in Vienna.
Vakolat, our blind spitz mixture male
was also taken by an Austrian family – being love at first sight by them – this
way this tiny black disabled guy became a sofa dog. The owners were also
bringing presents to us: the kennel row dogs were really happy for their
donations of click bits, petfood and blankets.
Jázmin arrived to us from the Komló
animal rescue, unfortunately turned out to have heartworms. By now this is only
the past: thanks to the treatments she managed to get rid of them, proven by
triple testing :)
Unfortunately the number of heartwormed dogs seems to be stable though…Folklór should have gone to neutralization, but as soon as his blood reached the test, it showed positive, the microscope also showing a deadly dance of larvae…well, treatment on.
We also have news on the Great Dane breed rescue this week. Árész, the highly friendly Great Dane male living at the kennel row has undergone neutralization.
Logan, the Great Dane male who arrived to us as a baby, changed his temporary status for a permanent one after living together with a couple for months.
From the Hungarian vizsla breed Bumbi,
known from less fortunate stories moved to an owner this week. We do hope from
this point on she will only be part of positive adventures.
We also had several arrivals this week –
both Hungarian and German vizsla mixtures represented in the inflow.
The arrival of Konica immediately meant vet visits, as
her state suggested a strong suspicion of tick infection, babesia.
Csibuk arrived from his ex owner. Back at the foundation of our
association we typically saved vizslas from flaying houses, by now a
significant number of our protected ones arrive from owners. We all have dogs,
also have ties to the ones getting to our care, hence it is really hard for us
to work up that for most people it means absolutely no trouble to abandon
Teddy, the elderly Hungarian vizsla
male also landed with us, but unfortunately he also turned out very fast to be
not completely healthy. When a dog collapses, then stands up and goes away as
if nothing had happened, it is a clear sign for this.
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