2017. július 18., kedd

What happened at Futrinka during week 23?

We are over a long, hot and from several aspects mixed week now. We had an event, were joyous, then disappointed, then got back on our feet again. This week was absolutely about the returnees.

Following only about two owned weeks a protégée of ours returned to our base group. We were so happy to report on Palotás Panna getting adopted – but sadly had to return to our care now, as according to the adopter she was weeping when left home alone. The owners of a former vizsla-group protégée of ours, Dáró’s family took her as a temporary one, while we are looking for Panna’s final family with renewed forces.


We were also happily spreading the word on Félős Fanna and Torzsi, getting adopted from our vizsla breed rescue. Unfortunately, we received sad news on them, too, Torzsi, who had been waiting for an owner for more than a year, got back to us, together with Félős Fanna.
In Torzsi’s case we told all his negative features to the would-be owner, visiting him several times. We called his attention to everything and provided him with a lot of good advice. Regardless of these we got him back a week later. It was not Torzsi’s fault, as usually it is not. Following long years spent chained Torzsi behaved in the flat as a dream dog, took the challenges of city life great. It is just the owner, who should have been a bit more dedicated, but this he did not undertake. He did not stand by Torzsi.
It also took a long time for Félős Fanna to trust people. She had had a terrible life, her temporary adoptive needed a lot of work and love to get Fanna ready for adoption. We knew it would not be easy, but finally the „dream owner” showed up for her as well. At least we believed so. But exactly two days later Fanna returned to her previous temporary adopter, to a pansion adoptive of ours. Of course the excuse was given in this case as well. Fanna had been visited several times by the prospective owner. She had lived with other dogs at a family pansion, the visits took place here. But surprisingly the reason for bringing her back was the renewed asthma of the owner, and the day following the adoption (Pentecost Monday…) he decided upon his doctor’s advice to return Félős Fanna immediately.

The possibility of returning a dog is always there for the adoptive, but not because they think „We are giving it a try and in case it does not come in, we will send the dog back”. This clause in our adoption agreement is to serve the security of our dogs. But lately we feel the adopters use it as a return-card. We are extremely disappointed, disenchanted and incapable. We do strive to give for adoption responsibly. We are strict, get a lot of negative critics for it. But even this way we have dogs returning.


We are not in for the quantitative dog-rescue, but that of the qualitative. We have declared it so many times that only those should adopt, who are able to love and take care of the rescued dog till the end of their life. And not in a way that the „return to sender” clause is there for a guarantee in the adoption agreement.

The story of Mezei Sziszi and Mezei Brúnó started at a small town, a couple would have liked vizslas so much that they first got Sziszi, then Brúnó. With the relationship being over they both left the town, placing the dogs at a relative, who could not take care of them properly – and actually did not want the dogs either. Both of them were skin and bones, their ribs and hip bones visible. We helped them as a taking over-organization, in the future will act as indirect owner-seekers to help their adoption.


Korom Bese and Kincső got to our care as brothers, accidentally got owned the same week. Bese was visited at the family pansion by his future family, falling immediately in love with him. Her superb temporary adoptive could not let Kincső go, meaning they adopted her permanently. We wish both of them long and happy owned years to come!

We found a request for help on the internet, a wire-haired vizsla and a GSP were asked for immediate rescue, as the neighbors did not tolerate them. We organized their acceptance quickly, meaning the very same day Sturz and Proka got to our care.


Vizslapicnic was organized 10 May at Kertem in Budapest. Platinum Natural provided gift packages to the participants, we were waiting for the dogs and owners with exciting games, the kids with glittering tattoos and coloring, finishing the day with a tombola. Unfortunately rain washed us away, but it was a great joy to see how many of you came, hope you all had a good time with us. Thanks very much for Péter from Vizslafotózás for being our voice and our volunteers for helping to stage this event – thanks to Kutyafotók extreme great pictures were shot on it.

Following the previous silent period this week four of our dogs got adopted, with several others getting visitors.

Following her return Vadalma could immediately move to a temporary adopter, turning out to have absolutely no problems with her, is extreme clever and gets on perfectly with her adopter. The past weeks all proved it, meaning this week Vadalma got adopted. She is living her life with her owner now in perfect harmony, belonging together from the very first day.


Korom was not a lucky dog either, though only would have liked a bit of listening and taking care of. Now the real one has come for him, too, will not be alone, getting a mate by him. Great walks every day, caretaking, training and love. He really deserves it, such a good one.


Mancika has moved to us a year ago, everyone was just loving her and crossing their fingers for her. A real special lady with short legs, serious personality. She had been waiting so eagerly to belong to someone. Well, now she does. Be happy, Mancika!


Bomó also moved to his owner this week, seems everything is going to be all right and finally he is also able to belong to someone. Further news to come next week.


We also had an arrival this week, Sebeske, the 3-year-old black-tan Dachshund mixture male. Sebes got through the fence, was attacked by two big dogs, tearing his lower part to pieces. He needed to get operated, then we had to secure him a place where his wound is not infected. A supporter of ours came to our help, adopting him. Sebeske is a very kind one, fitted in soon. His laser-therapy has started, it already improved a lot on his condition.

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