2017. április 22., szombat

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 15. héten?

A héten is folytatódott a Tanya suli Piliscsabán, de természetesen emelett most is rengeteg elintéznivalónk akadt a védenceink körül.

Vizsla fajtamentő csoportunknál a hét nagyon szomorúan kezdődött, korábbi, 2011-ben gondozott védencünk, Lottó visszakerült a gondozásunkba. Örökbefogadó családja külföldre költözött, eredeti terveik szerint később ő is csatlakozott volna hozzájuk, ám az élet másként hozta. Közben pedig Lottó elkezdett szökni, ami miatt tarthatatlanná vált a helyzet. Az örökbefogadási szerződésünk része az "örök garancia", ha valamely védencünket ilyen vagy olyan okból gazdái nem tudják tovább vállalni, visszavesszük a gondozásunkba, mint ahogy most Lottó esetében is tettük. Lottót szerencsére nem viselte meg a változás, nagyon nyugodt, kulturált, szófogadó, édes kutya, de tényleg brutálisan szökős. Lottónak most újult erővel keresünk végleges családot.

Edmund nem fiatal, 10 plusz éves, ősz pofijú vizsla apó, de hihetetlenül kedves és bújós. Nem egészséges, de nagyon szeretne élni, és egy olyan gazdit találni, akihez egy kényelmes, lassú séta után a kanapén odabújva nagyokat aludhat. Jelenleg számos gyógyszert és gyógyhatású készítményt kap, a héten kezelésen is járt, hogy rozoga lábai megerősödjenek.

Bükki Mogyoró maga mögött hagyta a tanyát és opciós ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött. Ha minden jól alakul és szépen beilleszkedik családjába, szeretnék őt örökbe fogadni.

Tango és Cash talált kutyákként kerültek egy vidéki gyepmesteri telepre, ám eredeti tulajdonosuk nem jelentkezett értük, így a gondozásunkba kerültek. Kicsit még félénkek és a hirtelen mozdulattól összerezzenek, ám nagyon jó természetű, fiatal, barátságos kutyák.

Kertesi Geni és Gizi együtt kerültek a gondozásunkba, nem is kívánhattak volna annál szebbet, mint hogy a héten együtt találtak végleges otthonra.

Tony Montana a cuki, mukista vizsla papa végleges gazdira talált, nagyon várta már érkezését családja.

Csipikére állatbarátok találtak, működő chippel nem rendelkezett és eredeti tulajdonosa sem jelentkezett érte, ezért a gondozásunkba került.

Winn és Wally sajnos nincsenek jól, kórházban vannak és csepeg nekik az infúzió, nem esznek maguktól, kedvetlenek. Nagyon bízunk benne, hogy gyenge kis szervezetük legyőzi a betegséget!

Buda-Hubára sétáltatók lettek figyelmesek egy kertben nagyon lesoványodott állapotban. Tulajdonosa nem tartott rá igényt, mert elmondása szerint nem szereti… A sétáltatók hazavitték magukkal és ideiglenes befogadókként vállalták ellátását, mi pedig a gazdikeresésben segítünk nekik.

Ha még nem rendelkeztetek személyi jövedelemadót 1%-áról, május 22-ig még van időtök nyilatkozni! A Futrinka Egyesület a bajba jutott kutyák töredékének tudna csak segítséget nyújtani az adó 1% felajánlásokból befolyó összeg nélkül, amely a biztos alapot jelenti állatvédelmi tevékenységünkben! Kérjük, hogy nyilatkozzatok Futrinka Egyesület javára, adószámunk: 18258473-1-43

A héten két új védencünk érkezett a Német dog fajtamentés csoportjához.

Egyikük Vilmoskörte, az öt éves kan. Vilmoskörte egy végtelenül kedves, mindig mosolygós kutya. Sajnos szív- és bőrféregre is pozitív tesztet produkált, de hisszük, hogy ez nem gátolja meg abban, hogy ő is boldog, szerető családhoz költözhessen!
Érdeklődni róla a nemetdogsos@gmail.com címen lehet!

Másik érkezőnk Aldo, a fiatal, egy éves kék kan. A szeme elég csúnyán váladékozik, soványka és az ízületei sincsenek csúcsformában. De sebaj, idővel és törődéssel ő is szépen fejlődik majd!
Érdeklődni róla a nemetdogsos@gmail.com címen lehet!

A tacskó csoportunk az elmúlt hetek csendessége után végre a héten több kutya gazdihoz költözéséről is beszámolhatunk.

A legnagyobb örömünkre Pöcök több találkozás és együttlét után a héten gazdihoz költözött. Nagyon reméljük, hogy minden rendben lesz vele, hiszen az ő kis lelkét nagyon megviselte az eddigi élete. Most számítunk arra, hogy az általunk megkezdett foglalkozást és törődést a gazdik folytatni fogják. Még hosszú idő lesz amíg teljesen megnyugszik, de reméljük csak jó hírek fognak érkezni róla.


Brutus, a kis törpe kan is gazdis kutyaként folytatja az életét tovább. Változás nem lesz az életében, hiszen ideiglenes befogadójánál marad mostmár örökre és társa is lesz, Tücsi a tacskó lány személyében.


Atax is gazdis lett, hasonlóan Brutushoz, ő is ideiglenes befogadójánál marad, így életében nagy változás nem lesz.


Sally csütörtökön indult el új élete felé. Már ismerősként köszöntötte a gazdit, hiszen a látogatás alkalmával szerelem volt első látásra. Azonnal beillszkedett új családjába, ahol nagyon jól érzi magát.


Sissy már nagyon készült a költözésre, gazdái Angliában élnek, szabadságra érkeztek haza, hogy a család új tagját is magukkal vihessék, Sally nem lesz egyedüli kutya, Wendy, a corgie lesz a társa.


A héten megérkezett Rozs, a fiatal fekete-cser kan, aki máris várja az érdeklődők jelentkezését.

2017. április 18., kedd

What happened at Futrinka during week 12?

Farm-School was launched on Sunday, meaning the dog-school provided for our protégées by Kutyatrening.hu – luckily weather was grateful to us, had a beautiful sunny day. Thanks very much to our trainer, Szabina and our volunteers for learning 5 Sundays with our dogs, this way raising their chances of adoption, also getting precious time dedicated solely for them. We have created 3 groups, each having 5 dogs, meaning hence altogether 15 dogs to be trained. From the base group Ügyes and Panna, from among the vizslas BodzaBori, Füli Gergő, Maximilian, Monodood, Szende, Donika, Maszat, Matifu and Whisky, from the Great Danes Davis, Oberyn, Olivér and Woody participate in the training. Before the course each one of them had a great walk, then practiced binding and establishing eye-contact, also tried the gate-field. Everyone received loads of caressing and juicy bites, it was just a perfect afternoon together.

At the vizsla breed rescue sadly we had to say good-bye again for someone…Bársony Márton just stepped over the rainbow bridge. His previous owner was hospitalized, the relatives asked for our help to take care of Marci. The info declaring he had cancer and needed an immediate operation was just like an ice-cold shower for us, we firmly believed he would be OK. Marci was already much awaited for in Germany by his would-be adoptives, when at a control check-up we received bad news again: he had several metastases in his body. Together with his temporary adoptives we did everything we could to cure Marci, but sadly a long, happy, owned life was not given for him. We are endlessly sad about him leaving – good-bye Marci, nothing hurts you anymore.

Buflák arrived at our care from his former owners because of their move – was placed at a family pension.

Füli Gergő’s routine heartworm test proved negative, he underwent neutralization. He is ready to move to his final family – we only need to find him the sporty dream-owner to adopt him.

During the weekend Kardos had visitors, having such a great time together that he moved to them with an option to stay – if he fits in well, they would like to adopt him.

Brigi arrived at the flaying house of Hajdúböszörmény all skin and bones – from there she came to us with the help of the local foundation. She is most visibly not a vizsla, meaning for her mix-nature no interest was shown in her, stayed almost 1,5 years with us – but during this week she finally made it and became an owned one.

Dilara moved to a temporary adoptive from the dog pension, she is still looking for her final family, a young and good-tempered vizsla mixture girl.


Her brother, Donika moved to the Farm from the dog pension, awaiting the visitors and would-be adopters, would love to find a final family as soon as possible.


Szende arrived at our care as a puppy, has been looking for the dream owner ever since then – during the weekend she moved to the Farm, waiting for the visitors in hope of a nearby adoption, she would really deserve it.


Whisky arrived at the Farm together with Szende, fitted in pretty soon and occupied his new place gladly.


Monododo’s routine heartworm test proved negative, he has also undergone neutralization. This also means he would be ready for adoption – we are only waiting for the dream owner to show up for him.


For BeatRicse animal friends have asked our help, at our care he was placed at a temporary adoptive.


Maszat arrived at us on Sunday, perfectly performing the basic orders: will sit, lie down and shake hands upon the first request. He was a bit shy at the beginning, but a nice long walk, the nice, encouraging words and the juicy bits brought their result, he soon eased up.

Mentőöv Animal Protection Organization asked our help for the vizslas, living at the Bükk National Park. Pufóka Lili is the GSP, Bükki Mogyoró the Hungarian one – they have arrived at our care.

From among the two fungi-affected puppies MiniMóni has already found her loving home on Sunday, AnniPanni is still out on the search for it.

At the Dachshund breed rescue we had a silent week now.
Two dogs arrived at our care.

Sally, the young wire-haired Dachshund mixture lady was found around Pécs, had not been micro-chipped, her original owner has not been looking for her – her found arrived after receiving a request to help. We got a nice, affectionate little girl, likes to be around people. We do hope to report good news on her soon.


The other arrive is Dióda, the 5-year-old wire-haired mixture male, giving out strange noises the first days, but by now has started to settle in in the group.

Brutus fortunately underwent neutralization this week, his plaque was also removed – he is soon getting adopted.


This week a new arrival landed at the Great Danes – another luxury car, Shelby. The story is ever and ever more frequent by now…the dog simply placed in front of the flaying house. The colleagues of this one already know us, immediately called the breed rescue, meaning Shelby moved to us the very same day. This beautiful blue lady is extreme shy, but super nice. She has started her vaccination program.


What happened at Futrinka during week 11?

As each year, we were invited this year as well to the Family Day on 15th March, which was held in the Buda Castle. This time, you could meet us on Szentháromság (Trinity) square, where you had the chance to greet some of our protégés, such as Smiley, Sima Sári, Bubu, Sánta Pajtás, Daikiri, Delia, Drótos Hugó and Zserci. We had a great atmosphere throughout the whole event and we thank you all who came to see us there.

Sima Sári, the protégé of the Vizsla Breed Rescue Group had her X-Ray picture taken and she had ultrasound examination as well. Her laboratory results were good, her lungs are clear, but unfortunately her ovaries and breasts are full of tumors. She will need multiple surgeries to remove them, but first she has to get stronger and put on a few kilos. In spite of Sári`s good appetite, she weighs only 14 kg.


Monorocky`s routine test for Heart Worm Disease came back negative, which means that he is ready to be re-homed, we only have to find the perfect family for Rocky.

Tony Montana instantly found the way to our hearts. He left the farm this week and temporarily moved in with our former protégé, Demény, his family and flock of dogs. As his accommodation is only temporary, Tony Montana is looking for a forever home. Anyone, who is interested in this lovely Vizsla boy, should send us a query to magyarvizslasos@gmail.com.


When Lotte and Luiser came into our care, their tests for Heart Worm Disease were positive, but as the result of the slow but safe treatment, finally they both are free of the worms! The two girls are now ready for their forever homes, and our job is to find them. Lotte and Luiser wish to find a home where they can stay together and they are waiting for the e-mails of those who are interested in the duo on magyarvizslasos@gmail.com.


During this week, from our Chanceless Mix Rescue Group, Palota Péter was the lucky one who changed the kennel to a couch. We received word that Péter had fitted right in the city life without any problems. The masters reported that he learns new things easily and he is very clever. We heard that, although first Péter thought that it was strange that sounds and light came out from the magic box, he is not afraid of the television anymore 😊
Have a happy life lovely little Péter.

This week we said good bye to Stihl with heavy hearts. Losing her made a sad imprint on our entire week. Although she was 14 years old, she was such a character that never left us wondering what her opinion was about anything. Her distinctive personality is going to be missed. The old lady came into our care in October 2016. We hope that she felt our love and care throughout the years that she spent with us.
We will never forget you, dear Stihl.


Korom was returned to us, he was unlucky with his adoptive family. We know that he has separation anxiety, but that is exactly the reason why he stays in a crate in the house of his temporary family. He is used to the crate because he feels safe in it. Therefore, it is important that an adoptive family takes our advice about how to handle a re-homed dog as we have extensive knowledge in the area and gained experience with each dog. Sadly, often our advice is ignored. As a result, Korom had to lose his new home and is back to square one, looking for a loving family.
We are hoping, that there will be a family, who can see past the problem, learns to manage it, and discovers that Korom is an amazing and lovable dog. 


There were some happy news too this week, as some of our dogs found loving homes.

One of the lucky dogs was Tejföl, who was adopted by an English lady who has Hungarian ancestors. The lady works from home, so they can enjoy each other`s company a lot and Tejföl will not be left alone too often.
We wish them a very happy life together. 


Old Timer came into our care from the city pound of Illatos út in Budapest. He is a 13-year-old Dachshund mix boy, who, due to poor health, made us seriously worried this week. Finally, he got better and not just that but lucky too, because one of our donors wanted to adopt him. As soon as Old Timer`s health allowed it, he moved into his new and forever home, where he currently lives as an appreciated and loved member of the family.
We wish him many amazing years by the master`s side.


During this week, Kis Bence as well moved to a new home. As soon as he entered the house, he knew instantly that he arrived home and selected the most comfortable couch for himself as his little station for relaxing. He behaved incredibly well, almost like it became clear for him, that he is a re-homed doggy now, who has to live up to the masters` expectations.
We wish Kis Bence a long and very happy life in his new family.


Cathy, our little doggy who enjoys the company of large dogs, also found a forever home this week. On Sunday, she moved in with her new family, where she will be loved to pieces.
We wish little Cathy all the best from the bottom of our hearts.


Cudar was also re-homed on Sunday. The young doggy has much to learn, of which his new masters are aware. Therefore, Cudar will be enrolled to an obedience course, where he can learn the most important things.
Be a very good and smart boy Cudar, and appreciate the care and love you receive from your new family.


Jolanda, a small Dachshund girl came into our care, after she was found by animal lovers. She was in poor health, thin and tormented and her puppies were nowhere to be found. Currently, we are helping her to recover, which we hope will not take too long.

Kamilla, the 5-year-old black and tan Dachshund girl came into our care from the city pound of Etyek. Her eyes reflected fear from the uncertainty when she arrived at Futrinka. Luckily, she got along with all the other dogs instantly, which helped her relaxing. After the first night, she seemed much more calmer and less scarred. Soon, we will post some news about Kamilla.