2014. szeptember 29., hétfő

What happened to us on the 33rd week?

When something really great, miracle-like happens, unfortunately there is always bad news beside, which makes it not possible for us to be 100% happy – though this week one of our elderly protégée, becoming owned, has given us all the reasons for this. Balu spent more then 5 years at a rural shelter, has got to us from there. The moany, half-blind old bear slowly, but steadily benigned, was enjoying any attention given – most likely he got used to living in kennel lately, but what meant new for him at us: the extreme amount of training. Probably he would not have felt the need for an owner in case his life finishes this way, but fate was much more gracious to him: a German family fell in love with him and adopted him as a sole dog beside their cat. (Balu, surprisingly, cannot tolerate dogs, but prefers to be with cats). Before the great journey cosmetic has also awaited Balu, so that he can leave behind the country where nobody wanted him good-looking and well-set…as there was another land, where someone wanted only him!

Bizu, the Siamese ladie has also found her new owner – she had been given to our protection by her family, being so much frightened in her first week with us that she set about everyone. She has changed her residence now for a family, being experienced with Siamese cats…her flatmate being a 22-year-old (wow..) other cat.

Boggy has got to our care by the patroning of her finder – immediately moving to a temporary adoptive. The young-adult mix lady had been found some months before together with her puppies – the puppies were then placed by an animal rescue organization, but the mom not. We are trying to find her the family where she could develop to her top. Her first step with Futrinka was the heartworm-test, luckily Boggy is not affected by the infection.

Neither is heartworm-positive Párna (meaning Pillow), the fairy lady escaped from Miskolc flaying-house – so this week she has gone through spaying. Sadly, her calvary started right the following day – she became sick, hence was taken back to the clinic, where she had to be operated.

Unfortunately we have lost Watta, the basset lady, whose circulation has broken and though the doctors were struggling hard, her life could not be saved

The original owner of Bingó, the mix sire from Érd has not turned up, also his time in quarantine is over – from this time on he is receiving his fans at the kennels. Not a secret, he has quite a lot J

Dachshund-rescue has finished a mixed week, the greatest nerve being a new tumour operation of Gombócka – as it developed suddenly, then fulminated. The surgical intervention could not have been postponed and we could only hope that Gombócka would endure it well. The more than 14-year-old proved again: even though being in great pain and having huge stitches he took the operation well and by now has become as before. His first miracles were to recover from the heartworm infection, then surviving his first tumour-operation, followed by serious epilepsy surges. Many would have let him go…but they do not know what we do: Gombócka does not want to leave us yet, for him death would not be merciful, as something good has just started to happen to him…

So, we had quite a lot of operations for this week, but the usual spays were going on as well. Borlay, the miniature smooth-haired dachshund sire underwent the procedure as well, moving then to a family during the weekend.

We have also had Panther, the kaninchen dam striving dry eyes operated – she has also moved to a family, by now being a  dog with an owner.

Janke, the black-tan smooth-haired miniature dachshund dam also had to visit the operating theatre, as an owner awaits her - we would not like them to be forced to wait any longer because of the lack of this intervention.

Kapirga, the smooth-haired, special coloured dachshund dam has also become neutral, then moving to a temporary adoptive with option…if our intuition is correct, we again lose a temporary adoptive – at the same time winning a great owner J

Cunika, of special beauty, is a long-haried miniature dachshund dam, also has been operated, hence nothing can stop her becoming the beloved little pet of someone.

From the Tarnok kennel two dogs have been transported to lose their knockers. Both Tükör (meaning Mirror) and Vilinger have taken the intervention well, woke up normally and even though wearing horns did not really cheer them up, they took the obstacles of the first days pretty easy. Both of them are looking for a home, or at least a temporary adoptive.

Tükör is an appr. 3-year-old wire-haried dachshund mixture sire, whom we had saved from the Miskolc flaying house so that he is not put to sleep forever. Very friendly, has good contact with all the other dogs. As he tends to try escaping we will only give him for indoor keeping.

Vilinger is a short-haired miniature dachshund (mixture?) sire, also arriving from the Miskolc flaying house - though we have saved him not from there, but from his 2nd adoptive after leaving the flaying house – he could not take any longer Vilinger’s roistering nature.

Truváj strenghtens the mixture-team of the dachshunds, previously saved from the Eger flaying house - but the great saving action resulted in asking for our help, as he could not stay with the people saving him. Truváj is a nice, friendly mixture sire, who would be more than happy even with a dedicated temporary adoptive.

Talán (meaning Maybe), the black mixture dam, thrown out of a car, has arrived to our protection – her original owner did not show up. Talán is a fairy, beautiful, friendly little girl, whom we have placed now at a temporary adoptive.

We have also received three wire-haired dachshunds, all of them arriving from their owners. Katniss, having a unique colour is around 5-years of age, a wire-haired dam, given to us as her owner could not have financed her hernia operation.

Hester is a wire-haired kaninchen dam, also with a special colouring. She had to leave her previous home for demodex infection. Her treatment has also started and as soon as possible she will undergo spaying, as we have potential owners on the waiting list for kaninchen dachshunds.

Hua, the wire-haired miniature dachshund dam got to her temporary adoptives with an option – also in her case it is hard to imagine that she might be given back, but spaying is in front of her, till then we would not like to speak too soon.

The super owner-finding of the week is that of Jumurdzsák, the dachshund mix arriving from ASKA house – despite his half-eye and being a mixture he soon left Tarnok kennel behind to start a new life in Veszprém.

Barátfüle has fled from Hungarian Vizsla breed rescue. When arriving he was problematic, tense, highly dominant-agressive in the company of other dogs, but never having any conflict with people, them he has loved without any conditions. He was placed at the Tarnok kennel, and as a result of his personalized training he slowly internalized dog communication, became easy to be taken for walks with dams. The people taking him for walks over long-long weeks decided to adopt him, we had no reason to oppose this.

A problematic one leaves us, another one arrives – more or less this is always the same. Not surprisingly a new sire landed at us, already keeping his previous owner in terror. He got a special housing at a competent pansionist. We will see how the behaviour of Mr. Samu changes as a consequence of the attention tailored to him.

Reverz came to our care almost exactly a year ago. He is over an unsuccessful adoption, but we hope now he finds his stable home: he moved to a new family, loving and accepting him.

Trisztán, the Hungarian vizsla sire tied up in the forest also seems to be finding his final home, becoming the member of a big and happy family. Four children and two labrador dogs had awaited him excitedly, to teach him what real vizsla life is about.

Tótfalusi Aladár was given to our care by his owner and most likely many of us will long remember how he had waited the dream owner squatting in a hole. Fortunately he did not have to wait too much, this week he travelled to Germany.

Uborka (meaning Cucumber) and Rozsdás (Rusty), the two beautiful Hungarian vizsla guys got to us almost at the same time, this way also started their vaccination and emasculating programme together. Luckily both of them produced a negative mikrofilariae test, hence there was no obstacle in front of being emasculated. By now both are running around with horns on their head.

Lunetta, one of the vizsla-mixture sisters found in the forest, could move to an owner this week. She had been very much waited for. The perseverance of the family is also shown by the fact that they traveled twice to Kecskemét to visit Lunetta at her temporary adoptives, so that they can establish with her a life-long relationship. We have given Lunetta to her adoptives with an obligation for spaying, as is the case with all our puppies below 1 year of age..

2014. szeptember 16., kedd

Mi történt a Futrinka Egyesületnél a 35. héten?

Van nekünk egy fotós támogatónk, aki az elmúlt hónapokban több akciót is indított annak érdekében, hogy gazdára váró védenceinkről stúdió környezetben készülhessenek megható, éles és a profi világítás, szuper fényképminőség és az egyszínű háttér miatt későbbi reklámanyagainkban is felhasználható képek. Ezen a héten a német dog fajtamentés védencei keresték fel a www.vauvau.hu stúdióját. Nagyon köszönjük ezt a lehetőséget is, Csanád!

A német dog fajtamentés a héten két 5 hónapos dog-babával bővült. Mindenkit ideiglenes befogadóknál sikerült elhelyezni, amiért nagyon hálásak vagyunk, hiszen egy dog kölyök nem apró feladat és kihívás. Név szerint ők Hogan és Logan.

Esélytelen keverékeinknél Párna, a miskolci gyepmesteri telepről mentett tündéri kutyalány kálváriája folytatódott. Végre eljutott egy másik állatorvoshoz, aki azonnal megállapította, hogy a belső varrat hiánya miatt Párnának komoly sérve van, s az eltelt idő miatt valószínűleg több bélkitapadás is keletkezett. Párna egy sürgősségi műtéten esett át, s sajnos az orvos gyanúja beigazolódott, így több belet kellett lefejteni a hasfalról, illetve a belek saját magukkal is összetapadtak. A kritikus első 24 óra után talán fellélegezhetünk, hogy minden jól alakul innentől, mindenesetre Párna panziós elhelyezést kapott, nem hoztuk vissza a kennelsorra, mert amellett, hogy az állatorvoshoz is közel kell lennie, szeretnénk már végre valami pozitív élménnyel is megajándékozni. 

 Téboly és Mánia, a két fiatalabb spániel szuka a héten átesett az ivartalanításon. Érkezésük után a hirtelen jött jólétben tüzelni kezdtek, ezért kellett ilyen sokáig várni arra, hogy operálhatóak legyenek. Mánia a műtétet követően össze is csomagolt, mert egy új élet várt már rá, gazdához költözött.

Új kutya is érkezett azonban az esélytelen csoporthoz Beni, a 9 éves gordon szetter kan személyében, aki egy válás következményeként maradt árván. A költözés napján még nem igazán a tökéletes gentleman arcát mutatta, a fürdetés, bolhátlanítás ötletére harapott is, de talán megtalálhatja nálunk lelki békéjét újra.

Tapír, aki a siklósi menhely közvetítésével, gazdától került gondozásunkba , ez a gyönyörű,német drótos vizsla kan. Hétvégén opciós ideiglenes befogadóhoz költözött, vagyis már csak az ivartalanítás választja el a hivatalos gazdisodástól. De a műtétet már boldogan új családja körében várja.

Matutka a Szigetbecsén talált combcsont töréses 4 hónapos vizsla lány,már a héten átesett a műtéten és székhelyét a kórházból átette az egyik legrutinosabb ideiglenes befogadónkhoz, ahol minden adva van a kötelező 3 hét nyugalmi időhöz és a gyors gyógyuláshoz.

A hétvégén két védencünk is elutazott Németországba, ahol már nagyon várták őket a befogadó családok. Ginna, a 2 év körüli vizsla lány, aki alig töltött 2 hónapot a gondozásunkban, bár addig is remekül szórakozott egy kutyapanzióban és még a vízzel is közelebbi barátságba került,illetve Pari a 3 év körüli magyar vizsla lány, aki gazdája külföldre költözése miatt került a gondozásunkba  és az ideiglenes befogadójánál töltött idő alatt sokat tanult és mókázott falka társaival. Lányok legyetek nagyon boldogok !

A tacskó fajtamentésnél a hét a gazdisodásról szólt, ami nem is baj, mert az elmúlt hetekben nagyon felszaporodott a létszám, s mivel nagyon kevesen vagyunk, akik a tacskók körüli ügyeket intézzük - általánosságban is kevesen vagyunk a kutyák körüli dolgokra összegyesületi szinten, ez sajnos nem különleges helyzet a tacskók esetében - így mindegyikünkre hatalmas teher hárult már azzal is, hogy egyáltalán próbáltuk koordinálni az állatorvosi látogatásokat, információkat, fotózásokat, hirdetéseket, s közben meg kellett válaszolni az érdeklődő e-maileket is.

A legnagyobb hír, hogy Mérges gazdis kutya lett. Igaz, hogy nem itthon, hanem Németországban talált rá az új családja, de elmondhatatlan, hogy mennyire megérdemelte ez a nagy utat bejárt kiskutya azt, hogy nyugodt, szerető környezetbe kerülhessen. Az ASKA telepén még a sátán maga volt, hiszen  őrjöngött, csípett, harapott, senkit nem engedett a közelébe, oltani csak a befogó hurok segítségével tudták. Szerencsére a rutinunk miatt nem volt gond az elhozatala sem, de aztán meg kellett oldani, hogy Mérges elkezdjen nyitni az emberek felé, s ez napról napra egyre jobban ment, mostanra pedig egy csóválós, barátságos, nyitott kutya vált belőle.

Nem kevésbé örömteli hír, hogy csirkegyilkos Gizi rendkívül gyorsan kirepült a gondozásunkból, ő a nyugati országrészben lakik ezután egy csirkéket nem tartó családban, akik nagyon örülnek, hogy ők fogadhatták örökbe ezt a nem nyomuló, érzékeny lelkű kutyalányt.

Talán nem nagy meglepetés, de Hester, a szálkás szőrű kaninchen tacskó lány sincs már a gazdára várók között, mert a tökéletes gazdi rátalált. Ő a III. kerületben fog élni ezután egy másik tacskó oldalán.

Cunika, a hosszú szőrű tacskó szuka is új otthonra lelt, egy sikeres személyes találkozó után már nem volt visszaút, de ez borítékolható is volt, hiszen Cunika egy bájos teremtés, ráadásul gyönyörű.

 A csepeli kobzásból származó tacskó babák közül egy újabb költözhetett opciós ideiglenes befogadóhoz, Csikó. Különösen örülünk annak, hogy befogadó családba kerülhetett, hiszen mint ahogy arról nyilvános felületeinken hírt adtunk: a rendőrség megszüntette az eljárást, s a bűnjelként tartott kutyák visszaadását rendelte el, mely ellen az ügyet kezelő Állatvédőrség panasszal élt. Erről a befogadókat is tájékoztattuk, s továbbra is reménykedünk, hogy ezek a kutyák már nem kell, hogy egy kutyakereskedő kezébe kerüljenek vissza.

Csepel még mindig várja azt  a szigorú feltételeknek megfelelő családot, aki kész érte harcba vinni a szívét, ha esetleg olyan fordulatot venne az ügy, ami nem a kutyáknak kedvező.

2014. szeptember 11., csütörtök

What happened to us on the 32nd week?

It’s always a joyful occasion when one of our wards that has been in our care for a very long time finally finds an owner. This week, a moment like this was granted to us: after one year of waiting, Kerep, a wirehaired female dachshund, at last, found her very own haven. An Austrian family adopted her even though they knew that Kerep may be really kind but she’s also afraid of men and prone to separation anxiety. Fortunately, she won’t be alone and the male members of the family are trying hard to ease the tension with the help of delicious treats and patience – according to the news, successfully.

One of our other wards has also left the country, namely, his future owners came all the way from Germany. So, Tarsóka happily travelled to his new home in hopes of a better life. He has been adopted once previously, unfortunately, he was returned and after that there were no serious candidates. Somehow older dogs are still not too favoured. 

We have to finish our adoption news right here, although, we have a faint hope that Orsó, the wirehaired male dachshund that was rescued from Illatos street’s shelter, might find his home, too, in Germany after much waiting. At any rate, the number of adoptions was minimal; while, the number of newly rescued dogs is unbelievably high. So much so that we’re really in need of more temporary owners because we can’t provide enough space for all the 10-something purebred dogs on our waiting list. 

From the warden services of Csongrád, we rescued Bobi, dropped off at the service’s facility after the death of his owner, who was scheduled to be euthanized. Sadly, it’s almost always typical that the “useless” handed down animal is not needed, even though you can only accept all of the inheritance or none at all, dogs and cats are never really part of this concept of inheritance... In short, Bobi landed in our care and we hope that soon he can find a truly loving family.

Another one of our successful rescues is Dobó Truváj whose story is worth telling. He was rescued from a warden service in Eger after which he was in the care of an organisation in Budapest. Since he had the habit of barking, they couldn’t take care of him any longer, so, as a solution, he would have been taken back to the warden service. Where he would have been euthanized. Well, this is how you shouldn’t rescue animals because this is not a rescue; this is showing them some kind of hope only to betray them later. We could arrange for a temporary place for Truváj but we’re looking for that temporary owner or future owner who could provide a happy and secure life for him.

The third arrival is also from a warden service: Tükör. He’s a young adult, very friendly, but extremely prone to running away, wirehaired male dachshund-mix dog. For now, he has a kennel in Tárnok but we hope that he won’t stay for long since he really is a cuddly dog in a good mental state.

There were five purebred dogs that the owner dropped off… Two of them already have owner candidates, so, after neutering them they can move into their new homes next week. However, the others are still waiting for the right person and are looking for a temporary owner.
Panther is a shorthaired about five year old kaninchen female who is suffering from dry eye syndrome. She’s a bit timid but not too much. She already has an owner waiting for her after going through the surgery. 

Borlay is a shorthaired about four year old miniature male dachshund. He’s extremely timid so his owner who is already waiting for him will have a harder time. Borlay only needs to be neutered to be adopted by his new owner.

Janke is a black/tan, five year old kaninchen female dachshund who urgently needs a temporary or a permanent owner. She’s also timid and it takes more time for her to feel at ease.

Kapirga is a four year old, shorthaired, brindle miniature female dachshund who was given to us by a breeder because one of her teeth is missing, thus, she cannot be bred but they want her to be in a family environment. She’s a timid girl and it’s harder for her trust others but she has a unique heart.

Cunika is also about four year old, longhaired miniature female dachshund in burning red colours. She’s also a shy, timid dog who is looking for a patient owner.

We’re almost surprised when a week passes and there aren’t any dogs dumped out of cars. This time, the location is Dunakeszi where two dachshund-mix dogs were dumped on a street – they’re now called Hátha and Talán . The person who found them could find an adequate home for Hátha while Talán landed in the care of Futrinka Dog Rescue. He’s friendly, wants to trust people, and he’s not old but he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him, how could he. For Talán we’re urgently looking for a permanent or temporary owner; however, we have to abide by the rules, so, for 14 days we’re looking for his original owner.

Maybe you still remember those spaniels that were thrown out of a car on the highway (!). Amba, the mother dog, had to go through an emergency spaying because of pyometra, and they also removed her mammary tumors. She’s now in recovery but she really wants to find her final family.

It wasn’t only Amba for whom we had to worry in the hopeless team. In the middle of a rainstorm, one of our employees found a muddy, cold kitten with ticks whose eyes were also in a serious condition. Kistücsök is still fighting for her life; and she’s given strong painkillers and antibiotics. Her eyes need to be operated later but for now we only hope that she can survive… Those who keep cats outside without neutering them create lives like hers willingly or unwillingly… Do we really need this?

From the warden service in Miskolc, we rescued two dogs about to be euthanized. Since summer is the period when people don’t adopt, there is a much better chance that dogs will be euthanized in warden service facilities because those organisations that rescue from these facilities are also stuck when dogs are not adopted from them.

Bozót is a middle-aged, middle-sized mix breed male who is really thin, lethargic, and weak. We’re trying to strengthen him with feeding him more times daily because he’s so weak right now. He’s friendly with humans, curious, gets on well with female dogs, however, even in this condition he’s not so friendly with male dogs.

Párna also arrived from Miskolc’s warden services. She’s a timid but easily trusting dog who is friendly with humans and just wants to get attached to someone. She’s middle-sized with a kind expression on her face and eyes that just tell you how clever she is. We hope to find her at least a temporary owner fast maybe even a permanent one because she’s so exceptional.

Watta arrived from a breeder; she’s an aging basset hound bitch who was spayed this week and she also underwent operation because of her too droopy eyes. 

Pörkölt, our vizsla, recuperated from the neutering and he now officially has an owner!

From HEROSZ Foundation, we took Uborka after the 14 day quarantine was lifted. Uborka is a male Hungarian vizsla who was a stray in Székesfehérvár. His owner was found but he gave him up, that’s how he got into our care. Right now he lives in a dog daycare. We’re looking for either a temporary or permanent owner for him!

From HEROSZ Foundation, we received another Hungarian vizsla this week, Rozsdás. Rozsdás is also in a dog daycare, waiting for the army of temporary or permanent owners who would like to take him.

Szikra was given to us by his owner. He’s vaccinated, neutered, has a microchip, is nicely fed, about 1,5 year old male Hungarian vizsla. He’s now with a temporary owner after the owners gave him up

Aurél who was rescued from the warden services of Gyömrő is a Hungarian vizsla mix breed. He was neutered and the next day moved to a temporary owner. We hope that everything goes well and that he officially finds an owner and a new family!