We had not planned
boredom or laziness for this week but at the weekend summary we already noticed
that we exceeded our intense plans and there wasn’t a minute to rest despite
the bad weather. (When you are reading our reports, please note that we have no
full-time employee to deal with operative tasks; dog rescue related activities
are done by our small team of volunteers who do this job in their sparetime.)
When checking our bank
account it was visible that unfortunatelly we would not have enough money until
november when the government transfers the „tax 1%” offered by our supporters,
so we have to seize every opportunity to gather donation. For this purpose you
can check our Charity bid on our Facebook page, in frame of this Bid different stuff
(offered by supporters) came under the hammer. All money received is spent on
the costs of our protegees and all related coordination is done by volunteers.
Charity bid (or) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.863883556975097.1073741861.513322045364585&type=1
This week we received 200 kilograms of high quality cat food from the ARION pet food products’ distributor for which we thank them very much. We have now two cats in our care, this quantity will be enough for the whole year. We hope that the number of our cats will not increase as our primary mission is to rescue dogs.
Unfortunately we have
to ask for other items as well, as our stocks are finite. At our kennels in
Tárnok we need canned food, detergents (mainly hypo), probiotics, Vitamin C,
anti-flea and anti-tick spots and dog collars. If anyone can provide us with
any of the above mentioned items and/or would like to take one of our dogs for
a walk, please feel free to visit us any weekday between 10 am and 16 pm! We
and our dogs will be happy to see you!
This week we planned
to take part in the picnic organized by Demény, who is our former and popular
protegee Hungarian pointer, but bad
weather interferred with the event. Next time weather permitting, we will be
there. We look forward to meeting our
former dogs!
![]() |
forrás: http://demenyakotsog.cafeblog.hu/ |
Followers of our
activitities are aware of the fact that we regularly help other pet rescue
associations, especially those who are not well- known, to assist them with collecting donations or
give them a helping hand. This time we wanted to help the Kisvárda Animal
Shelter. This Shelter has to move from their current place to another. Unfortunately, the new facility can only
accept 100 dogs while they have about 200. You can easily understand what it
means in case of those 100 dogs who they cannot accommodate, but this Shelter
refuses to go down that road. Despite limited financial means, they help all
dogs. They don’t have the funds to spay all the dogs, so they avoid pregnancies
by keeping the male unneutered dogs on chains. All of their dogs are
microchipped, vaccinated and in good condition. We have taken eight dogs until
now, but we would like to help them in the future as well. We are looking for
volunteers who can foster dogs on a temporary basis. Unfortunately we do not
have place for more dogs but if someone can help temporarily we would arrange
the transfer of the dog, the medical attention, annd give all support to get a
final home for the dog.
Our three base
activity groups have these new dogs from Kisvárda and now they are safe. However we do not have any free kennels.
The group who deals
with mutts has received two, they are are very „special”, both are victims and
mementos of human cruelty.
Mokkus who is a kind
of retriever was in very bad condition when the Kisvárda shelter found him with
scalloped (amputated) tongue. As a result of this terrible fate, this very
affectionate and friendly, human focused dog cannot control his body
temperature and needs special
attention. We believe we will find that
loving family who can live together with this kind of handicap. Otherwise, he
has learned to eat and drink without his tongue, and is very happy with us in
his new kennel. He enjoys his walks very
Majré was found with a
metal tuft in her neck which caused a serious wound. Happily, she has
completely recovered. Hopefully her
trust in humans will improve as well. This shy dog is also very happy in our
care, has easily adapted to the changes
and she is very friendly when someone approaches her
We had one more unplanned
newcomer this week. This dog, named Bubamara,
is more than 10 years old. Her
owner took her to a veterinairan to end her life just because he is moving
abroad. One of our volunteers was there and fortunately, did not let this
happen. Bubamara is housebroken, gets on well with other dogs and humans, but
after she arrived to our association it turned out that she needs medical care
because of pancreas problems. Now she is in an animal hospital and we are
looking for at least a temporary foster for her.
Elic, a very nice, but
shy spainiel-setter mix was saved from the shelter at Illatos street, has just
undergone spay surgery . She recovered
quickly and was back to normal the next day.
At the end of the week we received some very great news! One of our old
protégées was visited by a family who decided to adopt him. We wanted Bunsen to
be with them as soon as possible so we organized his travel to his new home!!
Our kennels will feel odd without him, but we are very-very happy that someone
finally wants him and he has found his forever home.
Dachshund Rescue received some more new dogs this week. Actually, they had to
make serious decisions every day.
Last week we accepted
three one-week old Dachshunds whose mother was sick and could no longer
breastfeed them. We were aware of the fact that with giving them only goat milk
and special nutrition, their chance of survival would not be too high, so we
wanted to find a small-medium sized surrogate mother with same age puppies from
a place where the risk of infection was low. Luckily, we received information
about a mix dog with similar parameters. We travelled to the place to collect
the family and surprisingly this dog was a Bolognese mix. However her puppies
were like three mini grizzly bears! Loni, the surrogate mother dog and the
puppies had been saved. Happily, Loni takes care of all six doggies with the
help of some supplementary nutrition.
From the animal
shelter in Gyömrő, we were alerted that an owner surrendered his wire-haired
dachshund to them, because he was always escaping from home and they got sick
of it that they always needed to retrieve the dog from somewhere. And, this is
how Mogyimanó, the wheat-colored wire-haired dachshund male came to us. He is not yet 1 year old. We can see that
his previous owners were careless in properly training him, which is certainly
why he was running away from home. He needs to learn everything now.
Fortunately his vaccination program is on time, so he could be spayed this week
in the hope that he doesn't need to live for long in the kennels and someone
will fall in love with him and he will find his forever home.
The Dachshund rescue
group got new dogs from Kisvárda as well, for whom we wanted to provide safe
shelter. We hope that we will find a perfect home for them! One of the new
arrivals is Rebus, a pekingese-dachshund mix. She had lived more than a year in
the Kisvárda Shelter and no one wanted to adopt her. She is a very nice,
friendly, very intelligent dog who would be a great choice to keep in a
flat. And, she gets on well with other
dogs. We are looking for a temporary home for her as well!
Opossum is a unique dog
as well. She is a spitz-dachshund mix, who continues to wait for her forever
home. We believe that this special little dog should not need to wait any
longer! Opi is vaccinated,spayed and chipped, and can be adopted immediately.
We are looking for temporay home for her as well!
Virsli, who has also
dachshund origins, couldn’t be left there. Why? If you look at this photo you
can imagine how desperately he needs our help because of his serious demodex.
His treatment has been started, although the full recovery will take a long
time but we hope to see this friendly and playful dog completely healthy and
You might remember
Gombócka the more than 14 year-old dachshund mix who had been left by his owner
at the flaying-house in Csongrád, and has tumor and heartworms. Many of you wished her to stay alive. Until
now it seems that the old girl is strong enough to fight the illnesses and she
is quite well. This week after the removal of her stitches she had a bath. We
have one more piece of good news : one of our very old protegees’s adopter
turned up and indicated that he might adopt Gombócka and provide her a loving
home. After Gombócka gets stronger we will organize her transfer to her new
Einsten from ASKA, a
young dachshund mix male, moved to a new foster home this week. At his new home there is a chance to stay
permanently after the neuter surgery.
Hopefully, he has found his forever home!
Beside Mogyimanó we
had two other dachshund neutered this week. Mérges, who used to be completely
unsocialized, has learned a lot and is ready for adoption. He will not be an
easy dog to live with as he had been assaulted so much in his past, that he
might react agressively in fearful situations, so we do not suggest keeping him
in families where children or old persons live. He already shows his friendly
and insistent face for those whom he trusts.
The other freshly
neuterized is Börze, a young black-brown dachshund male, who has possible
adopters and we are hoping that he will find a suitable family and we can inform you soon about the
happy change.
Our hungarian pointer
rescue group has also received three dogs from the Kisvárda Shelter.
Berkus is one year old
too, however he has a skinnier complexion. With his sissy face, medium-cut tail
and airy appearence he will surely find an owner. He is active as well, but not as hyper as
Franko. Here is a sensitive and very lovable dog. He is looking for a temporary
home too!
The third one from
Kisvárda is Lajcsika, the adult male mix with possible pointer origins. He was
the luckiest from the entire Kisvárda team as he moved to a temporary home right
upon arrival and he is waiting there for a forever home. Lajcsika is very
friendly with everyone, looks to be a puppy, can be walked easily on a leash and
gets on well with other dogs. He is quickly learning how to live in a flat. He
is a perfect choice as a first dog, and ideal as a family dog too. He is vaccinated,
chipped, neutered, and adoptable right now.
One of our previous
adopters found a pointer-like dog chained in a forest near Nyáregyháza. It turned out that his owner had left him there
because he did not, or could not care for him anymore. This beautiful,
friendly, and very agile dog is looking
for a new and loving family. We hope that someone will choose him.
Another adopter found
two pointers on the weekend, but they did not come to us. We mention this because it is difficult to
have microchips read on the weekends, as most veterinarians are closed. Happily, in the end, the chip was successfully read and after a call they
were reunited with their loving home. We ask you all to please, please have
your dogs microchipped – especially as it is mandatory – Be sure to have the
chip registered so it can be checked on petvetdata.hu. If it is not registered,
any veterinarian can do that for you.
Zsim has undergone
surgery because the seam from neutering became inflamed. Luckily this second
intervention was successful and he is now in good condition
This week we had only
one adoption. Nevertheless, this is
fantastic news for us! Csavargó, the mutt
had been kept on a chain and as a result, is understandably frightened of
men. From our kennel he moved to a
temporary home and this family decided to adopt him. We filled out the adoption
documentation this week and his new family will bring Csavargó to obedience
The last 2-3 weeks we have been busy dealing
with illnesses, examinations and visits at the veterinarian. We would like to
give you here a longer report about what happened, how are the treatments.
Following is an update on Hektor, who,
when he arrived on the 16th of November,
2013, from very bad circumstances, was very malnurished.
Luckily he adapted very well, and we
have had no problems with him at all. We were
searching for a temporary home so he could be indoors for the winter and we could get to
know him better. Fortunately Norbi and
his family accepted this temporary role and Hektor spent Christmas in a warm
flat and in a loving family. The weeks
and months after Christmas went by and nobody wanted him. We coult not believe
that this young and beautiful dog would spend such a long time with us. In the meantime, we learned a lot about
him. It turns out that he is
housebroken, behaves well inside, loves being with children and travelling. He needs an experienced and strong-minded
owner but this should not be a problem!
We successfully treated his recurring
diarrhea with medicines, diet, special nutrition, vitamins, etc .A newer problem is that his rectum always
turns inside out when he relieves himself. We needed to know what causes this
symptom, so on the 12th of May Hektor went to another examination
(colonoscopy). This intervention needs serious preparation, 36 hours-fasting,
limited water consumption. Unfortunatelly the results were not so good... They
found a tumour near the rectum which needs to be operated. The results of
histology is coming in two weeks – we hope that there is no serious problem..
Omar, the young giant
thoroughly scared us. Two weeks ago we noticed his runny nose, and of course we
immediately took him to the doctor, so we could start the necessary treatment.
We remember, vividly, the loss of two of our protégés, whose problems also
started with a simple runny nose. Besides the ongoing immune-busting treatment
and vitamins he was given anti-biotic nasal treatments. His chest cleared, his
appetite and mood was also ok. After 3 days, unfortunately he started coughing,
so we immediately ran back to the veterinary clinic with him. This time he got
antibiotics in a large dose. His cough went away, but his runny nose remained
and the biggest panic was that he was fighting a continuous fever. In addition
to the antibiotics he also got antipyretic. At the end of his medication
treatment his fever was still present, so we took him back to control where we
got the bad news: starting pneumonia. We immediately started the new treatment,
with a newer, wide scale, very effective antibiotics injection which needed to
be repeated every 3 days. The immune-boost continues to be important, for this
we try to obtain the best available, most effective pills for him. Yesterday’s
control showed a little bit of improvement, Omar's mood is again the usual, he
is waiting for breakfast, lunch and dinner singing and he has had no fever
since Sunday! On Friday we were again on a control and we got the best news of
the week: Omar's chest X-ray is totally clear. He can be considered healed!
Unfortunately, Dixie
didn’t miss out on the doctors visits either.
With Dixy, the investigations are running along two lines. One part is
the continuous diarrhea. The strange thing is that he is not losing weight and
remains in a good mood, but there are problems with the 'end product'. The
other problem seems to be some kind of skin disease, but we don't know exactly what
it is yet, or what is the cause. On his
chin, chest curve and on one of his rear paws there is a weird alopecia.
Moreover, on his chin the skin surface is inflamed and pretty ugly. Because he
is continuously drooling, the redness has extended and some small bumps have
appeared. Dixy currently is eating prescription dog food because of his tummy
problems and for the skin problems we are using disinfectant spray locally. He
was at the vet today for phlebotomy and we also provided a fecal sample. After
the results we will know more.. His eye-surgery will take place only when he is
recovered from diarrhea.
You can see, that we
are not in a lucky shape with our protegees. We are doing everything possible
to help our animals recover as soon as possible, but we need your kind help
regarding this. And we ask you to please continue thinking about our Giant Ones!
Anyone who can help,
even with a few hundred HUF, please do it! Lots of little ones make a big one!
We count on you! We await your kind donations by bank transfer at Futrinka
Association’s (Futrinka Egyesület) bank account number, hosted at K&H Bank:
10404089-49575251-57561000. In the comment box, please specify the following:
HEKTOR, OMÁR or Dixy. Thank you!

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