2014. október 28., kedd

What happened to us on 37 th Week?

It’s not a secret that for public benefit organizations a dominant aspect of staying functioning is the  “1% of tax,” that part of tax that every tax-paying person can decide to which organization to give. We received the announcement this week and we’re very very happy to see the numbers because in comparison to past years, the numbers have increased. Thank you very much. 

Further reading (In Hungarian): http://futrinka-egyesulet.blogspot.hu/2014/09/koszonjuk-15103263-ft-nyi-ado-1.html

On September 13, an all-day long event was held in the 10th district where we were also invited. The event was organized by the Children's Media Association (Gyermekmédia Egyesület) and the Humans for Animals Animalpolice 2013 Foundation (Emberek az állatokért Állatrendőrség 2013 Alapítvány) in the Merkapt Sport Centre with the official support of the Mayor’s office.

We attended the event with our rescued dogs. From our kennels in Tárnok, Mex and Elic could also come to the event. Thank you everyone!

More photos here: http://gallery.site.hu/u/morzsa/futrinkautca/album276/szerencses13/

In case of our vizslas, some of our dogs returned but some of them found new owners.

Unfortunately, Szálka Bácsi had to return from his optional fosters to his temporary owners, thus, he returned to our care. Our old gentleman needs an experienced owner and not someone who has never had a dog before. We sincerely hope that somewhere a new family is waiting for him. We should also thank Luca’s that they took him back as temporary owners

From the ASKA Animal Shelter in Székesfehérvár, we rescued a dachshund-mix, a setter-mix, and a middle-aged male vizsla named Vecse. Unfortunately, his original owner didn’t contact the animal shelter to get him back, so now Vecse is waiting for a new family, a new life. But first of all, he has to go through neutering. He’s waiting for a temporary owner to adopt him!

Our vizsla, Békés, also found his new owner.

From the warden services of Ajka, we rescued a chocolate coloured Hungarian/German vizsla mix male dog who is an 8 months old youngster. He’s still very clumsy, he’s not really aware of his size and how his limbs work yet but his temporary owners are socializing him and raising him properly so that after neutering he could find his eventual family. He was named Füli.

Our female German vizsla Deby who was found with a broken leg, could finally leave the hospital after her operation and she’s now with a temporary owner. For Deby, we’re looking for a temporary or permanent owner who can help her rehabilitate and who can bring her back to the animal hospital in Budapest for check-ups.

As for dachshunds, our week was mainly defined by illnesses.

Our beloved Gombócka, who doesn’t need to move to a new owner anymore though we still pay her expenses, had an infiltrated leg which means that she had pus in her leg so we had to go to the vet. She needed a blood test and ultrasonography. She also got medication and because of her results she had to go on a special diet since her liver functions were really bad. But there is good news, as well. With two blood test results in our hands, we can finally say that Gombócka has no heartworms anymore, she is healthy!

Vilinger, who is a resident of our kennels in Tárnok was also in a bad condition. He wasn’t feeling well, had diarrhoea, couldn’t really walk, though he didn’t have a fever. The tests implied some kind of viral infection, so he received IV therapy because he was completely dehydrated and he also got medicines. In these urgent times, do we feel how few supporters we have who can help us with giving the dogs a ride, sadly.

Some of our dogs found a new home, but we were most happy for Truváj since dachshund-mix dogs usually wait a really long time before that one person finds them. Sadly, our happiness was not long-lasting. After a few days we got a message saying that they didn’t want Truváj anymore. When a thing like this happens, I have to say, we stop believing in people. We don’t sell surprises, we tell everything about our dogs, we bring them to the owners, but if someone changes their mind just like that, it’s not a behaviour that we expect from an adult. Not to mention that the dog is devastated every single time if something like this happens.

Hua, a wirehaired dachshund lady was adopted by her temporary owners, so in her case we can say that they know what they’re getting into.

There were a lot of inquiries about Katniss, a lot of people even visited her, but then everyone disappeared without a word. This beautiful and very kind girl could move to a trusted temporary owner having ex-Habeó as her companion from now on.

A new dog arrived from the ASKA Animal Shelter in Székesfehérvár. He’s a new resident of our kennels in Tárnok, he’s a young adult dachshund-mix male called Csipog who is looking for a temporary owner but he’d be most happy with a new proper owner.

From our quite literal underdog mix dogs, Bingó would have been neutered but instead he started to cough, so the operation had to be postponed. This also means that he has to stay in our kennels for one more week, even though after the operation he would have a proper owner.

We got two new dogs as well. One of them is Suzie also from the ASKA Shelter. She’s a young adult setter mix female dog who swept everyone off their feet. She’s a very friendly, kind, and caring girl, so we believe that she won’t be waiting for a home for a very long time.

Sodó is a more difficult case because he has very firm beliefs about the world but he’s not a bad dog. He has to learn a lot of things but we believe that he can do it. He’s friendly with humans, but in certain situations like trying to get him into the carrier can result in biting, so he really has to learn and accept a lot of things. Since he’s prone to being dominant, neutering him will be beneficial. We’re looking for a temporary or permanent owner for him, as well.

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