2015. november 11., szerda

What happened at Futrinka on the 40th week of 2015?

This week we were invited to an event featuring 500 Dachshunds, initiated and organized by a private person. Several of Futrinka’s ex-protected Dachshunds have shown up, it was a great feeling to meet them again. Most of the donations offered at this meeting will be utilized by the Dachshund breed rescue, the organizer will purchase goods used when saving dogs.

The event has also appeared on an online platform:
This was not the only event this week where we could participate. Our presence could already be regarded traditional at Budaörs, this week we attended the event of the town. We thank a lot for the possibility!

Dachshund rescue had quite an intense week even besides the meetings above. We had seven arrivals, most of them from their previous owners, showing the current conditions pretty well: some of the people do not choose their dogs responsibly, or rather giving them away as the first problems arise, and what could be classified separately: the dogs belonging to elderly people. Many times the families do not need these pets any more. When will we reach the point when most people do not want to get rid of the dog of the deceased family member, but feeling responsible and adopting them? It may never come. There will always be people only feeling an animal like this is a nuisance, but the heritage of course might come any time, be that money or real estate…

The owner of Sütőtök is alive, but over a serious operation and to the advise of the doctors the dog is separated from him. Even at first sight he might carry infections, being at such a level neglected that we have not seen for ages. Both his fur and soul cry for being listened to, caressed at. He does not understand much of the changes around him, but in his case it is a huge fortune that he could leave his owner, as only better chances might come in his way. In case someone adopted temporarily this 5-year-old wire-haired Dachshund male, please drop a line at info@futrinkautca.hu.


The owner of Lütyő has also got into hospital and quite surprisingly noone volunteered to take care of him. He is an 8-year-old short-haired Dachshund mixture male, being nice, friendly, with a strong nerve system, being used to living in a flat. In his case though – unlike that of Sütőtök – a surely great life has come to an end, meaning the change was a great break for him.


The story of Lilirex is quite similar, his old owner has moved to a retirement home, meaning the dog was almost put to sleep. Lilirex is above ten years of age, but could easily deny a couple of them – an agile, good conditioned, friendly and balanced dog, making her a real dream Dachshund.

Three mini Dachshunds have arrived from owners as well, Epeda, the 5-year-old female, Intarzia, the 1-year-old lady and Ottomán, the one-year-old, short wire-haired male. All the three of them got to one temporary place, waiting to move to owners after being neutered.

Intarzia , Epeda és Ottomán

Levendula is a 10-week-old Dachshund mixture girl, chosen without thinking dog-keeping over, then realizing that raising a puppy is a great work…hence this little angel has arrived at our care.

One of our German partner organizations, Setterburg has occassionally helped us find owners for Dachshunds, but in the future they would like to advertize some of our dogs in a targeted way, giving a chance to those Dachshunds, who for some reasons do not manage to find a loving family in Hungary for many months. Of course they can only help us, if they find a suitable home for them, but the advertisment itself is also a great help. Thanks to them our first veteran couple has already left us.
Tinka, the 13-year-old brown-tan Dachshund lady has arrived at us with an incredible overweight after the death of her owner and waited for a long time for someone to fall in love with her – but unfortunately noone was even interested in her, even if not considering her age they could have met a perfect Dachshund lady in her. Anyway, any interested candidates are too late now, as Tinka has started her new life in Germany.

Picurka-Cukorka was an old one, also suffering from heart problems, meaning he had a good chance to spend the rest of his life at his temporary owner. That it did not go this way, can be only thanked for the targeted ads, as a German family has completely fallen in love with him. His future life he will spend with them. Also this way we would like to thank his temporary owners for making the time of Picurka-Cukorka with them beautiful.

Also at the vizsla breed rescue the week was dedicated to the newcomers…having Szimba arriving from his previous owner, immediately moving to a temporary adoptive.

Kolly’s story might sound unfortunately usual, his previous owners leaving him behind because of a move, also considering putting him to sleep, also as usual…He got to our care and moved to a temporary adoptive.

Vizslas found in streets keep arriving at our care as well, with the people finding them being only able to place them temporarily – this way joined us Frozina, the young vizsla girl.

Lu is also a found dog, the ones finding him have once already asked for our help, but after a couple of days informed us that Lu has moved to an owner. Now it turned out that he has to leave that place as well, hence we took him to our care, moved to a temporary adoptive. An ophthalmologic check-up awaits him yet, as having cataracts on both of his eyes, questionable if he will ever get his eyesight back.

Also neutering rounds were organized for the week and with Rénó, Piszke, Sebes, Sarolta and Szőlősi Liza producing negative heartworm tests, they all underwent the operation, making them ready to move to owners.

Baksa and Bekő needed to visit the vet. Baksa had diarrhoea and Bekő an upper respiratory disease, both of them received their medicines, fortunately their mood and appetite are absolutely OK.

We also had someone moving to an owner this week, the fortunate being Maggie, earlier getting into our care with a serious skin disease. Her temporary adoptives have decided to keep her in their family forever.

Bóta moved this week from his temporary adoptives to a dog pension, eagerly waiting for an owner finding him – or the other way round.

From among our Great Danes Sína was the lucky one this week, moving to an owner.

From among our chanceless mixtures Vidar could leave the base to start his probation period at a loving family. As Vidar had separational fears we all need your fingers crossed for him to be able to stay.

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