2016. szeptember 10., szombat

What happened at Futrinka during week 33?

This week we could present ourselves at a great Budapest event, the Street of Tastes (Ízek utcája), those interested met us at our stand.

Luckily many of you paid us and our present protegees a visit, meaning we are over a great-atmosphered, successful weekend. As there is always a huge crowd at these venues, we can only take dogs with a great nervous system with us. The interested ones could personally meet Zomé, Szonár, Szegfű, Szandál and Böbe. Though the weather did not seem so friendly towards us, we were quite lucky in the end and could collect donations as well.

Thanks a lot for our dog-transporters for their help, we try to take our protegees to as many places as possible, may someone fall in love with them at one of these occasions.

At our vizsla breed rescue group the week was a calmer one, Lesifüles could finally leave the kennel row, following a great visit last weekend he found his final family.


We needed to arrange several vet rounds, one of them for Öcsi, having pain in his leg. By taking painkillers he started to recover, but to ensure his getting better in a more calm surrounding he left the kennel row behind and moved to a temporary adoptive.

Szeuz had a minor dispute with another dog, getting wounded on his side – it was stitched together the same day, fortunately our hero took the intervention pretty well. Though an injury like that never comes the right time, in this case it is even more true – Szeuz could have moved to a temporary adoptive during the weekend. Now it depends on next week’s control if he can travel in this condition – still, his family is eagerly waiting for him.


Dödölle’s routine heartworm test is negative, meaning this week he underwent neutralization.


We also had arrivals, the Dachshund – vizsla type couple arrived at our care as found dogs, we named them Liliom and Csingusz. We are looking for their original owners, being able to prove their ownership rights with valid documentation.

Hinda came to our care from a flaying house, she was placed at a family pansion.

Two of our owner-searching protegees participated at the Street of Tastes with their temporary adoptives during the weekend: Szegfűszeg and Szandál.

Great Dane breed rescue had a busy week…having 3 arrivals.
Corvette, the approximately 1-year-old striped Great Dane boy,

Diver Rozi, the 2-year-old black Great Dane lady,

And Kiwi, the 2-year-old patched girlie.

Unfortunately this week Great Danes also needed to ensure a headcount-freeze within the Association.

We are still in the phase of getting to know the newcomers, will be continuously updating you on them. For any inquiries please contact nemetdogsos@gmail.com

At around the Dachshund breed rescue our puppies were visited and several became candidates for ownership.

The original owner of Kefe did not show up, there were several people interested in him – they all visited him, had long talks with us. We made our decision during the weekend, Kefe became a candidate for getting owned, he will soon move to his new family.


Mosoly was also highly popular, she welcomed visitors during the weekend – it went pretty well, she is also a would-be adopted dog, will move to her owner next week.


Bános, the found Dachshund mixture boy has also found his new family finally, the owner is a vet assistant, meaning we are not worried about his health at all.


Sulyom could also leave us this week, the owner eagerly waiting for him, as we were informed their first days together were absolutely cool. He is behaving nice, learns smooth, which is just a great piece of news for us.


Two dogs arrived at our care this week.

Körmendy Jankó, the 1-year-old wire-haired Dachshund mixture boy came from Miskolc, he was thrown to a place taking care of dogs. A very good nervous system he has, a real character, a fantastic dog for the one adopting him.

Tihamér is a 3-year-old short-haired Dachshund male, arriving from his former owner, dealing with behavioural problems – we do hope to find a solution for these and he soon turns into a happy dog.

Unfortunately we finished the week with bad news, as for serious family problems two of our ex-protegees got back to our care, after spending years with their owners.

Janka is a 6-year-old black-tan Dachshund female, very much attached to the ones she loves – but does not like men, currently she was placed at a temporary adoptive. We do hope to find her an appropriate owner soon.

Muki is a 7-year-old kaninchen lady, a very happy and nice one. Unfortunately her teeth are in quite bad condition and her feeding needs to be attended to. A real family pet to be adopted.

At the group of chanceless ones we made further steps to reach our target headcount for the year-end. As we previously wrote, we are looking for a new head to this group from 2017, as the present one is leaving Futrinka’s management. In order to ensure the new leader does not have to start their operation with a headcount difficult to oversee and co-ordinate, we have to reduce the number of our current protegees to 20-30. We are making progress, but we are still well above 40.

Lecsólány, the small-medium mixture was rescued by one of our family pansioners, she lived by them till now – luckily this week she could move to continue her life with a couple in a flat.


Sampon, the last remaining puppy of the Sáros-litter also became owned. He will remain a Tárnok resident, we might meet him later during our walks by the stream. He moved to an active family.


Our Austrian partner organization has found a final home for Csobodri, our blind veterane Dachshund mixture lady – hence this week she also packed her belongings. To her temporary adoptive we thank for the long and loving caretaking!

Roulette, the extreme shy Jack Russel lady had visitors this week, it seems they are not frigthened back by her closeness and fear. Roulette gets adopted next week.


Unbelievable, but Pejva also had visitors this week – during their meeting they liked him much, but will think over whether they are able to undertake this type of responsibility, as Pejva is agressive with other animals. Anyway, we are crossing our fingers hard to get our beloved Pejci homed.


We do hope to continue this trend of adoptions and can report you on further wonderous successes. To strenghten this personal contact more, we will continue to organize events in September. You can meet us at the following places:
-          3rd September, Kazinczy street, all-day-long cavalcade
-          11th September, Anker’t, our 10th birthday and donation-collecting.
Save the dates in your calenders and meet us!

We also had vet rounds to arrange. The stitches could be removed from the torn ear-top of Gombos, the wound already healed, but his ear remains zig-zagged. Gombos would really love himself at least a temporary family to learn the basics of normal dog-life, as at the kennel row he is unable to do so. If someone would adopt him temporarily (or finally), please contact us at info@futrinkautca.hu.

Bors, the tiny jumpy saved from being put to sleep at the flaying house of Miskolc underwent now neutralization. Luckily his previous heartworm test proved negative, a new infected one would not have been that good.


Picike participated at a control blood-test, we got a superb result: contrary to the vet prognose his creatinine value is already in the normal domain. His urea value is still high, but now we have a good reason to be hopeful. Please keep your fingers crossed for him, slowly he will start looking for an owner, among strict conditions.


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