2015. március 30., hétfő

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 10. héten?

Egyesületünk minden kutyára jelentkező családot ellenőriz - előzetesen is egyeztetünk, illetve az örökbeadás is ellenőrzött körülmények között történik, mégis rendre belefutunk azokba a jószándékú családokba, akik nem alkalmasak mentett kutya örökbefogadására, de ez csak pár nap múlva derül ki... Így jártunk szegény Yukkával is, aki gazdihoz költözött, s akit már hetek óta vártak, aztán két nap múlva már meg is kapta a visszaútra szóló jegyét, mert szeparációs szorongott... Kutyát örökbefogadni nem kis felelősség, de az, hogy egy kutya a kezdeti időszakban még nem érzi magát tökéletesen biztonságban az új helyén, az talán nem számít akkora bűnnek. Yukka újra gazdát keres...

Szerencsére azért vannak Yukkánál szerencsésebb gazdisodóink is. Itt van mindjárt Posz, a szálkás szőrű kaninchen tacskó kan, aki az ivartalanítását követően már új gazdái oldalán lábadozhat tovább.

Szivárványnak sem kell aggódnia, hiszen új gazdája már korábbról ismeri őt: esetében az ideiglenes befogadó döntött úgy, hogy Szivárvány marad, s innentől együttmaradnak, amíg világ a világ.

Német partnerszervezeteink egyike segített három kutyánkat is gazdához juttatni. Közöttük volt Tina, aki sokáig volt a védencünk, s szívférgességgel kezeltük. Szerencsére egy hónapja negatív szívféreg-teszteket produkált, de még így sem akarta senki örökbefogadni az amúgy problémamentes, de 9 év körüli tacskó lányt. Német gazdája nagyon boldog, hogy egy ilyen tökéletes eb társa lehet.

Gobelin keverék kölykeivel érkezett hozzánk, s bár ő még nem volt régen nálunk, de mivel nem látogatta senki, s Németországban pont egy ilyen kutyát keresett egy család, így ő is csomagolt, s útnak indult.

Szintén külhonban talált végleges gazdára Foton, a vak szálkás szőrű tacskó babánk, aki itthon túl volt egy nem jól sikerült örökbeadáson sajnos.

Esélytelen keverékeink csapatát kettő szetter erősítette meg a héten. Rocky, az idős ír szetter kan a tatabányai gyepmesteri telepről került a gondozásunkba, s most végleges, szerető gazdájára vár. 

Salmont, a nagyon szép küllemű, de nem túl okos, eddig kint tartott angol szettert a gazdája adta a gondozásunkba, s most a szükséges oltások, tesztek és ivartalanítás után ő is gazdit keres majd. Benti tartással, mert egy kutyánkat sem adjuk csak kintre örökbe.

Lénan az egykoron volt törpeterrorista ideiglenes befogadót váltott, mert az előző helyen nem maradhatott tovább. Szerencsére új helyén sem esett vissza, továbbra is igyekszik nyitni az idegenek felé, s egy igazán jól kezelhető, szerethető kutya vált belőle a megfelelő foglalkozásnak hála.

Hessi, a ceglédi gyepmesteri telepről mentett magyar vizsla kanunk ezen a héten opciós ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött, akik, ha minden jól alakul, szeretnék megtartani őt. Tűkön ülve várjuk az összecsiszolódás eredményét...

Két régebb óta gazdára váró védencünk külföldre költözött a héten. Berka és Chad voltak a szerencsések, akik csomagolhattak, hogy egy másik országban kezdjenek új életet. Fontos számunkra, hogy külföldi partnereinken keresztül ne csak belföldön helyezzünk el kutyákat, hiszen sajnos a magyar vizslák olyan számban állnak rendelkezésre a mentendő kutyák között, hogy képtelenség mindannyiuknak itthon gazdát találni.


Az ivartalanítási beavatkozások is folytatódtak, a héten Vadkörte, a magyar vizsla kan esett át a beavatkozáson.

2015. március 26., csütörtök

What happened at the Futrinka on the 7th Week 2015?

We have had a new record as far as the number of newcomers is concerned. The number of adoptions has significantly been lower. Although some of our dogs have found new families.

Our Nura dog has recently returned to our care and, fortunately, could go back to the same volunteer she had had before as a foster home. Soon after her return it turned out that their harmony was just as strong as before and before long she got adopted and will never move again.

This week the group of hopeless ones got some real hopeless members.
Among them Uncle Grófi is in the most critical condition. He is an elderly Irish setter, who arrived with pancreas inflammation and serious kidney problems and we cannot help him much. We do our best to save him but the chances are very small.... Support him, please, with your love!

Cseresznye is an adult Jack Russel girl, another hopeless case as although she is a terrier, she is very shy and this way people are not so open to her either. She is looking for a temporary caretaker.

Irgina was rescued with her puppy siblings but while they have already been adopted, she is still here. She is a large adult dog girl who for a few days does not communicate with new people but then she becomes a dog girl who follows you everywhere. We hope somebody will fall in love with her very soon.

Bogka is an extremely good dog. With her black untidy-looking fur, however, she is not the most popular either. A private caretaker looked after her for a long time without success. Now we are trying to give her another chance.

Unfortunately, another dog of ours has also returned as his owner has not been responsible recently and Mázas got involved in some dog fight. He is thin and exhausted and waiting for a new owner family at our kennels.

Gipsz has started the accupuncture treatment. We are doing our best to ensure that he can use his injured leg again but his temporary caretaker must also be absolutely committed to the task. At the same time he is looking for a family and one day somebody will be very happy with him even if he has some difficulty in using his leg.

Koxi has had a photo event. We do hope the great photos will make him a lucky dog.

The Dachshund Rescue Group also had an extreme week. The highest number of dogs in a very short time period and some other tasks to deal with.

We received 4 dogs from the Kisvárda shelter. This is an organization that we try to support regularly. They are very responsible as they look after 300 dogs with minimal intention for adoption as they try to prevent inside reproduction.

Gülüke was attacked by some larger dogs and needs continuous attention and care. This old and deaf dog lives now with temporary caretakers and is slowly getting better and recovering.

Dorin’s skin is continually inflamed and has not got better despite the treatment. We also tried but it would be better for him in a loving family.

Schwartz is a little daschund mix. He was told to be an unfriendly dog.Since his arrival he is friendly and trouble free.He is not good with other dogs, but we are testing his behaviour. He lives on the kennel-row.

Tücsi was going to join us earlier, but didn't as somebody adopted the 9-year-old dachshund boy. But life is not so easy and if a dog is not free of problems, they quickly end up in a local shelter. Tücsi also moved in our kennels but we hope somebody will fall in love with this sometimes rough old guy.

A private animal protection activist asked for help for Szerencse. The quiet little dachshund mixture moved to a temporary caretaker. We are looking for her ideal family.

Posz came from an owner. He is a 2-year-old wire-haired kaninchen boy, very thin and neglected. He is trying to get better with his temporary caretaker.

Fürkész was also brought in by the owner. He is an 8-month-old wire-haired standard dachshund who  now also went to live with a temporary caretaker.

Szivárvány, another new girl here is a very shy, 3-4-year-old short-haired dachshund who makes friends slowly .She now lives with one of our temporary caretakers and she is also waiting to be adopted.

Karcsú is also a 3-4-year-old short-haired dachshund girl. She also had an owner and was thrown out. Now she is waiting for a new family at one of our temporary places.

Zóki was rescued from the dogpound in Gyál ,with the help of local animal lovers. He is a young and shy dachshund mixture boy. He just spent a few days in the kennels before moving to a temporary caretaker.

However the list of the new dogs so far is long enough but it is still not the complete list. The Tiszaújváros animal protection group was informed about a wire-haired dachshund mixture mother with her four puppies but they had no available place. Although it was hard, we managed to find a place for them. They are Gobelin, the young dachshund girl with her two girl puppies (Makramé and Subrika) and the two boys (Nemez and Kelim). We gave them the name "the Ugly Family".

Igló is an old dog of ours. He was taken to our shelter as a baby, but returned later again: his owner moved abroad and the dog became a problem. He is a lovely, quiet small dog who has lived inside and now wants a real permanent family.

Nobody helped the dachshund mixtures thrown out in the street. So although we were also over the limit, we managed to find something out. This week they got their first vaccination and chips. Takta, the wire-haired baby girl with the white patch moved to her new owner this week. We have just been informed that she is just completely ok..

The Yukka babies also got their first chips and vaccination. The vaccinations of eight puppies is a financial burden for us and they will need more before they can move to the families. We really need support...

Walter has not been feeling ok in the kennels recently so he moved into a flat. Although the lovely old guy is not yet ok, the warm place makes a big difference.

Unfortunately, our two dogs with heartworm had to start their therapies. Szonár  was going to be sterilized but with the positive test result it is not possible. First we need to get rid of the worms.

Küllő has a lot of other problems but he also needs the heartworm therapy, unfortunately. His liver test also has poor results ,so he needs extra drugs. Küllő needs a long time to recover ,but he is doing well.

The Pointer Rescue Group had a more peaceful week after the very busy two weeks they had had before. One dog arrived: Hóka. She is cute 1.5-year-old bonsai dog with a pointer face. She came from the Kisvárda Ugat-Lak Foundation. Now she is living in the kennels. She is lovely, active and funny girl.

Of course we were not bored either. We had a lot work in the background. We talked to potential families about adoption, consulted vets and tried to manage the hardest task: to find a place for everyone on the waiting list.
Unfortunately, at the moment we are completely full. If you feel you have energy to provide a home temporarily for a pointer, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.